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Explain People's Class Sets


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More of a personal thing, but I'll preface by saying that Miriel/Lon'qu is probably my favourite pairing, so I'm working with that from the outset.

That being said, though, my personal theory on why Laurent has Barbarian (an otherwise weird option) might be because after his parents moved to Regna Ferox, someone like Basilio or Flavia would have wanted Laurent to return to his father's roots and use axes for a bit. Then his mother/father/both step in and say that he's probably better playing to his own strengths, so he becomes a scholar instead, all that jazz.

Or I guess maybe with other parents, he starts in a desert, Barbarians live in the desert, etc. I dunno. I don't care too much about plot or canon myself, but it's a fun little thing.

Laurent wound up in the desert village when he traveled back in time. The are was known for barbarians wandering about searching for treasure, meaning Laurent probably picked up a few skills from the locals. That class choice was a result of circumstance rather than personality.

I always thought that fighters got into street fights often, which explains why Vaike and maybe Gaius had that option.

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Laurent wound up in the desert village when he traveled back in time. The are was known for barbarians wandering about searching for treasure, meaning Laurent probably picked up a few skills from the locals. That class choice was a result of circumstance rather than personality.

I always thought that fighters got into street fights often, which explains why Vaike and maybe Gaius had that option.

Well, considering how studious Laurent is, the theory might be right.

This is a good topic, I have to say.

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In addition to character backgrounds and the like being connected to class sets, I think there are certain traits of personality or character that could be connected to base class lines.

Mercenary line: Independence. Severa makes a point of being independent from her mother's legacy, and mercenaries tend to be independent as a general rule for the profession.

Fighter line: Determination. This fits Vaike and Donnel to a T.

Thief line: Self-sufficiency. People like Gaius and Panne are definitely capable of taking care of themselves.

Cavalier line: Loyalty. Loyal knights that serve their kingdom and such.

Myrmidon line: Adeptness. The characters who have this are either very skilled fighters (Lon'qu, Sully, Gregor) or are naturally skilled in specific other ways (Gaius and his general cleverness).

Dark Mage: Insecurity or secrecy. This one's kinda odd, but folks like Henry, Tharja, Libra and Cordelia all have facades of some sort (though in Henry's case it may be more that his mind has deluded itself and turned him into the lovable rascal he is today).

And so on. Some of these could be stretches, and this could just be excessive theorizing and cataloging on my part. But admittedly I've tried making class sets for people I know based on these ideas >_<

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Going with Myrmidon = Adeptness logic, I can't see why Cordelia doesn't have it(and replaced by Dark Mage instead). She's skilled at many things, so I guess by going that, she could have it as one of her class sets instead.

Dark Mage isn't also about being secretive too; as I stated, knowledge could lead to Dark Mage too(and that's why Miriel has it).

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One of them is because Cordy's speciality is, in fact with Lances >_>

Myrms are associated with Swords, something that she is not specially good at <_<


But with Dark Mage I guess it's just showing how she's really adept at things(including mastering Dark magic).

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This is amazing, I've no idea that so much effort has been put into this game characters' design.

Basically all classes the characters have, has a reasonable answer, coincidence can only go so far.

Another reason why I like FEA so much.

Priam has Mercenary because Ike was a mercenary. Ike was a hero, so Priam promotes to hero is legitimate.

As for having 3 breaker, is the same reason as Coordelia, perfection.

Out-of-topic:Is Priam a dreadfighter with Superior Tome with 5 other breaker skills troll enough for spotpass?

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