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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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You know if any Namco character is liable to get in (which I don't think they are, but whatever), I'd put my money on Lloyd from Tales of Symphonia. He's kind of a fan favorite, right?

That's what I meant, Jave, that wire frame Mac isn't a traditional recolor. But it's true that it didn't require a new model or anything.

What I was saying was irrelevant to whether or not it was 'traditonal', so I'm not really sure what point you were trying to make by arguing that.

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Final Destination. It DOES look like Soul Calbur and Soul Edge, really. Also, chicken leg in the air.

I don't know about the Soul Calibur nonsense, but Final Destination looks really, REALLY cool this time around.

Reminds me of Mass Effect 3's ending lol No but seriously it's cool

Edited by BANRYU
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I definitely see the Soul Calibur influence on Final Destination. Also, I agree about not want a Soul Calibur character in Smash Bros. Although I do like the series (except for SCV, which was a travesty of epic proportions), I just don't want characters who are already from a fighting game on the Smash Bros. roster. I can't explain why, but the idea just doesn't feel right to me.

Edited by ClevelandSteve
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It doesn't feel right to me either. They already belong to a different fighting game, it would feel weird.

Now if this was Nintendo vs Namco, then that'd be different. lol

Edited by Anacybele
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I definitely see the Soul Calibur influence on Final Destination. Also, I agree about not want a Soul Calibur character in Smash Bros. Although I do like the series (except for SCV, which was a travesty of epic proportions), I just don't want characters who are already from a fighting game on the Smash Bros. roster. I can't explain why, but the idea just doesn't feel right to me.

But SCV is a solid fighting game. :L

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But SCV is a solid fighting game. :L

The mechanics behind it are fine, and I suppose it's great if you only care about the multiplayer, but the single player modes are lacking, story mode is a mess of plot holes, and most of the newly-introduced characters (and there are a lot of them, for those of you who haven't played the game. There is a lengthy time skip between SCIV and SCV, 17 years if I recall correctly, so most of the old characters have been replaced with new ones that have the same move set) are given basically zero back story.

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SCV's story mode was pathetic,the best thing about that game was the Creation mode.

(BTW I'd love to see a Nintendo(hintFire Emblemhint) character as a guest in in Soul Calibur,like Ike)

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Speaking of the Final Destination stage in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U, that fire planet in the Background kinda looks like a Sun (but, I'm kinda sure that's possibly the Sun), but its kinda too close to that other planet and the Final Destination Field also.

But, I just remembered that the Pokemon Trainer didn't have Ivysaur and Charizard at the start in Subspace Emissary in Brawl.

Edited by King Marth 64
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...Say we haven't seen Final Destination for the 3DS version yet, have we? Gosh I hope it's as cool.

But, I just remembered that the Pokemon Trainer didn't have Ivysaur and Charizard at the start in Subspace Emissary in Brawl.

But... since the Pokemon Trainer isn't technically a (confirmed) character this time, just Charizard, does that mean anything for this game...?

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But... since the Pokemon Trainer isn't technically a (confirmed) character this time, just Charizard, does that mean anything for this game...?

Well, Sakurai mentiones Zero Suit Samus and Sheik that they're going to seperated from Samus and Zelda, but he hasn't mentioned about Pokemon Trainer and Sakurai saids characters can't changed forms, but Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard aren't the same characters, but if Squirtle and Ivysaur returns, we might needed room for the other Pokemon fighters if they might bring Jigglypuff, Pichu, and/or Mewtwo comeback to Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. But, I just kinda forgot about that earlier that Pokemon Trainer caught Ivysaur and Charizard in Subspace Adventure Mode, but Red did appeared in HeartGold and SoulSilver & Black 2 and White 2.

Edited by King Marth 64
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I suppose it's not impossible that Ivysaur and Squirtle could come back as their own characters, but I do think it's pretty implausible based on the current roster size, the generally-expected roster size, and the fact that there are four Pokemon characters in Smash 3U already (and I don't think we can expect more than 5, 5th probably being Jigglypuff).

I don't think it's plausible to assume that all these other characters will have room to return, though.

I definitely think this is a generation in which we'll see a lot of roster cuts.

