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The weird moment when a pre-inserted animation glitches...

Alfred Kamon

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Oh Gods, this is new.

I don't really know how this happened, however... here, take a look at the pic.


As you can see, that particular Social Knight w/lances frame is a bit glitchy, and I don't know why. It never has been like that.

There are only 2-3 frames glitched like that, just before he returns to position, but I think it's quite annoying and I don't know why it looks like that.

I've inserted some custom animations to the end of the rom lately, including eCut's one for Axe Cavaliers (by the way: thanks! It's great! ^^) and repointed everything correctly (in fact it works). However it started glitching the previous pre-included animation, dafaq?

I also tried to repoint the socialknight animation to the old version (aka without axes) but it still looks like this.

Any idea on what's going on?

Edit: I found this:


but I don't think it works since IIRC FE8 uses a different method to have an enemy drop his last item... or am I wrong?

I'm going to check my nightmare to be sure.

Edit2: In fact.

I checked all the characters in the ROM, but the only istances I found were "Boss" and "Female". All the others always were 0x00s. No strange numbers at all...

So basically now I know that it's a problem caused by a repointing that FEeditor does, but I still don't know how to fix it in FE8.

Any help?

Edited by Alfred Kamon
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Is that the only animation that it happens to? Which other ones have similar problems? You could always just reinsert the animation to see if that solves the problem.

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Yes, it's the only one luckily.

Astra, thank you for the suggestion. I actually thought about that some moments ago but I wasn't sure if the problem involved any lance!cavalier(due to automatic hex repointing of the animation) or just to that particular animation slot. Anyway if you say it works, I'll just do like you said.

Thanks for the answers. ^^

Edited by Alfred Kamon
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