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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Funny, I love ALL the things you mentioned there. I thought the artwork was amazing, the motion controls were amazing, Fi was really cool (despite stating the obvious a lot) and I'm glad as hell it doesn't have Ganondorf or Ganon. The only thing I can see anyone disliking about it is the linearity and I honestly prefer more linearity than openness because a more open game has a risk of being way too difficult to figure out. You're thrown into a world and told "have at it" with little to no clue where you should go. It always takes me FOREVER to figure out what to do unless I use a guide (I was forced to use one for most of Link's Awakening because it gives me little advice or few clues and this is the reason I still rank Minish Cap as my favorite handheld Zelda). But I didn't have that problem with Skyward Sword due to the linearity. It was still a tough game, but moreso because of some of the puzzles and enemies.

*asks why people disliked Skyward Sword*

*proceeds to talk about how you liked the things those people disliked*

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Honestly, the thing that puts Skyward Sword among my top games is the combat, story, dungeons and immersion, but if I had the chance, I'd go back and rework all the many things that bugged me, and if that happened, it'd undoubtedly be my favourite Zelda game. It was quite linear, and the lack of a connected overworld bugged me. The sky concept was great, but had a giant hole of missed potential, and it seemed like the game was just begging for more power than the Wii would have allowed. If the game was perhaps, moved to the Wii U, and said problems were fixed, it would have been better. On the topic of Fi, I don't understand why people find her so annoying, or Navi annoying, she doesn't usually talk for too long, only impatient people find her trouble.

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Funny, I love ALL the things you mentioned there. I thought the artwork was amazing, the motion controls were amazing, Fi was really cool (despite stating the obvious a lot) and I'm glad as hell it doesn't have Ganondorf or Ganon. The only thing I can see anyone disliking about it is the linearity and I honestly prefer more linearity than openness because a more open game has a risk of being way too difficult to figure out. You're thrown into a world and told "have at it" with little to no clue where you should go. It always takes me FOREVER to figure out what to do unless I use a guide (I was forced to use one for most of Link's Awakening because it gives me little advice or few clues and this is the reason I still rank Minish Cap as my favorite handheld Zelda). But I didn't have that problem with Skyward Sword due to the linearity. It was still a tough game, but moreso because of some of the puzzles and enemies.

Not sure if know this, but... they did state in a Nintendo Direct that the next new Zelda for Wii U is going to be more open world (since linearity has been one of the biggest complaints as of late).

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Yes, but I'm permabanned from the only one that's really active.

Why am I not surprised...?

Anyway, I'm loving the pose that the Wii Fit Trainer is doing in the latest update.

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I had problems with just how buggy Skyward Sword could be at times. During the 2nd Eldin volcano segment with the robot escort, I managed to get the robot stuck inside a wall because I was going too fast. The only way to fix the problem was to restart my system and redo the whole segment. Not to mention the infamous sequence break bug in the last 3rd of the game that required Nintendo to issue a patch. Nintendo is not really known for game-breaking bugs, but considering this and Other M both had gamebreaking bugs seems a little poor form for Nintendo. Also, some of the controls felt very awkward to me (free-fall drift controls, swimming, flying). Overall Skyward Sword was not my favourite, even though the artstyle grew on me and the dungeons were at times really inventive.

I really hope the next revealed character is Zelda, actually. I'm really curious to see what design they use for her, considering how drastically she's changed compared to Link across each installment.

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what really killed skyward sword for me was the wiimote and nunchuck.

i hate motion-controls. i finished TP because of the gamecube. it's also not helpful when i'm already not a fan of the series. i wish i could be, but i just can't get into it. WW and Minish Cap are my favorites.

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Why am I not surprised...?

Gee, thanks. >_>

And an open world is fine as long as it isn't TOO open and leaves me utterly clueless about what to do.

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what really killed skyward sword for me was the wiimote and nunchuck.

i hate motion-controls. i finished TP because of the gamecube. it's also not helpful when i'm already not a fan of the series. i wish i could be, but i just can't get into it. WW and Minish Cap are my favorites.

Oh yeah. I remember I too bought the GC version of TP, but I did it because I used to think that I wouldn't be able to use the motion-controls decently due to being left-handed. But oh well, I have neither the Wii TP or SS to make the attempt and find out how good I'd be.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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You're welcome!

And why are we talking about Skyward Sword in a forum that is supposed to be dedicated to discussing all things Super Smash Bros. related?

Finally someone realizes this

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conversations are dynamic. the topic is bound to change. there's only so much to say about SSB4 without any steady stream of news. at least we're talking about zelda and not the afghan war or something

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To bring this thread back on topic (and since I didn't post about it while on vacation), does anyone think Luigi is a starter character now? Or they're just making an exception of revealing an unlockable character (that's not 3rd party) because it's the Year of Luigi? I have a bit of a sneaking suspicion that all characters in SSB4 will be available first thing. I mean, Sakurai said that with the internet being able to spoil everything, he didn't want to bother with cutscenes in adventure mode, so maybe he won't bother having characters hidden anymore because the internet will spoil the suprise.

I'm not sure how to react to that if that is the case. I mean, I really enjoy unlocking characters and that's one of my favourite parts of Smash Bros. But on the other hand, it'll be nice for unlockable characters like Luigi and Marth to get the same amount of spotlight as starter characters like Mario, Donkey Kong, and Pikachu.

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yes, i think luigi will be a starting character from now on.

no, i don't think we'll have all characters unlocked from the start. unlockables are different from cutscenes. unlockables are part of the challenge of the game itself.

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yes, i think luigi will be a starting character from now on.

no, i don't think we'll have all characters unlocked from the start. unlockables are different from cutscenes. unlockables are part of the challenge of the game itself.

what this man says, if there weren't unlockables, there wouldn't be much fun to the game's single player.
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Yeah, I agree. Brawl's insane amount of unlockables was one thing that kept me playing it over and over. I wouldn't care if Luigi is unlockable or not though, what matters to me is that he's there. :3

Same with Ike. If he's pushed back to unlockable, I could deal with it, because at least he'd be playable at all.

I just hope it isn't insanely hard to unlock some people like it is in Melee. >_>

Edited by Anacybele
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Yesterday's 3DS picture revealed you can edit the 3DS outlines around the characters

Today's pic did not have anything exciting thus why I didn't bother to post it until now


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Yesterday's 3DS picture revealed you can edit the 3DS outlines around the characters

Today's pic did not have anything exciting thus why I didn't bother to post it until now


@first line


okay Im done

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