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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Falgship, which was part of Capcom, only made the first Four Swords (and made The Minish Cap but that's only a Four Swords game to the extent that it has the Four sword and Vaati). Nintendo themselves made Four Swords Adventures and the team they pawned Ocarina of Time 3D onto made the free expanded Four Swords port so if Nintendo want to make another Four Swords game Capcom doesn't have to be involved in the slightest. I'd love if they did make a Four Swords game. They previous ones didn't live up to the potential they could have since wireless connections wasn't big back in the day. With how easy it is to connect system together today and online wifi a well made Four Swords game could be really, really good.

That's why I consider The Minish Cap a Four Sword game. xP Because it has the actual Four Sword.

But Nintendo should buy Capcom, I agree with that.

Edited by Anacybele
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Best thing to happen if Nintendo bought Capcom would be the sudden presence of Ace Attorney in Smash.

Or the sudden presence of a company not treating it like shit.

Capcom getting bought by Nintendo really would be best case. Get a Street Fighter character in Smash, maybe toss Wright in or maybe even Okami??? And maybe Nintendo could fix their DLC fetish.

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I'm really uncomfortable with this idea

Yeah. I feel like the control styles wouldn't transition very well.
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I say this, and yet... part of me thinks a retro-style Mike Haggar would be totally awesome in Smash. Move over Mega Man! >:D

Yeah. I feel like the control styles wouldn't transition very well.

Something about having Ryu (and heck, regarding Namco's involvement, a Tekken character like Jin) be in Smash Bros would feel waaay to weird, both for gameplay (as you mentioned) and for making the roster feel tight.

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Ooh, I wonder if you can dress a Mii up as any of the Smash cast!

If yes, I'd love to kick butt in Peach's dress. But right now, miis have only been seen wearing headwear, or skin-tight suits.

And I agree, meta knight isn't going anywhere. I'll never use hm, but he isn't being cut anytime soon.

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Now I just hope they also add the ability to change the hair color. By default, Miis are really lacking in options in that regard,

I'm pretty sure the Mii's just use whatever hair colour you used to create them with.

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My guess is that you can customize Miis with the hats/suits you have unlocked in StreetPass Mii Plaza (which would sadly mean no Fire Emblem and Pokémon outfits).

Maybe this is one of the connectivity features between the two versions Sakurai was talking about: Transfer your StreetPass Mii Plaza outfits to the Wii U version so you can customize your Miis.

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My guess is that you can customize Miis with the hats/suits you have unlocked in StreetPass Mii Plaza (which would sadly mean no Fire Emblem and Pokémon outfits).

Maybe this is one of the connectivity features between the two versions Sakurai was talking about: Transfer your StreetPass Mii Plaza outfits to the Wii U version so you can customize your Miis.

No Pokemon outfits? Really? That surprises me considering how major the franchise is. FE having no outfits is a real bummer though. :( They'd fit well (lol pun) since one of the Mii fighters uses a sword.

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It's been confirmed that Smash Bros. Wii U and 3DS will be playable at Festigame (the biggest video game convention here in Chile) this weekend, so I will have a chance to play them this Saturday.

Waiting lines will likely be eternal, so I'll consider myself lucky if I get to play both at least once (specially if I want to make room for Hyrule Warriors and Captain Toad).

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Oh come now. We could have Guile! And his final smash makes the music Guile's Theme while he uses Sonic Boom like nuts.

This sounds more like a Smash Bros based around internet memes.

"Nyan Cat brings the lolz!"

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The first character I thought of for Street Fighter was Blanka actually. they might have to work to change his playstyle to be less Donkey Kong-y but hey. Ryu could be good too though. Just because they seem out of place at first doesn't mean they can't fit in. Look at Snake!

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So how long until someone leaks the full roster? The game should be shipping out in a few weeks in Japan right? I imagine we'll know at least a few days before release, but it could be sooner...

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Yeah, I still have my fingers crossed for Ghirahim and Dixie Kong as newcomers, I really wanna see if they're in!

I won't be TOO bummed if they aren't though, I already did get Ike, Robin, and Rosalina as well as Luigi and Toon Link for characters I really wanna play/main. Ike and Robin were two of my most wanted, in fact, along with either Ghirahim or Vaati. I've leaned more towards Ghirahim than Vaati these days though, because of the trophy theory. Plus, I'll get to play Ghirahim in Hyrule Warriors anyway. :D

Edited by Anacybele
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You know, instead of any Zelda newcomer, what I'd most like for the Zelda characters is to see Ganondorf get a revamped and completely unique moveset this time around.

Ganondorf for Zelda newcomer!

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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You know, instead of any Zelda newcomer, what I'd most like for the Zelda characters is to see Ganondorf get a revamped and completely unique moveset this time around.

I'd like this too. He should get his magic attacks from the final battle in Zelda: Ocarina of Time and maybe some sword swipes from Twilight Princess.

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I'd like Ganondorf to have his flame choke and his electric stomp still.

But with a revamped set of moves inspired by the original games as well as Ocarina, Wind Waker etc..

Or just modify how he works.

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