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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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I don't think FE'll get a third character; compared to some of the other series whose characters are getting added to the roster, I just don't think we match up popularity wise.

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Nintendo couldn't resist her cleavage that they had to put her in. ^^

She now can use her bewbs for her defense. Smack them upside the head with her Dragonstone and shout "Now, I'm mad!" and transform whenever you obtain the special item and having her smack them out of the ring.

from that logic Nintendo would add in Thraja and Noire cause of bewbs ( they too powafull) Edited by Ron the Earthsage
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Never heard of it!

Greninja should be one of the pokes to help assist you in battle, like for example Ho-Oh and Entei were. Charizard and Lucario should get their Mega formes only with them grabbing the special item. Chrom will likely be the next candidate to replace Ike.

You need to watch it over again. Before she's even shown, it says "Guess the character". That's the trophy quiz.

If that doesn't help, go to the official site and tell me Tiki's playable.

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They confirmed Marth, Tiki is just a trophy (just like Fi, Phosphora, Pseudo Palutena, etc. who were shown as trophies), and Lyn is just an assist trophy. As for Chrom and/or Lucina, that's unknown so far.

Rosalina will be in it too.

*Brushes hair away from face*

Great. Put in Daisy.

Of course Marth will be in it cuz head would roll if he wasn't. Ness shall be in it too, or heads will roll. The Mother characters they should put in Lucas, Ninten, Ness, and likely Paula.

You need to watch it over again. Before she's even shown, it says "Guess the character". That's the trophy quiz.

If that doesn't help, go to the official site and tell me Tiki's playable.


Edited by Dark_Huntress
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You need to watch it over again. Before she's even shown, it says "Guess the character". That's the trophy quiz.

If that doesn't help, go to the official site and tell me Tiki's playable.

i litteraly checked there before i got here but untill the game fully comes out we only have clues on whos in and whos not

With that if they make another Fox clone and not make Krystal i will go outside and shoot a turtle

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i literally checked there before i got here but until the game fully comes out we only have clues on whose in and whose not

If there was any hint that said person would be playable, why would he show them in any form that is not playable? No playable person was shown as a trophy first before being revealed, as doing such a thing would be misleading to the fans. That is my point. If someone is playable, Sakurai would say it himself. As for the ones who haven't been announced, it is what it is.

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Seriously, if Star Fox deserves three characters, Fire Emblem does too. Star Fox is dead, FE is not and recently got a popularity boost. My prediction is Marth, Ike, and Chrom or Avatar.

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oh man

there will not be 4 Mother Characters

I think we'll be lucky if Ness is still in cause you know

The mother games are OLD

Maybe if Nintendo wasnt lazy enough to NOT remake some of there best games (im lookin at u Fe1-6) theb more people would know bout him it could be revived as it was for a short while cause like FE people got curious on Ness and lucass games
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There is so far no confirmation yet that Chrom or Lucina will be in.

Lyn is so far said be a trophy. But...


*Brushes hair away from face*

I don't know about Tiki's case.



Little Mac is old too and he made it as he was a trophy before. But...Mother's case, the chances of characters existing is an in between.


Put in Chrom, Please Nintendo. <333

Who can resist that white cape?

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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There is so far no confirmation yet that Chrom or Lucina will be in.

Lyn is so far said be a trophy. But...


*Brushes hair away from face*

I don't know about Tiki's case.

I already told you. Tiki is a trophy.

Lyn is, like how she was before, an assist trophy

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Seriously, if Star Fox deserves three characters, Fire Emblem does too. Star Fox is dead, FE is not and recently got a popularity boost. My prediction is Marth, Ike, and Chrom or Avatar.

Star fox is not dead they just u know ran a stake into its heart that fans didnt like it till after krystal who Is one of the few starf fox chars i like and they can make more star fox games but same thing with mother
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Why do people keep mentioning Masked Marth being an alternate costume to Marth? I'm generally curious why this is a popular opinion. Before Marth was revealed, it wasn't so bad, but Fire Emblem 12 Marth has a completely different costume to Masked Marth. Other than Wario and Wii Fit Trainer, no one else got this treatment either.

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I wish Ephraim had a chance. I'd greatly prefer him to Chrom or Avatar and especially Lucina. He's a lance dude too, that would be so awesome to play as.

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Well im saying they may make lucina a alternate costume to marth as they both share the same style of the sword and it would create a uneccisarry copy character (like all of the star fox members besides Fox the original)

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I already told you. Tiki is a trophy.

Lyn is, like how she was before, an assist trophy

Only except that they will use her DLC art this time for the trophy.


It's unknown if Charizard, Greninja and Lucario will be actual playable characters.

If Greninja is a playable character like Lucario, Mewtwo and Pikachu were, then


That Sexy frog could not be resisted. Fennelkin will just be a Pokemon from a Pokeball. Chestnaught is unknown at this time!

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Seriously, if Star Fox deserves three characters, Fire Emblem does too. Star Fox is dead, FE is not and recently got a popularity boost. My prediction is Marth, Ike, and Chrom or Avatar.

Mother is dead too and look at the poplarity that Mother 3 got when Lucas got released in SSBB. They even said that Mother 3 in the 1001 games you should play before you die has made it to that list. Indeed. Play it now if you haven't. Mother and Star Fox will still continue to live in the Smash Bros games. Fire Emblem is not dead, so it should get three characters. Star Fox and Mother should only get one.

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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Only except that they will use her DLC art this time for the trophy.


It's unknown if Charizard, Greninja and Lucario will be actual playable characters.

If Greninja is a playable character like Lucario, Mewtwo and Pikachu were, then


That Sexy frog could not be resisted. Fennelkin will just be a Pokemon from a Pokeball. Chestnaught is unknown at this time!

dude ninja zard Pikachu. And luca are confirmed u dis not check the website anyways this probally leads to no more pokemon slots bwing filled

(Greninja = the sex panther Sain)

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Only except that they will use her DLC art this time for the trophy.


It's unknown if Charizard, Greninja and Lucario will be actual playable characters.

If Greninja is a playable character like Lucario, Mewtwo and Pikachu were, then


That Sexy frog could not be resisted. Fennelkin will just be a Pokemon from a Pokeball. Chestnaught is unknown at this time!...

......Aya. did you even watch the direct?

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I'm willing to bet Fire Emblem gets three reps this time around, but in the remote case it only gets two, it will be Marth and one of Chrom/Lucina/Avatar. I really don't see Ike having higher priority than a FE13 rep.

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......Aya. did you even watch the direct?

Not fully yet.


Greninja is only going to be a Pokeball, I suppose.

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