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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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omg the spirit tracks song on the site is zomg

Like, seriously. I'm playing on it every time.

The 'Winning Road' remix was enough for me to do that in Brawl... but that remix is truly amazing.

Definitely playing the ST stage as often as Pirate Ship.

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Well, today's pic of the day has to do with Classic mode. We already knew that the difficulty scale thing (can't think of the name right now) from Kid Icarus Uprising was going to be there, so that's not anything new. Master Hand has been officially confirmed as the default Classic mode boss, but there wasn't really any doubt about that. Sakurai said that turning up the difficulty scale will change that. I assume Crazy Hand will show up if you turn the difficulty above a certain point (like in Melee and Brawl), but hopefully this also means that maybe different bosses will show up at even higher difficulties (maybe Tabuu, maybe a new original character, maybe bosses from various series).

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Yet ANOTHER thing from Kid Icarus? Seriously, this is getting out of hand. What about franchises that don't even have ANY items yet, like FE, or even playable reps revealed, like Earthbound/Mother?

That route map sounds FE-esque though, so I'm loving it. ^^

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If it's just been around for a few pics, then it still IS kinda new. And I still think Sakurai is putting too much KI stuff in this game and not enough of certain other franchises.

FE needs items and trophies.

DK needs a newcomer. If KI, a series with only three games, can have two reps, DK can have like four. It's a much bigger, more notable series.

Star Fox needs Falco/Wolf and probably some other stuff.

Earthbound/Mother needs just about everything.

And I'm talking about games I don't even play here, aside from FE (I have played one DK game, but it was really hard for me, and I heard that the more recent ones are really hard too).

Edited by Anacybele
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It's just a way to decide difficulty. Quit wigging out, seriously.

Anyway...guys? MOAR LEAKS.




The Shulk is real ermergerd.

That's a thing it seems.

Edited by NoNameAtAll
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It's just a way to decide difficulty. Quit wigging out, seriously.


That's a thing it seems.

It's pretty crazy how authentic the leak looks so far from all the videos he's uploaded. A lot of people are scared it's the actual thing too.

One problem I have with the video is that the screens aren't far apart enough like on an actual 3DS. Then again he/she could be using a video capture card but eh what can I say really?

Edited by kingddd
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The intensity meter is just a new signature Sakurai thing. He takes plenty from his older games and revamps the concepts. Especially in smash, subspace had a lot of things very similar to Kirby Superstar for instance.

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It's pretty crazy how authentic the leak looks so far from all the videos he's uploaded. A lot of people are scared it's the actual thing too.

I'm pretty sure it's real. Modding Brawl to that extent would be pretty damn difficult. Between unique animations not based on other characters to the victory screen stuff...

Praise be to the Duck Hunt Dog.

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I'm pretty sure it's real. Modding Brawl to that extent would be pretty damn difficult. Between unique animations not based on other characters to the victory screen stuff...

Praise be to the Duck Hunt Dog.

it probably is. Judging by the video it looks like footage that was sent to the ESRB room to judge and rate the game's ESRB rating since you can see the username with ESRB on it. However this is a big breach since ESRB is very strict on allowing anything leaked out. I don't think any footage from the ESRB rooms have ever left their heardquarters without permission.

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I'm pretty sure Sakurai said he had no plans for DLC now. He could have changed his mind, but if he did, wouldn't he have said so by now? And one of those leakers mentioned character DLC.

Also, I think Bowser Jr. battling in the clown car is just silly. He's been seen walking around just fine on his own.

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There is absolutely no reason to think it's fake, unlike the Matsumoto Leaker (which for some reason had more support than this). The superficial arguments such as 'Duck Hunt' being the name instead of Mr. Peppers or whatever, Game & Watches hand going over Wario's mug and such were all debatable arguments. With that said, I am extremely disappointed in Ice Climbers exclusion.

Edit: Yes, I know there's the DLC but until I see footage of that I don't want to get my hopes up!

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I'm pretty sure Sakurai said he had no plans for DLC now. He could have changed his mind, but if he did, wouldn't he have said so by now? And one of those leakers mentioned character DLC.

That's the point of a leak. He wouldn't have said it by this point because he hasn't officially /said/ it. It could've been like SURPRISE, I CHANGED MY MIND.


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I guess.

But someone told me earlier that the character selection screen still didn't show everyone in the game (excluding DLC) and that there were characters left to unlock. I hope this is true, because Dixie Kong. :(

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I guess.

But someone told me earlier that the character selection screen still didn't show everyone in the game (excluding DLC) and that there were characters left to unlock. I hope this is true, because Dixie Kong. :(

The leaker said something about it was 80% or something but I wouldn't trust it until the final release or something.

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The leaker said something about it was 80% or something but I wouldn't trust it until the final release or something.

That goes without saying. But what's there right now is more than likely real at the very least.

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