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Rate...My team?

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I've seen a handful of these, sooo... Yeah? I was thinking, I heard people imply that Apotheosis is, like, something you NEED an army of minmaxed rallied married children for, so is this team even salvageable? Or should I just go and consider the Future Past to be my "final DLC"?

Chrom (unfortunately) - Lord



Dual Strike+


Avatar (Damage Dealer?) - Tactician





Avatar 2 (rally bot) - Thief

Rally Spectrum
Rally Heart

Rally Speed

Dual Support+ (thinking of changing this to Renewal)

Lissa (healer) - Cleric




All Stats+2

Sumia (Hit and Run) - Pegasus Knight




Iote's Shield

Cordelia (Sweeper/Hit+Run) - Pegasus Knight




Iote's Shield

Nowi (Pair Up Damage Increase...or something?) - Wyvern Rider



Rally Heart (should probably replace with Lancebreaker?)

All Stats+2 (should probably replace with Iote's Shield?)

Olivia (Duh) - Dancer (Her skillset probably really needs work; she's built like an offensive unit...)

Special Dance




Lucina (Something?) - Lord (She's actually not on my team yet, but this seems like a decent idea...)





Morgan (Aversa's Knight) - Dark Mage




Lifetaker (Will switch to Vengeance when I'm not wandering around, but ugh that skill is so slow)

Owain (Sweeper tank...?) - Cavalier





Kjelle (Actual tank?) - Knight



Vantage (missed out on Sol by going Kellam!Kjelle for stats so she could survive TFP1 as an NPC... Probably a horrible idea)

Laurent (Ordinary Magician) - Mage (He's also my stand-in Archer because Wind Magic)




Nah (Destroyer of Worlds (Sweeper)) - Knight, thinking of changing her class, though.





...Yeah, a 15-unit team. Though I only just started using Cordelia, Kjelle and Lucina, and Owain tends to get benched... And Brady doesn't exist yet, but I think I'll add him as another healer.

Also, I was thinking of using Boots on Olivia. I already have some on my otherworld Rally Avatar.

...Uhh, yeah? I dunno what else to say/do ^-^;

EDIT: OH. And everyone has Limit Breaker, obviously.

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First Tier because special classes aside, I dislike peoples' promoted models xP

(But Walhart's non-Conqueror models make him unusable to me, so that's why he's not on the list even though I used to use him)

5th skill is Limit Breaker on everyone.

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You're not going to be able to beat apotheosis with first tier characters. Their caps are too low.

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Limit Breakered first tiered classes is one of the most crazy awesome set ups I have ever seen and I need to try this asap.

They're definitely not gonna beat apotheosis but everything else is doable with rally support.

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First Tier because special classes aside, I dislike peoples' promoted models xP

(But Walhart's non-Conqueror models make him unusable to me, so that's why he's not on the list even though I used to use him)

5th skill is Limit Breaker on everyone.

Hows that working out for you? And what difficulty are you on? Trying to figure out what to go with on my new game. I don't mind temporarily promoting for skills but the rest of the time I want to keep everyone in their original class like you. Rogues and Redeemers isn't out in Europe yet so no access to Limit Breaker for me =(

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Oh yeah totally forgot to mention, I'm doing Hard!Classic. And yeah it's definitely working for everything I've done so far (though I haven't done some of the harder DLCs yet because NPCs keep dying), but I haven't even downloaded Apotheosis yet, sooo yeah. I recommend this as a postgame thing, but if you're doing an "original class" run instead of an "unpromoted" run, then you shouldn't have much trouble with that type of deal.

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I'm pretty sure apotheosis doesn't change difficulties depending on what mode you're on. No matter what, enemy stats are all caps all the time.

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I've seen a handful of these, sooo... Yeah? I was thinking, I heard people imply that Apotheosis is, like, something you NEED an army of minmaxed rallied married children for, so is this team even salvageable? Or should I just go and consider the Future Past to be my "final DLC"?

Chrom (unfortunately) - Lord



Dual Strike+



It really just depends on where you want chrom. If you want him to be the support unit in a pair, take off Aegis and put on Rightful King. If you want him front lining, take off DS+ and put on Rightful King. In the end, Rightful King is just such a great skill that it's a crying shame to not have on him!


Avatar (Damage Dealer?) - Tactician






Uhh, I've never been much of a Renewal fan. Also, if you want to be a damage dealer, get Aggressor on him-- if it's a her, I might suggest Tomefaire to balance it out a bit-- you know, constant +5 irregardless of which you wield. Armsthrift isn't really all that great a skill in the long run and I'd put Sol on. Or, you could go something like: Ignis, Swordfaire, Aegis (or Pavise), Sol, LB.

Avatar 2 (rally bot) - Thief

Rally Spectrum
Rally Heart

Rally Speed

Dual Support+ (thinking of changing this to Renewal)


Definitely not necessary for Apotheosis. It's always good to have, but not mandatory. The only thing I'd say is that if you're gonna use a rally bot, instead of DS+ and LB, put two more rallies on her and just have her walled so enemies can't get at her.

Lissa (healer) - Cleric




All Stats+2


Not much of a Miracle fan since my healers don't get close enough to the enemy to need it. At a stage like Apotheosis, you'll have about a full map length range on your heal spells, so you won't really need that or renewal.

That's as far as I was able to get, hope it helped a little.

