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Skill Vs. Skill thread rounds 5-9


89 members have voted

  1. 1. Even or Odd Rhythm?

    • Even Rhythm
    • Odd Rhythm
    • Neither
  2. 2. Faire skills or Aggressor?

    • -Faire
    • Aggressor
    • Neither
  3. 3. Conquest or Iote's shield?

    • Conquest
    • Iote's shield
    • Neither
  4. 4. Deliverer or Movement+1?

    • Deliverer
    • Movement+1
    • Neither
  5. 5. Duel Strike+ or Duel Guard+?

    • Duel Strike+
    • Duel Guard+
    • Neither

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wasn't really aware of rally heart stacking with movement. Ah well.

001.pngDuel Strike+: Adds 10% to the Duel strike rate. Lord Lv. 1

014.pngDuel Guard+: Adds 10% to the Duel guard rate. Great Knight Lv. 15


This one's a toughie, but I have to say duel strike, mostly because getting an extra hit in is always nice. Although duel guard can be a lifesaver..

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I'm gonna vote Dual Guard + here. Better acailability, and with supports bonus, Dual Strike will happens pretty often.

Dual guard has a lower overall activation chance, so it's more needed here...

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It's kind of hard to compare these two since one is offensive support and one is defensive support. Its like comparing Luna vs Aegis.

Going with Dual Guard+ since its a lifesaver.

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It's kind of hard to compare these two since one is offensive support and one is defensive support. Its like comparing Luna vs Aegis.

Going with Dual Guard+ since its a lifesaver.

Yeah, it's a bit different from the past stuff. Essentially a Duel guard vs. duel strike case.

Luna and aegis isn't a bad idea

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Dual Strike+ with Brave Weapons is :D <3 :)

Dual Guard+ is just woah you saved my life okay

Not to mention Dual Strike's activation rate is easily over 80% in most situations (I've actually hit 100% with it once and it was awesome haha) while I've never seen Dual Guard+ go over 40.

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This is definitely Apples and Oranges.

One's for offense, one's for defense, neither should be on a lead unit.

My vote goes to Dual Guard+, due to availability (GK is far more common than Lord-- in fact, only Chrom, Lucina, and a couple spotpass/dlc units can ever get Dual Strike+) and DG+ has more of an impact. DG rates are rather low at all times, so increasing them by 10% has much more of an impact than by increasing the already reliable Dual Strikes by 10%.

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Dual Guard+, due to reasons said by Dinfinity. It's a lifesaver.

Also, if it hasn't been done already, Pavise vs Aegis maybe?

That was already done. If I'm remeùber correctly, Aegis won.

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First of all, it's Dual*, not Duel :C (OCD alert)

Anyway, I prefer Dual Strike. While only 2 characters barring spotpass can actually learn it, I've found it to contribute a whole lot more to my pair-up success than any Dual Guard+ from a Great Knight of mine.

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081.png Even Rythm or 083.png Odd Rhythm?

Neither. It depends on if enemies are close or far from you. Also, less characters have Even Rythm.

faire skills or 093.png Aggressor?

faire skills. They work in Enemy Phase too, and most of the characters at least learn one faire skill. Also, Aggressor is DLC, and male-only...

086.png Conquest or 099.png Iote's shield?

While only 4 characters (Walhart, Morgan as Walhart's son, Zephiel and DLC Ephraim) have Conquest and protects you from 2 common weaknesses, but the Iote's shield can be teach to everyone but is DLC only, and not too many characters have a flying type weakness class in their class tree, my vote will go for neither.

057.png Deliverer or 042.png Movement +1?

Movement +1 is easier to get and works always, but the other one gives +1 more movement and is better if you plan on Pair Up everyone always. Well, my vote will go for neither.

001.png Dual Attack+ or 014.png Dual Guard+?

They have the same boost. Dual Attacks need Skl, which almost all characters have a high number of it. Dual Guards need Def or Res, depending on the enemy that attacks you, so depending in what class you and your partner are, Def and Res can vary A LOT. Also, Dual Attack+ is too limited, and Dual Attacks have a % chance boost even if the two characters that will atack have no support rank. And, you will need that Dual Guard+ 10% boost for tough enemies. Oh, and imagine that you can't counterattack your enemy or your weapons broke... So, because of all that, I think Dual Guard+ is much better.

Edited by Avatar
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Neither for Even/Odd Rhythm: I don't have rhythm.

Conquest for Conquest/Iote's Shield: I voted for Conquest because it's cool. Both are incredibly good, but Conquest is just cool conceptually, in my opinion.

Deliverer for Deliverer/Movement +1: You are going to be paired up anyways. Why not allow your fliers (who have access to it, of course) get it to move ALL the places?

Dual Attack+ for the Dual Guard+/Dual Attack+: It would be Dual Guard+ if it wasn't for how early Dual Attack+ is acquired. A C support gives about a 48% chance of Chrom hitting, I believe, which is awesome early game Lunatic.

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First of all, it's Dual*, not Duel :C (OCD alert)

Oh god, my head hurts now. I don't think I can change to poll now, oh well.

Edited by Melonhead
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