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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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DK series is great and all, but with all the hype and leaks and all, it's getting overwhelming knowing ALOT of the leaks are saying Lucas (and Wolf, but I don't care about him) is getting cut.


Nah, I jest. It's pretty much certain now that the leaks are legit; the leaker was apparently working for NoA. Add what was leaked together--alongside the recent potd--and it's all coming together rather nicely

I suppose all I can wait for now is the official newcomer trailers to instill even more hype. Shulk + DHD in one trailer sounds really obvious to me

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Nah, I jest. It's pretty much certain now that the leaks are legit; the leaker was apparently working for NoA. Add what was leaked together--alongside the recent potd--and it's all coming together rather nicely

I think it was just some random Neogaf guy that said that and I don't think he provided any sources at all.

Also I'd ship it.


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I think it was just some random Neogaf guy that said that and I don't think he provided any sources at all.

Thought he did. Memory must be failing me

Speaking of Meta Knight:


The mask-less MK alt for Kirby has been shown. Looks kinda cool

Posting this here purely because there could be a real small chance some Pokémon-related could be shown for Smash. The "shocking" announcement is being live-streamed... well, now

Edited by DodgeDusk
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Nah, I jest. It's pretty much certain now that the leaks are legit; the leaker was apparently working for NoA. Add what was leaked together--alongside the recent potd--and it's all coming together rather nicely

I suppose all I can wait for now is the official newcomer trailers to instill even more hype. Shulk + DHD in one trailer sounds really obvious to me

I'd actually expect Shulk + R.O.B considering they could pull a Mechon joke with that duo
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I'd actually expect Shulk + R.O.B considering they could pull a Mechon joke with that duo

Sure, R.O.B can defeat Fiora just like Falcon did to Chrom and screw her out, and Shulk sort of saving her. I would be really butthurt omg
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Okay, why would someone actually working for NoA be responsible for the leaks? They could get fired for that!

It's only a rumor right now. We don't know if it's a NoA employee or a guy from ESRB.

You'd be surprised at how much a lot of employees break the NDA. For example, Call of Duty World at War PC version was leaked 3 weeks before released and so was Watch Dogs. A bunch of Brawl's content was leaked a week before release in Japan. Most of the people who leak these things are usually 1 an employee from the company themselves, 2 a press/media mistake on giving out information when they shouldn't (See the Sega Dreamcast case) and 3 an internal employee from other branches that are currently working with other companies.

Edited by kingddd
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If the roster shown does turn out to be the final one, then that means no Isaac or Golden Sun representation!

Even worse: Smash 4 is probably the last chance for Isaac.

If Isaac makes it into Smash now, it would give Golden Sun the popularity-boost it needs to be continued. If not, then I guess the series is dead.

And on top of that, I'm gonna lose two of my mains it seems. Now I know how all the Roy-supporters feel. Though Lucas and the Ice Climbers actually have their own movesets.

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For some reason, I'm expecting a Ness + Wario + Shulk reveal trailer.

I could see Ness + Shulk happening... but Wario? xD

Fart blast his way in? (But didn't he already do that in the Brawl reveal? Or am I going crazy?)

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In spoilers for all those avoiding leak stuff...

I decided to take a better look at the leaked stages and I realized something epic.


The new F-Zero stage looks like it's following the vein of Melee's Mute City and Brawl's Port Town (at least that's what I'm assuming, the stage design may very well be different), but it's going back to the classic SNES Mute City I. As a big fan of the 2D F-Zero games, I am very excite :B

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Okay, why would someone actually working for NoA be responsible for the leaks? They could get fired for that!


Same thing applies to any kind of internal leak, really.

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Nah, I jest. It's pretty much certain now that the leaks are legit; the leaker was apparently working for NoA. Add what was leaked together--alongside the recent potd--and it's all coming together rather nicely


He committed treason. Nintendo is going to give him a spanking.

Okay, why would someone actually working for NoA be responsible for the leaks? They could get fired for that!


In spoilers for all those avoiding leak stuff...

I decided to take a better look at the leaked stages and I realized something epic.


The new F-Zero stage looks like it's following the vein of Melee's Mute City and Brawl's Port Town (at least that's what I'm assuming, the stage design may very well be different), but it's going back to the classic SNES Mute City I. As a big fan of the 2D F-Zero games, I am very excite :B


DK's tropical stage has a return as well as having a stage from Kirby's dreamland. The Kirby's dreamland one will likely be 3DS only.

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I don't think we've been told yet, but the Multi-Man Melee mix of the main theme has Yoshihito Yano as arrangement supervisor. That doesn't necessarily mean it's him, though. After all, Kid Icarus Uprising was also a massive collaboration between Noriyuki Iwadare (Ace Attorney), Yuzo Koshiro (Etrian Odyssey, Actraiser), Motoi Sakuraba (Golden Sun, Tales of series, Baten Kaitos, overall giant discography of Bandai Namco RPGs), Yasunori Mitsuda (Chrono Trigger), Masafumi Takada (No More Heroes), Takahiro Nishi (?), and Hirokazu Tanaka (Mother, Super Mario Land, Pokemon anime). The opening theme was done by Yasunori Mitsuda but Motoi Sakuraba and Yuzo Koshiro did a lot of the more prominent character themes.

Edit: Also I should add Kid Icarus Uprising has an AMAZING soundtrack. They hit it right out of the ballpark. I can't wait to hear what they have remixed for Smash. I think Dark Pit's Theme is a shoe-in but obviously there's also going to be a Skyland/Underworld tribute as well since that's the most iconic song of the series.

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The opening theme was done by Yasunori Mitsuda but Motoi Sakuraba and Yuzo Koshiro did a lot of the more prominent character themes.

I seriously have to check that out. Two of my favorite vgm composers working on the same soundtrack. *_*

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Today is the 20th anniversary of Mother 2/Earthbound. At least in Japan it is, it's 4:40AM there right now, so it's August 27th. Perfect day to reveal Ness. Or at least acknowledge the existence of Mother in some way come on Nintendo what the hell robot chicken jokes don't count.

Also might be important to mention that today also happens to be the first appearance of Bowser Jr. in America, Mario Sunshine was released 12 years ago today in the states.

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Plus, we can find out for sure if the recent leaks are legit, because we can then compare Ness's new art to the model used in the leaks. If they match, we've got the real deal here.

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omg Sakurai change Ness's art last second plz.

I'd love to see Ness revealed tomorrow! It'll be great to know Earthbound is alive and well living in Smash. (Though we know Ness was never leaving).

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So dem leaks. I was following the whole thing yesterday on other forums so I didn't get to comment here, but I like the roster except for Dark Pit and Dr Mario. Worst clones ever. They're just versions of other characters, like at least Toon Link is a completely different Link. Afaik Dark Pit is a literal clone of Pit even in KIU and Dr Mario is just Mario in a costume. I'm even more salty because Lucas and Wolf were lower priority than those two. At this point I'm hoping the additional list of DLC and secret characters is true (at least the secret characters since the DLC was apparently fake).

The legit newcomers all look awesome, especially Bowser Jr. I've given up on Isaac (;-;) but Shulk is pretty cool. I just wish I had been able to play Xenoblade because I'm sure I would be more hyped to play as him.

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