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I don't think we'll see a lot. Between Sakurai saying that he's going to bring back as many Brawl people as he can and Namco helping his team this time, we may only see a couple people cut. And so far, that rumor I heard a loooong time ago is on the dot. It said that the only cuts would be Pokemon Trainer, Snake, and ROB. Pokemon Trainer is clearly not returning since Charizard is going solo this time and transformations to new movesets are being eliminated. Crosses fingers that it turns out to be true, as it would mean Ike stays, screw ROB, and I don't play MGS, so I don't care if Snake goes.

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I suppose it's not impossible that Ivysaur and Squirtle could come back as their own characters, but I do think it's pretty implausible based on the current roster size, the generally-expected roster size, and the fact that there are four Pokemon characters in Smash 3U already (and I don't think we can expect more than 5, 5th probably being Jigglypuff).

I don't think it's plausible to assume that all these other characters will have room to return, though.

I definitely think this is a generation in which we'll see a lot of roster cuts.

I highly doubt a lot of roster cuts. Have you seen Sakurai interviews it nearly kills the guy to cut even one character due to every character having a fan base etc etc etc.

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Yeah, I don't blame Sakurai on that. I'd hate to cut anyone too, even characters I don't like. But I can understand Pokemon Trainer having to go, because he may have been part of the reason that the unfinished seven never made it into Brawl (Roy, Mewtwo, Dr. Mario, etc.). Think about it, Sakurai's team had to put PT's model in the background of every stage and format movesets for all three of his Pokemon. Can you imagine how much time that took? If this had only been one Pokemon instead of a trainer with three, Sakurai might have had enough time to at least get Roy and Mewtwo in. But as a consolation, he brought back Charizard and gave the guy his X mega form. :)

ROB, he doesn't really have as much significance these days and I doubt many fans even knew of him. I know I didn't until Brawl came out. And he seems to have a tiny fanbase. I've met a lot of people that don't like him.

Snake, well, he feels like that one-time guest character, like Link in SCII. He hasn't had a game on Nintendo consoles in YEARS either. He's only on Xbox and Playstation now.

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Snake, well, he feels like that one-time guest character, like Link in SCII. He hasn't had a game on Nintendo consoles in YEARS either. He's only on Xbox and Playstation now.


Also, all of these "problems" were present in Brawl as well. I see no reason they should suddenly become arguments against his inclusion now.

Edited by shinpichu
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I say ROB has a higher chance of returning than, say, Ike, Lucas or Wolf. Unlike those characters, ROB at least represents his own series.

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I say ROB has a higher chance of returning than, say, Ike, Lucas or Wolf. Unlike those characters, ROB at least represents his own series.

ROB has a series? I thought he showed up as a side thing in a few franchises, like Mario.


Oh, I never knew this existed. My mistake.

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ROB has a series? I thought he showed up as a side thing in a few franchises, like Mario.

I think Jave is referring to the games that used the ROB peripheral (i.e. Gyromite and Stack-Up)

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Well to be fair didn't Snake have a lot of hitbox issues and stuff? o____0 The crazy range of his silly U-tilt is one thing I remember about him.... (Although those can certainly be fixed... but the point remains the same, you'd have to re-learn him even if he came back.) But yeah, that's ^ kind of the same approach I take to Ivysaur and Squirtle. I enjoyed playing both of them, but I'm okay with letting them go. Same with Snake, if my assumption that he's not coming back is correct.

I'm actually not super sure about ROB; I feel confident guessing that if he DOES come back, he'll have a completely different up-special (since that one Pilotwings item looks identical to his U-special from brawl, and why would they have the same one...?)

Edited by BANRYU
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Today's pic of the day is of the recently announced Newcomer: Greninja.


On Sakurai's miiverse page, he confirmed that Greninja's side special will be the move Shadow Sneak. It can be charged to move a greater distance and can be charged while Greninja moves. No clue if it has damaging properties or if is only a slip move.

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@ ShadowofChaos: I don't think the Gambler's Fallacy completely applies in an instance where we're talking about prediction instead of guessing. If an individual can successfully predict several members of the roster, then I think it's safe to say that that person has a pretty good feel for the types of characters that can or won't be included.

I live in Vegas.

Ever hear of the horse races and sports book?

I've seen lives ruined by following someone's "predictions" just because they get the first few wins.

Well to be fair didn't Snake have a lot of hitbox issues and stuff? o____0 The crazy range of his silly U-tilt is one thing I remember about him....

For your convenience, have a higher quality image... link.



As well as the following gif:


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