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Hm yeah Chrom really wants to be Paired up (probably with his wife Sumia), I think I'll just give him + stats and DS+ and DG+. I don't totally see why I'd want Rightful King if he's the partner unit?

I like Armsthrift on Avatar because I Owain on my named forges, but I guess I'll focus more on offense skills for Avatar 1 and I guess Sol? Hammerne is always a thing.

Huh, I feel like if I have people paired up, it'll be hard to wall off a rally bot... But anyway, what other Rallies would you suggest? Maybe Def and Res? I can't really get Rally Str at all without beating Apotheosis first.

Miracle on Lissa is kinda filler--any suggestions for things she actually could benefit from?

(And help it did, thanks!)

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Chrom makes a better supporter than frontline imo-- DG+, Dual Strike+... not to mention leaves him a perfect three more skills for Luna, Aether, and Rightful King. Whenever he attacks in the pair, he'll probably be activating one of those to do rediculous damage, especially since it'll simply bypass Pavise for being a dual strike.

Apotheosis is full of high movement enemies, so I can see your point with it being hard to wall, but leaving a defensive unit open for a retreat might also be an option... as far as other rallies, I'd say yes to def and res. skill, and luck are kinda terrible-- speed's another one you might want, but it's situational and depends on if you actually have any units not doubling the enemy already. Mag would be good-- but this is Apotheosis. The +4 turns to +2 (I think) when dragon skin gets done with it-- and goes down to +1 if you're unfortunate enough to be attacking an enemy with Aegis/Pavise+. I'd say don't focus on doing more damage as much as reducing as much damage as you can and then focus effective attacks on select enemies.

Armsthrift is an awesome skill-- I have it on Inigo for unlimited uses of brave weapons/erika's blade, Nosfutanks, and my Manaketes-- and I kept it on for my play through of Apotheosis. It's really not maditory to take it off, but if you find you're struggling, it'd be in your best interest to first switch that before restarting your game is all I'm saying xD

Hmm... I gave my Lissa Tomefaire, LB, all stats +2, DS+, and Galeforce. This works well with my sage Lissa granting her 88 attack with a valeflame equipped. Though, I could potentially see you switching out all stats +2 for healtouch since she's more of a healer in your party. Though, I love DS+ personally and would recommend you throw it on her and watch the awesomeness that is enhanced bonuses. I was able to get 40% crit rates and higher in Apotheosis because of that. Not reliable, but when the same unit that's potentially critting also has a near 80 attack without the pairing, damage gets pretty ridiculous, even with the reductions.

Edited by Raine
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B-but Chrom can't activate any proc skills when he's the supporting partner!

You'll note that Speed is the only specific Rally I've already got xP
But all right, that sounds good about Def/Res since I don't have any of those Lunatic+ Skills on my peeps.

Yeah, so I'll take that off temporarily if I need some help.

Oh yeah totally forgot about DS+, I'll definitely have Lissa go Troubadour now.

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Chrom makes a better supporter than frontline imo-- DG+, Dual Strike+... not to mention leaves him a perfect three more skills for Luna, Aether, and Rightful King. Whenever he attacks in the pair, he'll probably be activating one of those to do rediculous damage, especially since it'll simply bypass Pavise for being a dual strike.

Apotheosis is full of high movement enemies, so I can see your point with it being hard to wall, but leaving a defensive unit open for a retreat might also be an option... as far as other rallies, I'd say yes to def and res. skill, and luck are kinda terrible-- speed's another one you might want, but it's situational and depends on if you actually have any units not doubling the enemy already. Mag would be good-- but this is Apotheosis. The +4 turns to +2 (I think) when dragon skin gets done with it-- and goes down to +1 if you're unfortunate enough to be attacking an enemy with Aegis/Pavise+. I'd say don't focus on doing more damage as much as reducing as much damage as you can and then focus effective attacks on select enemies.

1. yeah, give Chrom Limit Break/Dual Attack+/Dual Guard+/Aggressor/Bowfaire, or replace the 5th skill if you're not using bows

2. in Apotheosis, one does not play defensively, and the rallybots should be offensively focused as a result

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really? he can't proc skills? man, what game have I been playing to get these things so mixed up? @__@

as far as your 'one does not play defensively' bit Shady, it's true. You can't just put yourself in a shell. However, it's much more effective to use defensive rallies than to add 1 damage to your attacks since one damage isn't gonna kill an enemy. I played it through just fine the way I'm suggesting it be played. We each have our own ways of beating it, but the result is the same. I simply find defensive rallies (negating four damage from every attack) to have more effect in the long run than offensive rallies (one or two extra damage to every attack-- unless you're doing 39 damage despite reductions, in which case I say go for it.).

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really? he can't proc skills? man, what game have I been playing to get these things so mixed up? @__@

as far as your 'one does not play defensively' bit Shady, it's true. You can't just put yourself in a shell. However, it's much more effective to use defensive rallies than to add 1 damage to your attacks since one damage isn't gonna kill an enemy. I played it through just fine the way I'm suggesting it be played. We each have our own ways of beating it, but the result is the same. I simply find defensive rallies (negating four damage from every attack) to have more effect in the long run than offensive rallies (one or two extra damage to every attack-- unless you're doing 39 damage despite reductions, in which case I say go for it.).

spoilers: the goal is to not take damage (at least not on the secret waves)

to be clear, as long as you're not OHKOed, you're good

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