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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Kept you waiting, huh?

I think that may be an alternate form, it looks too much like Blaziken.

It could very well be an alt to Blaziken like Deoxys and Newtwo.

Yeah I don't want Lucario in Smash 4.

He was there to advertise Gen 4 and his new movie.

Gen 6 is here.

But Lucario still has his fans! I know how you feel though, its Gen 6 and they should have someone from it. But how would you feel if we could have both? I mean as it stands now Lucario in brawl was the only non Gen 1 mon. Plus his Aura gimmick was pretty unique, I'd say if we can have both more power for it. But this may be somewhat bias because I like Lucario alot. In the end its up to Sakurai and GameFreak though, I would not be against it if they decided his time is up, but I'd like there to be as little cuts as possible.

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It could very well be an alt to Blaziken like Deoxys and Newtwo.

But Lucario still has his fans! I know how you feel though, its Gen 6 and they should have someone from it. But how would you feel if we could have both? I mean as it stands now Lucario in brawl was the only non Gen 1 mon. Plus his Aura gimmick was pretty unique, I'd say if we can have both more power for it. But this may be somewhat bias because I like Lucario alot. In the end its up to Sakurai and GameFreak though, I would not be against it if they decided his time is up, but I'd like there to be as little cuts as possible.

Yeah and Pichu was the only not gen 1 mon and they took him out for a gen 4 guy.
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Yeah and Pichu was the only not gen 1 mon and they took him out for a gen 4 guy.

To be fair, Pichu had Pikachu's moveset, while Lucario only shares a B move with Mewtwo. But -shrugs- who knows, alot of people seem to think Zoroark has a chance still for some reason even if that was Gen 5. Gen 6 meanwhile has Newtwo and Sylveon for notables among some others.

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Melds was full of clones.

Your point?

Ok you got me there honestly [i didn't even mean to bring up a clone argument because they all have their fans and that's unfair to put anything against em :/ I mean heck one of my most wanted returners started as a clone and all so really hypocritical there Jedi].

I'm not sure what will happen, Sakurai by the sounds of it goes by the Anime and Movies more then the games anyways from what I know.

Edited by Folgore Red II
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Isn't there a Newtwo/Genesect movie coming out soon?

There is the movie/anime part.

And Mewtwo new is in Gen 6.

Yep that there is, I think it already aired in Japan.

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Well that means it will come out late this year or early next, making my case better

I had nothing against Mewtwo coming back in the first place :P.

Also random question what would you think if they decided to throw in Genesect for the heck of it? I have nothing to really base this on nor am I really a fan of Genesect but what would you think if it happened for some reason?

Edited by Folgore Red II
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I really don't care because the only Pokemon I would main the the Chu even though I hate it's guts.

I see, I used to use Pikachu a bit, but that was more in 64 and Melee. He was my favorite pokemon back in the day, nowadays that spot is filled by Blaziken and Lucario. So please understand thats part of why I'd like to see Lucario again :P, which i'm sure you do I just felt like sharing the Mega Form as like a possibility because Gen 6 has now done 3 things for Smash mons.

Mewtwo gets new form, has a new movie, also is one of the most wanted smash 4 characters

Jigglypuff is now Fairy Type

Lucario all of a sudden also has a new form according to the new pictures we saw.

I'm just trying to speculate, as I said previously if Lucario isn't in Smash 4 I will not throw a fit. I'll be happy with whatever Sakurai gives us at the end of the day but its fun to think of the possibilities

Edited by Folgore Red II
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Even is Newcario AND Newtwo got in, that is 5 people from Pokemon if the puff and a new trainer stay in.

If MARIO or ZELDA only have 4 in Smash 4, Pokemon is staying at 4

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Even is Newcario AND Newtwo got in, that is 5 people from Pokemon if the puff and a new trainer stay in.

If MARIO or ZELDA only have 4 in Smash 4, Pokemon is staying at 4

Hmm, we may see an expansion on these series in general but who knows, also Sakurai has shown he likes Pokemon aloooooooot. I actually wouldn't be surprised considering we technically already have 6 Pokemon.

You could be right though.

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Probably the best Sakurai interview I've read in a long time.

Make sure you read it. It gives a very interesting perspective on developing the games. Not just Smash 4, but Melee and Brawl as well.

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Probably the best Sakurai interview I've read in a long time.

Make sure you read it. It gives a very interesting perspective on developing the games. Not just Smash 4, but Melee and Brawl as well.

Sakurai is one heck of a guy, gotta respect him and his dedication

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Even is Newcario AND Newtwo got in, that is 5 people from Pokemon if the puff and a new trainer stay in.

If MARIO or ZELDA only have 4 in Smash 4, Pokemon is staying at 4

Sakurai has said Brawl has 39 characters, meaning he counts Sheik, Zero Suit Samus and each of the Pokemon Trainer's Pokemon as separate characters. So Mario has four characters, Zelda has five characters and Pokemon has six characters, with a planned seventh. Pokemon already has more characters than Mario or Zelda.

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As of right now Smashboards poll of who is most wanted in the west [as this poll is thrown to various other sites by Shortie as well] looks like this. When I get the poll for "most wanted returners from brawl" as well I will paste that data to compare to this.

God Tier
· Mewtwo 1048

Top Tier
· King K. Rool 809
· Ridley 807

High Tier
· Roy 710

Mid Tier
· Little Mac (Punch Out) 675
· Krystal 610
· Bowser Junior 607

Low Tier
· Palutena 595
· Isaac (Golden Sun) 552
· Chrom 545
· Paper Mario 515

Bottom Tier
· Waluigi 497
· Dixie Kong 488
· Shulk (Xenoblade) 468
· Banjo & Kazooie 449
· Majora (Skull Kid) 434
· Ghirahim 418
· Pac-Man 414

Honerable Mentions
· Samurai Goroh 393
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