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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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If we anted to be really trollish, any FE item could have small % chance of "missing" and not damaging the enemy.

That would be hilarious. XD

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Or he could make it so it couldn't be thrown.


But maybe it would be funnier for the devil axe to reflect and then home in on whoever threw it!

That would also be awesome and easily make it the troll-iest item

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The Brawl fan actually is very useful for multi-man

It's useful all around because if you're a halfway decent button masher, it's inescapable.
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It's useful all around because if you're a halfway decent button masher, it's inescapable.

And this is why I found it annoying. :P

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It's useful all around because if you're a halfway decent button masher, it's inescapable.

I like to use it as a throwing weapon cause its easy to catch before it falls and disappears

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I'm way late on this, but...Marth is most definitely the mascot of the Fire Emblem series, in Japan and everywhere else in the world. He's always gonna be in Smash Bros. now. And even if he was only the mascot in Japan...Smash Bros. is made in Japan, so...there ya go.

As for items, maybe the Hand Ax? It could function like a boomerang maybe.

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Guys, the Speed wings would be the extremely cool, the Devil sword/ axe would be cool too or just put the Lady Sword to make it even more Super Bash Sisters.

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meanwhile, in the ssb4 thread, everybody is still trying to be Ana's mom

Marth is definitely the poster boy of FE. He's been in four (five?) FE games, more than anybody else.

Edit: well there's Anna but she isn't really important at any point of the series

Edited by Comet
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I think we can safely say Ike is in Smash to stay now too. He's the second most iconic FE character after Marth with two games where he's the star, a DLC appearance in Awakening, and two playable appearances in Smash now. He could even be called the west's FE posterboy now, maybe.

Edited by Anacybele
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I think we can safely say Ike is in Smash to stay now too. He's the second most iconic FE character after Marth with two games where he's the star, a DLC appearance in Awakening, and two playable appearances in Smash now. He could even be called the west's FE posterboy now, maybe.

Hey's pretty solid but I wouldn't say he's as sure fire as Marth. If a new Fire Emblem lord appeared with the same playstyle as Ike I could see him getting replaced in Smash Bros.

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Hey's pretty solid but I wouldn't say he's as sure fire as Marth. If a new Fire Emblem lord appeared with the same playstyle as Ike I could see him getting replaced in Smash Bros.

I'd think that Sakurai would just skip that guy entirely or go the Lucina route and make him a clone. He skipped Chrom because he'd be too similar to Marth and Ike.

Oh, and I forgot to mention that Ike is the only lord with two games outside of Japan too.

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I'm used to Lucina, she's fine. But I am still miffed over My Unit's inclusion. 8U I hope they are like Villager where they have variety. I always disliked My Unit's default appearance, especially F!My unit's hair.

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I'd think that Sakurai would just skip that guy entirely or go the Lucina route and make him a clone. He skipped Chrom because he'd be too similar to Marth and Ike.

Oh, and I forgot to mention that Ike is the only lord with two games outside of Japan too.

People are already slightly annoyed that Fire Emblem has got four reps while other more popular series like Donkey Kong only have two (for now). Fire Emblem is a very wide and diverse series and has a lot to offer in terms of moveset. And Ike isn't getting any younger. Path of Radiance will be a ten year old game next year. Marth will always have the distinctive spot as the face of Fire Emblem because he was the first lord and nothing can change that. A hip young popular lord with a giant sword could easily come along and overthrow old man Ike as the popular heavyweight swordsman.

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People are already slightly annoyed that Fire Emblem has got four reps while other more popular series like Donkey Kong only have two (for now). Fire Emblem is a very wide and diverse series and has a lot to offer in terms of moveset. And Ike isn't getting any younger. Path of Radiance will be a ten year old game next year. Marth will always have the distinctive spot as the face of Fire Emblem because he was the first lord and nothing can change that. A hip young popular lord with a giant sword could easily come along and overthrow old man Ike as the popular heavyweight swordsman.

Annoyed? I thought we were all happy that FE got four reps. And there's nothing stopping Sakurai from adding another DK rep. And you forget about Radiant Dawn, which came out three years after PoR. And Smash is using RD Ike now.

Also, fuck relevance. xP It hasn't stopped Sakurai from keeping people like Sheik and Jigglypuff around.

Edited by Anacybele
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Marth is definitely the poster boy of FE. He's been in four (five?) FE games, more than anybody else.

Edit: well there's Anna but she isn't really important at any point of the series

False actually, Catria and Paula beat him out. They appeared in 1, 2, 3, BS, 11, 12, and 13

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I think we can safely say Ike is in Smash to stay now too. He's the second most iconic FE character after Marth with two games where he's the star, a DLC appearance in Awakening, and two playable appearances in Smash now. He could even be called the west's FE posterboy now, maybe.

I'd say he's safe for Smash, but I would definitely not go so far as to say he could be called the west's FE posterboy. That's too much of a stretch.

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Annoyed? I thought we were all happy that FE got four reps. And there's nothing stopping Sakurai from adding another DK rep. And you forget about Radiant Dawn, which came out three years after PoR. And Smash is using RD Ike now.

Also, fuck relevance. xP It hasn't stopped Sakurai from keeping people like Sheik and Jigglypuff around.

I don't think you'll find many people here who are annoyed. We're all Fire Emblem fans after all! And while Radiant Dawn came out in 2008, the next Smash Bros game probably won't come out until 2020.

False actually, Catria and Paula beat him out. They appeared in 1, 2, 3, BS, 11, 12, and 13

Camus also manages to make an appearance in all those games. BS even seems to revolve around him.

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I'd say he's safe for Smash, but I would definitely not go so far as to say he could be called the west's FE posterboy. That's too much of a stretch.

Why not? Can you explain?

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You're creating a wall that divides the FE fanbase. Yeah, Japan may have different views as a whole, but in no way should they be a separate entity, just because FE was once region exclusive. The only way you could get away with that is if there was still aome exclusivity between the east and west, such as maybe every FE from 7 to 10 was locked from Japan and instead, they got something entirely different.

Different views are apparent, but FE is international now, so having different posterboys just doesn't work. Ya gotta look at the whole picture, not just a piece

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I'd say Marth is as much the poster boy for the west as he is for the east. He appeared in both Melee and Brawl which is where a lot of fans first found out about Fire Emblem. The fact that he appeard in both while Marth didn't gives the impression he has some form of importance. He also had his original game localized and on top of that Marth shows up everywhere in Awakening from Lucina's Masked Marth, to Tiki's support conversations and, what was it, three different playable Einharjar versions of him? If you ask anyone who knows Fire Emblem is a thing to name character Marth will most likely be their first name on their lips.

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Different views are apparent, but FE is international now, so having different posterboys just doesn't work. Ya gotta look at the whole picture, not just a piece

Well, this is true. But if you ask someone who knows of FE to name two characters from the series, Marth and Ike will probably be the names they say.

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