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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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What? Bowser Jr. has been relevant for the past several Mario games now. The Super Mario Galaxy titles and the NSMB titles. He's loads better than Toad or Waluigi too, imo.

Edited by Anacybele
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What? Bowser Jr. has been relevant for the past several Mario games now. The Super Mario Galaxy titles and the NSMB titles. He's loads better than Toad or Waluigi too, imo.

Compared to the other Mario characters that are in (unlike Toad and Waluigi, but I'd argue Toad is more relevant), he's not. He's almost always a secondary villain and often doesn't even make it into the party games (and by that I mean Mario Party, Kart, etc.).
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The Mario characters I would've picked are Daisy, Rosalina, and Bowser Jr. Two out of three is pretty damn nice. ^^

EDIT: And I think it's stupid that Bowser Jr. hasn't been in the Kart and Party games. He needs to be.

Edited by Anacybele
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B***h that's my Melee main

Don't talk s*** about my mains when I'm around

(Oh, and apparently according to the leaker Ridley, Dixie, Impa, Mach Rider, and Mewtwo are also in the game)

b*tch, you think you have problems?

Also Wolf / Lucas / anybody not from mario > Bowser Jr

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Who is Mach Rider and what is that person from?

What shinpichu showed as well as him being from Excitebike.

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I'll rename Mii sword user Waluigi and say its a tennis racket. That is the story of how Waluigi will get in SSB5. Why do people like Ice Climbers? They aren't very good, and their gimmick is bad.

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I still don't quite believe the second list yet (Mewtwo, Ridley, Dixie Kong, Impa, Mach Rider, and the Chorus Kids), especially since one of th leakers outright admitted to lying to us about the DLC list. Since these leakers are obviously very credible, though, I'll believe it when we see some visual evidence from them.

But I'm just going to say that I completely believe the rest of the leak now. Which means:


Also, if Gaur Plains is the Xenoblade stage on the 3DS, I hope Territorial Rothbart is a stage hazard (everyone who's been to that location in Xenoblade knows who I'm talking about. Stupid level 80 gorilla thing never lets me kill those horses in peace...)

Always sad to see some characters go, though. Kinda assumed all along that Snake was unlikely to return, but I still would've loved to have him return. I wish Wolf would have stayed and Falco would leave, especially since the Ice Climbers set a precedent of recurring veterans still be vulnerable. Losing the Ice Climbers kinda sucks because of how unique they were (even if I never played as them personally except when I had to in order to get their trophies and whatnot). And losing Lucas is also really sad due to how great of a game Mother 3 is.

Lastly, I heard a rumor that Duck Hunt Dog has a sort of Banjo-Kazooie type vibe between him and the duck he has with him. Sounds very fun if true (but I'd need to see gameplay footage of DHD before I believe this).

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I'll rename Mii sword user Waluigi and say its a tennis racket. That is the story of how Waluigi will get in SSB5. Why do people like Ice Climbers? They aren't very good, and their gimmick is bad.

except they're actually one of the best characters in both games

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Are you guys excited, disappointed, or confused about all this information?

Disappointed and confused.

Out of all the mentioned newcomers (of the leak), the only one I probably like is Shulk. I like Bowser Jr., but there's just WAY TOO MANY Mario characters' already, I mean if you count the spin-offs. Of course, there's not a limit... but if you compare to the Starfox or Earthbound series, that's kinda overwhelming.

I do not AT ALL want Dr. Mario and Dark Pit. Clones? No thanks. Lucina's fine, I guess. I mean, this is a Fire Emblem forum, so bias could get in the way of that.

Also Wolf / Lucas / anybody not from mario > Bowser Jr

Couldn't agree more. Except for Peach and Rosalina ;)

Lucas being cut is INSANE though I see why people expect him to be cut :(

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Compared to the other Mario characters that are in (unlike Toad and Waluigi, but I'd argue Toad is more relevant), he's not. He's almost always a secondary villain and often doesn't even make it into the party games (and by that I mean Mario Party, Kart, etc.).

Well Sakurai does prioritize play style over popularity(still seems odd that Ganon has the same moveset though).

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I'll rename Mii sword user Waluigi and say its a tennis racket. That is the story of how Waluigi will get in SSB5. Why do people like Ice Climbers? They aren't very good, and their gimmick is bad.

lol what. Wobbles and chaingrabs FTW. Good damage output, decent range, and passable recovery also say no. Edited by Comet
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Disappointed and confused.

Out of all the mentioned newcomers (of the leak), the only one I probably like is Shulk. I like Bowser Jr., but there's just WAY TOO MANY Mario characters' already, I mean if you count the spin-offs. Of course, there's not a limit... but if you compare to the Starfox or Earthbound series, that's kinda overwhelming.

I do not AT ALL want Dr. Mario and Dark Pit. Clones? No thanks. Lucina's fine, I guess. I mean, this is a Fire Emblem forum, so bias could get in the way of that.


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Why are people hating on Bowser Jr.? I for one find him cute and funny and actually a harder boss than his repetitive, predictable father.

Personally, I like Bowser Jr., but I dislike him as a character in Smash.

The number of Mario characters already is enough, and a bit much compared to smaller franchises that could actually use a bit more. A TON of Mario Kart items have already been implanted in the game, and adding even MORE character's wouldn't seem fair to other franchises.

If you count the spin-offs from Mario, there's already 10 (assuming the leak is legit), compared to Earthbound which has been reduced to 1 representative. (Unless of course, Lucas is back!)

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Except Star Fox and Earthbound/Mother are very niche compared to the Mario franchise. And Mario is Nintendo's flagship series.

...which already has a ton of reps
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lol what. Wobbles and chaingrabs FTW. Good damage output, decent range, and passable recovery also say no.

except they're actually one of the best characters in both games

You would be surprised how bad I am with them. I just don't like how The pink one can't fight on her own. It makes them less viable.
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Why are people hating on Bowser Jr.? I for one find him cute and funny and actually a harder boss than his repetitive, predictable father.

>Secondary villain

>Not retro

>Not highly-requested

>Part of a well-repped series that has another, better new rep already

>Likely took time from veterans who appear to be cut.

If Lucas, Wolf, and ICs were back and the extra five newcomers are true, I'd be fine with Bowser Jr. I mean, there are still plenty others I think would be better choices, but the roster would be so good that it wouldn't really matter. But it's inexcusable to have someone like him make it and see multiple popular veterans cut.

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You would be surprised how bad I am with them. I just don't like how The pink one can't fight on her own. It makes them less viable.

then YOU are bad with them. Your lack of skill doesn't make the character less viable. Edited by Comet
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His alternates are retro though. The seven Koopalings have been around since the SNES days. They were in SMB3 and SMW. That might be a reason Bowser Jr. is in. He's the leader of the Koopalings and gets the bigger role out of all of them these days, so yeah.

The ICs are gone probably because of the issues with getting them to work right. Lucas and Wolf though, I am confused about. They didn't need to go. Especially since Sakurai had apparently wanted Wolf to be in Smash since the beginning. Why get rid of him so fast?

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