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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Why does it matter if Link already uses a boomerang? Toon Link is still playable despite him showing up in the Spirit Train. The reason? Different Toon Links. We could've easily had different Zelda boomerangs.

But I guess this is the Mario boomerang after all, so there's no point in debating. xP

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I guess it's just to give more diverse ranged weapons that return? I'd like to see it in action before I judge it too much, but I doubt it's going to do anymore than well... what a boomerang would usually do in games. Maybe it could steal items?

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Why does it matter if Link already uses a boomerang? Toon Link is still playable despite him showing up in the Spirit Train. The reason? Different Toon Links. We could've easily had different Zelda boomerangs.

You forgot already? When you play as Toon Link in the Spirit Train stage, the Toon Link that rides the train is replaced by Alfonzo (Alfonzo: "Leave it to me!")

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You forgot already? When you play as Toon Link in the Spirit Train stage, the Toon Link that rides the train is replaced by Alfonzo (Alfonzo: "Leave it to me!")

No, I didn't forget. I simply didn't think that was relevant.

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So unfortunately there isn't a 90-minute direct on the games. It's just a 90-min Q&A with Sakurai about the game so I can guarantee that we won't be getting a lot of new info out of it. This is on Tuesday the 10th at 7pm PST. There isn't an online broadcast of the event so we'll be depending on the select invitees to spread out the info.

The Invitational Tournament is Tuesday at 4pm PST. It can be watched at http://www.twitch.tv/e3 or http://www.twitch.tv/nintendo

Digital Event has been fitted into the 9am-10am PST time slot so we'll have a steady stream of Smash info all day. Direct can be watched at e3.nintendo.com.

We should all meet up in IP chat to watch the direct when comes on. I did that with some friends for the Smash direct in April and it was a lot of fun.

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Haha, getting a cup of coffee while watching the Smashers. :P

Chiko: We already know that the 90 minute Smash thing won't be live-streamed. But I don't see why we won't eventually learn what was shown there...

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The Roost was always one of my favorite places in Animal Crossing, ever since Wild World.


Why not the ducks from Duck Hunt? -.-

Please bring in the ducks from Duck Hunt for an asset trophy.

Edited by Bimbo
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Yeah. I'm just disappointed that the only footage of you-know-who I'll probably see is him getting beat on by a newcomer in a newcomer trailer. xP

I mean, yeah, I'd still see him in gameplay footage, but he wouldn't be doing anything but taking attacks. I wanted to see him busting out his own moves against opponents! :P

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With I ke's recent release, I wouldn't be surprsied to see Chrom/Lucina be the next reveal given a 3-way sword battle would make for a pretty cool trailer. I'm hoping that it isn't the case, but I have this strange nagging feeling it might be.

Edited by SlipperySlippy
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I'm just praying to God that it's not Chrom. Surely IS doesn't even want to represent their series in such in a way, and surely Sakurai wants a bit more variety in the roster than 3 blue-haired sword dudes. Right? I hope this is right. Anyone but Chrom.

I don't even hate Chrom as a character, I just don't want to see him in this game.

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I don't really hate Chrom either, and I agree with you. But I'd definitely rather have him than Lucina. Now her I DO kind of hate.

But I'm still hoping for Avatar if there has to be an Awakening rep.

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"ROY returns to the fray after his hiatus from SSBM! He now sports his own Blazing moveset and his Final Smash sure to burn the competition!"

Oh and his hair is not Blue.

Edited by Sirius
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I don't really hate Chrom either, and I agree with you. But I'd definitely rather have him than Lucina. Now her I DO kind of hate.

Yeah, you've made that known. And I've probably made my desire not to see Chrom in the game known as well.

And I don't get why but I'm not going to ask.

But I'm still hoping for Avatar if there has to be an Awakening rep.

I think that would actually be the best choice at this point. Previously I wanted Lucina, and I still kind of do because I just like her, but unless the next FE focuses on her, she won't really have that lasting effect (and little uniqueness beyond being female). Robin/Avatar might not as the Awakening rep version, but kind of could as long as the avatar sticks around because it could be like a Link thing where no Link is technically the same Link (except a couple cases); one Avatar would represent all the series' avatars, and should there be another SSB game and the avatar isn't cut, it could have an updated look but play mostly as the same character.

The only other character that I think could have such lasting potential is Anna. I also think Tiki would have been a great addition to the roster for her presence in both Marth's games and Awakening as well as her potential uniqueness in character and playstyle, but that's as good as de-confirmed.

EDIT: I can't decide which of Roy or Chrom would be a worse addition to the roster.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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If Lucina makes an appearance it likely won't be much beyond an assist trophy or an alternate costume for Marth.

I guess I want Avatar just cause I'm sick of blue haired guys, and magic may add an interesting flair, but Chrom's popularity might make him more likely to be the rep.

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Explaining why I don't like Lucina at all is off topic anyway lol.

And I agree with Alertrcircuit, she'll likely just be an assist or costume swap for Marth.

Imo, Chrom would be a worse addition to the roster than Roy, even though I have even less interest in the latter. Roy at least doesn't have blue hair and could have been differentiated from Marth and Ike easily. If Ike had just gotten that damned shockwave, Eruption could've then been given to Roy. Make Ike's Great Aether blue flamed, and Roy would then be the only FE guy with regular fire.

The hair color is one reason I want Avatar. The other reason is magic in addition to swords. :3

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I'd like to see Avatar too, but it's hard to think of a moveset Sakurai would actually give him/her. (I'd prefer a female Avatar, just to include more female characters, but they could make it both, like they did with Villager and Wii Fit Trainer).

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I don't think it would be that difficult. I have some ideas myself:

Avatar's A attacks would be sword swipes, with his/her aerials involving some kicking and thunder magic.

Standard B: Elthunder (would function as a projectile)

Side B: Elwind

Down B: Ignis

Up B: Spiral Slash (sometimes when the Avatar attacks, he/she does a spiraling jump and strikes)

Final Smash: That attack Grima-Avatar uses to drain everyone's HP to almost nothing in the endgame. Technically, Avatar would have to be possessed in order to use this, but hey, Smash doesn't always follow exact canon. :P

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I don't think it would be that difficult. I have some ideas myself:

Avatar's A attacks would be sword swipes, with his/her aerials involving some kicking and thunder magic.

Standard B: Elthunder (would function as a projectile)

Side B: Elwind

Down B: Ignis

Up B: Spiral Slash (sometimes when the Avatar attacks, he/she does a spiraling jump and strikes)

Final Smash: That attack Grima-Avatar uses to drain everyone's HP to almost nothing in the endgame. Technically, Avatar would have to be possessed in order to use this, but hey, Smash doesn't always follow exact canon. :P

Yeah, this. I think adding magic makes the character a lot different. You can only do so much with purely sword guys until you run out of stuff to do.

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Avatar needs Thoron for either standard, or side B, if we're talking movesets for them. Ignis could also become their up B, given the animation is exactly what that spiral slash is, as you mentioned it.

As for a wind spell, that could go as either a down smash, or down B as an omni directional attack

The Final Smash, I can roll with you on

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