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*strokes chin* Mhmm, yes. Indeed

I don't understand

It's the OP theme from a popular anime right now.

"Shingeki no Kyojin"... Engrish name: Attack on Titan, Literal Translation: Attack of the Titans/Advancing Giants.

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Jeez guys.

You can't just slap SnK's OP onto everything.

[spoiler=YOU KNOW. I'll just use this to promote Sound Horizon too!]If you guys like how Shingeki's opening sounds like, you guys should give Sound Horizon a listen. They have some really good music with some pretty twisted stories e u e;


Yield - The guy who does the bagpipes here is Revo, who's the head of SanHora. He also sang the Shingeki opening xD

Schwarzweiß - The opening of Atelier Iris 3 (A GUST game). The main vocalist here is Shimotsuki Haruka, who was a major singer for the Ar tonelico games (By GUST again c: )

Edited by pinkbubblegum
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Dude who hasn't seen Shingeki's OP by this time WHO

I don't watch anime or care about it at all really.


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