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I finally beat Paralogue 23

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My very first strategy about a month ago was to have Panne and Yarne duo the map. But at that time, the only one with somewhat capable durability was Panne, while Yarne was just too weak to do it even though he had Luna/Gamble/Wrath.

Re-visiting yesterday, my strategy consisted on having a base level Aversa paired up with Gangrel, S-supported Cynthie and Gerome, Emmeryn for backup (Rescue staff), Henry A-supported with Sumia, Panne and Yarne, Libra and Cherche (A-supported). Chrom and Lucy just stood there.

Anyway, Cynthie and Aversa (Aversa had a Ruin tome) took out most of the enemies of the Western side of the map, and thanks to Galeforce, they could kill enemies and get away each turn. In case one of them failed to kill something (Aversa, I'm looking at the many times you've failed to critical with high %s and with doubling chances), Emmeryn would provide Rescue staff backup. For those pesky Generals (and pretty much most enemies, since they had stupid durability) I've had Cynthia use the Luna lance and Gerome's Hammer/Silver Axe backup (Dual Strike) and YarnexPanne just slaughtered most enemies (Luna helped a ton here). The main force was my Dread Fighter, Libra. He took out most of the enemies that were around the center of the map while hiding in the bushes for extra Avo and with the help of Cherche's Pair-up bonuses and ocassionally useful Brave Axe strikes (her stats aren't quite up-to-par). Just when I thought he was about to die really early (Turn 2 Enemy Phase), he surprised me by pulling BS Dual-Guards, Mirable and stupid Avo against SMs and Snipers (who have a ton of hit, easily around 80+% on him) and him countering with Vengance really helped on the enemies he couldn't double (SMs).

Edited by Soul
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If dual guard procs on Astra it works for all 5 hits. It doesnt roll #s for every hit of Astra.

Looks F'ing hilarious though. having the camera and game pause for every hit and going through the animation for all 5 hits gets pretty funny.

If I remember right, my normal team on the first runthrough split up into 3 groups (main lord spotpass for the filler units) and had Emmeryn just fortify as a healer. It was a pretty OP and grinded team, but it was fun. Haven't beaten it on hard, but came close.

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How did you defeat Priam? You used Aversa's Ruin tome to solo most of the map?! Nice.

Well, if you have read it completely (-_-), you would know that Cynthia and Aversa mostly used "Hit & Run" tactics while Yarne paired with Panne took most of the Western side while Cynthia and Aversa took out 2-ranged enemies (mainly Snipers and Mages because of their high Hitrates). Panne and Yarne can dodge incredibly well.

More than half of the enemies were handled by Libra with Cherche's Pair-Up support.

If dual guard procs on Astra it works for all 5 hits. It doesnt roll #s for every hit of Astra.


Looks F'ing hilarious though. having the camera and game pause for every hit and going through the animation for all 5 hits gets pretty funny.

If I remember right, my normal team on the first runthrough split up into 3 groups (main lord spotpass for the filler units) and had Emmeryn just fortify as a healer. It was a pretty OP and grinded team, but it was fun. Haven't beaten it on hard, but came close.

I wouldn't know...I've had animations off because there were 9001 enemies there.

My team is only lightly grinded, so that's why I didn't just lolstomp everything, even with someone like Walhart.

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  • 1 year later...

I found that the best solution was a Hero Donnel.

I reclassed him into a Mercenary at Lv. 10, and turned him into a Hero at Lv. 20, maxing him out. I also paired him up with Nowi, who he had an S-Support with.

The fun begins once you hand him the Sol sword. Since he had Armsthrift and that wonderful luck stat (make sure it is over 50), Sol will never lose durability. And since his skill was also fairly high, Sol would regularly activate, and it would double thanks to the sword. Now just send him to the front lines and watch him murder everything, and hang on to all the health he needs thanks to Sol, which activates on almost every turn, essentially turning him into a melee Nosfertanker. I would advise being a bit careful near the ranged classes, however.

Note: The plan will be next to impossible if you don't have the Sol sword from Walhart at the Valm Castle Approach. Your chances of Sol activating will be halved, and won't activate when you need it to (Which is pretty much ALL the time).

Hope this works.

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Hope this works.

It doesn't. Having a weapon with a skill effect on it doesn't stack with having that skill equipped.

Anyway, I just threw a random capped unit in there with Sol and AT and they cleaned house.

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