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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Yeah, but it's still fun when there's no lag. Which doesn't seem to be often. xP

And seems people do want a tourney thread, so I'll go make one!

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Seriously? No 1 v 1 in Tourney Mode?

Nintendo, you done fucked up again.

Go and select the Regular option on the tournaments screen, there you can find a 1 vs 1 For Glory option.

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I'd like to request that we not use this thread to organize tournaments or other matches; 6? 8? pages is kind of excessive.

Like, advertising them here is probably fine, but we already have a social / matchmaking thread.


lmao I missed Ana's post you guys already made a thread, gg me

[8/2/15, 4:28:39 AM] Shin: give it the SHIN seal of approval

I'm all up for it, if anyone wants to add me on skype it's stardust_ricon

Made a skype group for the tourney, my skype is ryanhannah13 for those interested!

yo we do also have a general SF Smash Skype chat; I can add you guys to it if you're interested. sometimes it's more active than others

(I can also add anyone else; just PM me your skype username)

Edited by Euklyd
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Go and select the Regular option on the tournaments screen, there you can find a 1 vs 1 For Glory option.

That's true, though you may have to wait upwards of 30 minutes for a tourney, if one is even open. Even disregarding the wait time, however, the lack of user-made 1v1 tourneys defeats the whole point of why I wanted tourney mode. I could play 1v1 in actual For Glory mode if that was all I wanted. What I wanted was a way to play 1v1 with no items but with a variety of competitive stages and the option for Mii's and customs. Nintendo basically came through with all of this, but no 1v1 is a deal-breaker. Unless Nintendo patches it, I'm going back to For Glory, and possibly looking into Anther's Ladder.

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Go and select the Regular option on the tournaments screen, there you can find a 1 vs 1 For Glory option.

I tried this just now. Terrible. All my matches went to time (well, there was this one guy that SD), tons of lag, and a bunch of stupid opponents rolling everywhere.64 man tourney, I was in grand finals, and my opponent was still one of these low skill For Glory rollers.

I know Nintendo can't really fix stupid opponents, but please work on the servers so they don't lag sooo much and make the timer longer. Also, get rid of those 64 man item tourneys, they will NEVER fill up.

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My real-time reaction: "Oh. Luma jab lock. Okay, whatever, that will get patched anywWWWHHHAAATTT???"

The user who posted this also said that it worked till the blastzone/Ko but the gif could only be so long.

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ID is 46810869821713

password is Falchion

Trying the point system over "wins" to see how it goes

If people want to doof around on another tourney.

Which I thought I turned items off on..

Probably should make a new one then..

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