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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Why couldn't it be Thursday, or better yet, Saturday, why when most people have classes?

yes lets celebrate Smash Bros on Sept. 11th

By Saturday, everyone would of bought the game anyways and they want to do their own reveals rather than have Japanese fans spoil everything probably.

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Oh yeah and a 100 page famitsu of Smash Bros is shown off. It even shows off every revealed character's alternative costumes. Due note it is slow because everyone is going to the website.


Go to this one.


Also heh that Tiki costume. Seems like Lucina's alts are majority of the FE:A girls.


Updated the Link.

It has all alternative costumes and final smashes for every single revealed character.

Edited by kingddd
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...Ike has a real Greil alt, but I see no Black Knight OR Vanguard. But HALF of his alts give him black armor. That is so boring. I honestly don't like ANY of these alt colors for him. Guess I'm sticking with his default Hero look.

The site keeps giving me errors ugh.

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Ah thanks.

...One of Luigi's alts looks EXACTLY the same as his default look? Wtf?

At least he still has Fire Luigi. But overall, I am extremely disappointed. With my two mains, anyway. Toon Link, Rosalina, and Robin at least have colors I DO like.

Another weird thing though, Charizard, Pikachu, and Greninja have shiny colorations as alts, but Lucario doesn't? I see no sense in this either.

Edited by Anacybele
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Yep, as expected... "Hissatsu no ichigeki" for Lucina.

Even with a clone moveset, there was still a possibility that her Final Smash might have been different... like Ganondorf and Captain Falcon.

Nope, still critical hit.

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I'm pretty miffed that Lucina has all those baller cameo alt colours and they didn't bother to change Marth's hair colour for any of his.

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Looking at Ike's costumes, is the last one Chrom's colour pallete? That's what it looks like it to me anyway.


I don't think so. Chrom has a white shoulder guard. Ike is wearing black armor in the last one. xP

I noticed Rosalina, Yoshi, and Peach are now Steeler fans. Black 'n gold ftw. lol

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I still can't believe Ike has a Greil alt (and now that I look again, I DO see Black Knight as well), but no Vanguard alt. Greil is cool and all, but he's hardly recognizable. Who's going to know where those colors come from except for people that played PoR?

What's more, the blue cape one seems to be based off of Lord Ike from PoR. If Lord Ike can be there, Vanguard would've CERTAINLY been no issue.

DLC/unlockable costumes are looking more likely to me here. I just can't see any other reason why Vanguard would be excluded from this bunch.

Edited by Anacybele
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Why couldn't it be Thursday, or better yet, Saturday, why when most people have classes?

I'm probably the only person who is glad it's on Friday instead of Thursday or Saturday. I work from 4 AM - 11 AM Central Time on Thursday and Saturday (It starts at 6 AM my time) but have off on Friday.

A few reactions as I scrolled down:

1. Mario still has a Wario costume.

2. Luigi's first and third costumes are exactly the same. Misprint?

3. Peach still has her Daisy alt. Wonder if her name changes like Olimar's to Alph's (probably not).

4. Bowser's fourth costume: Teenage Mutant Ninja Bowser? (He just kinda looks like a ninja turtle minus the headband. Maybe it's just me)

5. Hoping to get a good view of Fierce Deity Link. Kinda small and not the best angle. Oh well.

6. Palutena's costumes are really classy-looking.

7. "Black Knight Ike" doesn't really look much like the Black Knight.

8. Probably gonna stick with the defaults colors when I try out Robin (which I'm going to do eventually regardless of my opinion on his/her inclusion)

9. Lucina's alts are cool. Might play as Tharja Lucina.

10. Most of the Pokemon have alts that look kinda like their shiny forms, but not exactly. Greninja doesn't quite have enough black (or the right shade of red for its tongue), for instance.

11. Shulk's got a nice variety in costumes, too.

12. Lol Oven Mitt Pacman. Don't know why I find that funny.

13. HOLY SHIT THE FOOTBALL HELMETS ON THE MIIS ARE BROWN AND ORANGE (Technically, an actual Cleveland Browns helmet has hardly any brown on it. It's mostly orange with a white line down the middle with a small brown line on either side of the white line, as seen on my avatar. But still: it's a football helmet, it's Browns colors. FUCK YEAH!)

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Unless I'm mistaken, Marth has both a Roy-inspired palette and a Leif-inspired one. That's cool

Love that, and Lucina's alts are super cool too. Those along with Ike's blue fire and updated critical hit, Sakurai's team is really giving the FE fans a good treatment.

On non FE characters, Little Mac has really cool ones, looking forward to the hoodie, and Captain Falcon, Greninja, and Charizard have really sweet ones too.

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