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Inquiries about breeding Inigo! :D

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To start, I feel like I should say A) Olivia is by far the cutest chick in the history of Fire Emblem, and B) Inigo has got to be my favorite character from any Fire Emblem, ever (I've played all the US ported ones and 1 or 2 of them that didn't make it over here lol).

That in mind, I kinda wanted to have my MaMU marry Olivia this time around, but I'm having serious issues breaking away from the Chrom!Inigo and the beauty that is Rightful King (especially since Lethality is my favorite skill, I kinda put it on.. well.. everyone who I can lol).

I have 4 big questions about the matter:
1) Is it a waste of Olivia/MaMU to have them marry each other? Inigo will end up with good classes no matter who you pair Olivia with, as such I would like to know how much potential I'm wasting here by having an Avatar!Inigo.

2) If yes, is Chrom!Inigo the best way to go about it? I hear a lot of talk about Cynthia desperately wanting Chrom, but frankly, can't Sumia be used elsewhere without too much ill effect on Cynthia? And with regards to that, who is a good partner for Sumia? I did Gaius last time, cuz I like the two together, but now I think I'm going to use Gaius elsewhere for more Galeforce.

3) There seem to be heavily polarized opinions about Virion!Inigo. Is it actually good/bad, or is just like.. "Chrom isn't his dad, so Virion is the next best thing with blue hair"?

4) Why the hell do we get no say in the gender of Morgan? Personally I wanted a prodigal son more than a little snarky pain in the rear daughter lol

Anyone who has a minute, please feel free to comment on the matter, I'm sitting at chapter 11 going "hmmm...." lol

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1) Is it a waste of Olivia/MaMU to have them marry each other? Inigo will end up with good classes no matter who you pair Olivia with, as such I would like to know how much potential I'm wasting here by having an Avatar!Inigo.

- Considering the ease of making 3rd gen set up, I say not much(If done correctly). Inigo is IMO one of those "good in theory, lacking in practice" child when it comes to skillset. He need Sorcerer or Luna to really get going.

Basically optimization is overrated. Favoritism all the way

2) If yes, is Chrom!Inigo the best way to go about it? I hear a lot of talk about Cynthia desperately wanting Chrom, but frankly, can't Sumia be used elsewhere without too much ill effect on Cynthia? And with regards to that, who is a good partner for Sumia? I did Gaius last time, cuz I like the two together, but now I think I'm going to use Gaius elsewhere for more Galeforce.

- Chrom!Inigo is basically the best Inigo becase Chrom is the only father who gives Luna and speed for Inigo. Ricken, Stahl, Frederick, and Kellam all have +0 or less speed mods. As for the best Inigo, its debatably Frederick, Chrom, and LIbra. Rightful King is just an icing on the cake unless you are building a Streetpass Team.

Cynthia does not need anyone outside an actual father to make her exist, because shes so good, that even if Sumia reproduce assexually, she would still become one of the best children in the game.

Basically, Frederick gives Deliverer and Paladin, Gaius gives Assassin and Sol, Henry gives DM, Assassin, and Trobadour, while Chrom gives Paladin, Aether, and SPD Mods.

Out of Henry, Frederick, and Gaius, Henry is the overall worst father(the only one who want Henry is Cherche and Brady. Frederick being the best Gerome, while Brady can take anyone and still be amazing), so I suggest giving Henry to Cynthia,

3) There seem to be heavily polarized opinions about Virion!Inigo. Is it actually good/bad, or is just like.. "Chrom isn't his dad, so Virion is the next best thing with blue hair"?

Blue Hair. Virion is only good when his son is Brady. This actually goes in hand with the misconception of "Inigo is liek always amazing". Virion practically give no useful classes, or at least those that Inigo want(such as Knight, Cavalier, Sorc)

4) Why the hell do we get no say in the gender of Morgan? Personally I wanted a prodigal son more than a little snarky pain in the rear daughter lol

Because IS say so :Kappa:

Damnit I can't bold the Kappa

Edited by JSND
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^ Lol, thank you very much for your help. Glad to know my thoughts on the matter weren't entirely paranoid. If you were to give your opinion, I have a +Spd/-Luck Avatar, is Rightful King worth having Inigo be Chrom's kid over? With Limit Breaker taking up a skill slot too, I'm questioning the usefulness of it.. Galeforce + Limit Breaker + Lethality + Rightful King + Luna/Sol/Armsthrift is what I'd put on him, in which case Rightful King is basically for Lethality procs.

Since you can't have a son as a MaMU *shakes fist*, I would probably pair my Avatar with either Aversa, Cherche (b/c Batman is cool), or Nowi/Tiki/Nah (undecided on which of those three) if I didn't have him father Inigo.

Mind giving me some opinions?

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is Rightful King worth having Inigo be Chrom's kid over? With Limit Breaker taking up a skill slot too, I'm questioning the usefulness of it.. Galeforce + Limit Breaker + Lethality + Rightful King + Luna/Sol/Armsthrift is what I'd put on him, in which case Rightful King is basically for Lethality procs.

Since you can't have a son as a MaMU *shakes fist*, I would probably pair my Avatar with either Aversa, Cherche (b/c Batman is cool), or Nowi/Tiki/Nah (undecided on which of those three) if I didn't have him father Inigo.

