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Possible plot holes?*This thread will contain spoilers*

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EDIT: My problem with the ages has been cleared up. I think I just read decade in the game and not more than a decade.

I still have to wonder how Lucina managed to get training from Chrom, though, since I assume that he had to spend most of his time warring in Valm. I was also considering Basilio giving Flavia the gemstone before he dies a possible plot hole, but I decided that his reasoning would have been that he was making sure that the gem wasn't known about for safe keeping.

I would love to hear your opinions on these subjects, and if you believe that any of the facts I addressed were wrong, PLEASE LET ME KNOW, DON'T COMPLETELY THROW EVERYTHING THAT I LISTED OUT THE WINDOW BECAUSE OF INCORRECT FACTS! That is exactly why I started this thread, so that I can realize the errors in anything that I said and fill in the holes of my reasoning!

If anyone else has any confusions about certain things in the game, please post them here and we'll help you figure it out!

Edited by Fargo294
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Firstly, present day Lucina is not two years old. She's likely no more than couple months because Chrom says she's still newly born when the Valm arc starts. Not to mention pregnancy lasts nine months (give or take a week or two) and only two years pass between the end of the Plegia war and the beginning of the Valm war. So if Lucina was even a little more than a year old, Chrom would've probably had to successfully get his wife pregnant like right after they were married. It's possible for this to happen, but I doubt Chrom and his wife would start hopping into bed more often instead of helping Ylisse recover from the war.

Secondly, keep in mind that the wars lasted a lot longer in future Lucina's timeline than they did in the present. Her going back in time sped things up and changed a lot. Plus, not all the kids time traveled at the same time. Laurent was in the present five years before Lucina was, and others could have come before her too, making them actually older because they had aged in the time they spent in the present.

Edited by Anacybele
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Firstly, present day Lucina is not two years old. She's likely no more than couple months because Chrom says she's still newly born when the Valm arc starts. Not to mention pregnancy lasts nine months (give or take a week or two) and only two years pass between the end of the Plegia war and the beginning of the Valm war.

Secondly, keep in mind that the wars lasted a lot longer in future Lucina's timeline than they did in the present. Her going back in time sped things up and change a lot. Plus, not all the kids time traveled at the same time. Laurent was in the present five years before Lucina was, and others could have come before her too, making them actually older because they had aged in the time they spent in the present.

Well that sure filled up some plot holes. It looks like I really am good at thinking! I assumed that all the other children arrived in this timeline at relatively the same time since not stated directly(something that catches me most of the time), I'm glad that problem is cleared up now. Now I don't want to seem like an idiot for asking, but when is it mentioned that the wars lasted longer in Lucina's time period?

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I think its when you finally get to the chapter where you get Lucina. She says that her actions sped things up because the war with Plegia was much shorter than it was in her time, thus speeding up Walhart's conquest.

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Yeah, it lasted a much shorter time mainly due to Emmeryn and Lucina's actions. Lucina prevented her assassination at the palace in Ylisstol, which let Emmeryn go to Plegia to seek parley and make a lot of the Plegian troops turn against Gangrel. This made it much easier to defeat him, thus letting Ylisse end the conflict quickly.

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I think its when you finally get to the chapter where you get Lucina. She says that her actions sped things up because the war with Plegia was much shorter than it was in her time, thus speeding up Walhart's conquest.

I don't see the relationship between the length of the Plegian war and the speed of Walhart's conquest.

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Lucina also mentions that had she not saved Chrom from the two assassins in the garden, he would have been wounded and that those wounds would have affected the war. That was on the boat chapter.

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Also, Grima (you) coming back in time sped things up as well. Im pretty sure Grima has Aversa interact with Excelcius causing the Valm conquest to happen differently than in Lucina's timeline.

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Plus, not all the kids time traveled at the same time. Laurent was in the present five years before Lucina was, and others could have come before her too, making them actually older because they had aged in the time they spent in the present.

All of the Children left their future at the same time. Their arrivals were not coinciding, but their departure was.

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I don't see the relationship between the length of the Plegian war and the speed of Walhart's conquest.

Excellus is Grimleal, and may have been gotten tied up with the Plegian war in the original timeline, so Yenfay and the dynasts would've stood against Walhart for a while there, slowing the conquest of Valm?

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Future Past spoilers...

In the main story, Lucina doesn't know Tiki and doesn't know about the gemstones or the Awakening, but in Future Past the kids are working with Tiki to gather the gemstones and perform the Awakening, and the kids in your party were apparently doing the same before coming back in time since they remember being in the situations as their FP counterparts.

Seriously why they didn't make Lucy and Tiki a power duo in the main story ._.

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Future Past spoilers...

In the main story, Lucina doesn't know Tiki and doesn't know about the gemstones or the Awakening, but in Future Past the kids are working with Tiki to gather the gemstones and perform the Awakening, and the kids in your party were apparently doing the same before coming back in time since they remember being in the situations as their FP counterparts.

Seriously why they didn't make Lucy and Tiki a power duo in the main story ._.

I think it's because not everyone is going to buy DLC and they did not want to give away the "hook" of buying the Future Past pack.

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