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Why does everyone seems to unanimously agree than Taguel sucks ?

Yeah, no doubling is bad, and they are inferior to Taguel in nearly every point, but they are able to double a lot of ennemies, and they do effective damage against more than half promoted class (Thanks to Beastbane, who generally surclass Dragonbane).

Swordmaster 1-2 Range option are also pretty limited, outside of Levin Sword who works on their weaker Magic stats. Beastsone are rare and costly, but this is generally irrelevant in this kind of discussion. Theyb are generally as fast as Swordmaster, but do more damages.

So, why do people says Taguel sucks ?

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I guess people look down on the Taguel class because Panne and Yarne do so much better reclassed (I've always reclassed Panne to wyvern rider whenever I used her, but I NEVER reclassed Yarne once because I like to keep him as a Taguel).

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Pretty much what's been said above. If you can have Panne fly anywhere with 10 MOV (or more with the right pairups/boots) and kill everything with a hand axe, why would you leave her with 6 MOV, worse stats, and the inability to counter an awful lot of enemies?

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I personally love using Taguels; my philosophy is, why reclass them to something else when they do very well in their unique class and you probably already have someone else doing the job you would reclass them to do? I only ever reclass them for skills, then put them back in Taguel, same with my Manaketes.

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Because as much as I wish they were, killer rabbits are not flying tanks

I fucking love the concept of killer rabbits but they kinda aren't very good here what with rangelock, no brave access, etc

Also Panne is my one and only flying tank during the storyline because I only use 5 combat units anyway

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Killer rabbits are completely amazing in design

Unfortunately, Panne falls short because some of her Taguel stats can't cap high enough to let the beaststone+ make up for it.

However, when it comes to Morgan and Yarne...

Edited by The Fush
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Morgan and Yarne are amazing at being Taguel. But I'm pretty sure that's because they inherited my avatar's super genes.

But oddly enough, after equipping the Limit break skill and Beaststone+ on everyone, Panne has slightly higher stats than Morgan as taguel (Yarne isn't finished releveling after Limit Break). Everything is capped out green. It's really weird...

But whatever. They might as well be equals.

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Tanguels got jipped in what stats get raised by their stones. Speed and SKill are great and all-- but when they alter your unit's overall ability to do anything by so little, it's not worth it. Not nearly to the extent of what a manakete does. I mean, it's the difference between 12 extra speed (I think that's +6 to dodge or something?) and 12 extra def for a cap of around 72 def without being paired. Six percent isn't really gonna make or break whether a unit gets hit or not-- but twelve damage is definitely gonna impact how much damage a unit takes to the point that one class simply outperforms the other.

Not to mention dragonstones have 1-2 range while beaststones have a 1 lock range. nuff said. dragonstone>beaststone

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