Mind giving me some opinions?

RFK is not exactly good for non Streetpass Units. The only set up I can think off that used RFK was like RFK, Sol, Aether, Galeforce, LB and only MU!Lucina can run it.

You can have a son as a MaMu. Its called Marry someone with a son(Maribelle, Lissa, Panne, Cherche)

Amongst them, personally I found Cherche as the best in term of making a full team. Panne led to better Morgan for being simmilar to Gerome, with superior mods.

Logically, Lissa is the best choice out of those though

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As a ChromxOlivia shipper and a big fan of Chrom-haired Inigo, I say go for the pair! I love the idea of Rightful King and Lethality on him too. Cause Lethality is also my favorite skill so far too. lol Even though I've only seen it used once so far...

You shouldn't worry too much about stats and stuff, especially if you're playing on normal mode. Just have fun and go for what you like best!

EDIT: Oh, I'm also a HenryxSumia shipper since I prefer her other options with other women. Cynthia would probably be a great Dark Flier this way and probably the only good Dark Flier you'd get if you don't make Lissa one. Neither Sumia nor Cordelia have good enough magic stats to be efficient magic users.

Edited by Anacybele
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Calling shadowofchaos. MU/Olivia is his OTP, so he'd likely be able answer any questions you had about the pairing. That said, if you just want a great Inigo, Chrom would probably make the better father only due to RFK. It's not so much that RFK itself is that much better than other skills, but just that between the classes that Chrom and Olivia pass down, the skills from other classes aren't really worthwhile.

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Calling shadowofchaos. MU/Olivia is his OTP, so he'd likely be able answer any questions you had about the pairing.

Remember, I don't like her English counterpart.


Despite the fact that I probably know the story and supports, as well as conversations from Future of Despair and such about him and her more than anyone in the English community, I'm not a "gameplay" person when it comes to that department of that pairing.

It's about as canon as Ike x Micaiah, but obviously I don't care about that.

4) Why the hell do we get no say in the gender of Morgan? Personally I wanted a prodigal son more than a little snarky pain in the rear daughter lol

You just can't appreciate how kawaii she is.


Edited by shadowofchaos
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4) Why the hell do we get no say in the gender of Morgan? Personally I wanted a prodigal son more than a little snarky pain in the rear daughter lol

Morgan starts in his/her other parent's base class (with obvious exceptions), if you married a Peg Knight than Morgan would be in a gender exclusive class, because of consistency IS made him/her always be the gender of his/her other parent.

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RFK is not exactly good for non Streetpass Units. The only set up I can think off that used RFK was like RFK, Sol, Aether, Galeforce, LB and only MU!Lucina can run it.

You can have a son as a MaMu. Its called Marry someone with a son(Maribelle, Lissa, Panne, Cherche)

Amongst them, personally I found Cherche as the best in term of making a full team. Panne led to better Morgan for being simmilar to Gerome, with superior mods.

Logically, Lissa is the best choice out of those though

I was considering Cherche, though, but still hedging on the matter lol

As for RFK, yeah eventually all my teams start heading towards "lets make this a streetpass team" since, although IS lacked the foresight to say "Hmmm... once they beat Apotheosis, the only real challenge left is other players" and put in a direct multiplayer, I like having teams that would scare people when they show up in their world lol

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The funniest part is that both Male MU and Olivia had maxed stats... and no Limit Breaker.

And yet somehow, the English one just HAPPENED to be one magic point short of maxing her out at base.

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The funniest part is that both Male MU and Olivia had maxed stats... and no Limit Breaker.

And yet somehow, the English one just HAPPENED to be one magic point short of maxing her out at base.

?_? sounds interesting... I wonder how that happened.

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One of the parents didn't max out his/her Mag in every class. e.g. Avatar might have maxed Mag as a Grandmaster but not as a Sage.

That's probably the reason.

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  • 1 month later...

1.) I'm not exactly sure about this one but I think that since MaMu has so many different possibility a you should try them all out and see which pairing you like best.

2.) Olivia's best husbands in my opinion are either Lońqu, Chrom or Virion. Plus Olivia will still pass down Galeforce. You just need to use a second seal to make her a Pegasus Knight and then use the Masterseal to make her a Dark Flier and when at level 15 you can just reclass her back to dancer. Just make sure the skill you want to be passed down to the child is the last skill the parents have equipped. Cynthia will be one of the most powerful children if Chrom is the father (but I personally prefer Frederick and Sumia).

3.) I think the main reason people like Virion as Inigo's father (I am one of those people), is because Inigo is such a ladies man and a flirter, it would only make sense that he inherited his father's love for women. And we all know how much Virion loves to propose to women he just met! XD

4.) I think because it wouldn't make sense if you could just decide what gender Morgan is. You can't decide the gender of your kid. IT'S UNSIENTIFIC!!! (Although Fire Emblem isn't exactly scientific)

Edited by Katie: Grandmaster
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As for the best mother for Morgan, it depends on want you want her to end up to be. I think the best would be Lucina, because she passes down Aether or Rightful King, which are great skills to have! If you play as the Female avatar, I think the best father is Chrom, because he will make Morgan one of the most powerful children. Plus FeMu can pass down Galeforce.

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