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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Would you all have preferred Lucas and Wolf come back as clones of Ness and Fox in a fashion similar to Lucina, or do you think the downgrade would be disrespectful to the characters since they used to have slightly more diverse movesets?

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Would you all have preferred Lucas and Wolf come back as clones of Ness and Fox in a fashion similar to Lucina, or do you think the downgrade would be disrespectful to the characters since they used to have slightly more diverse movesets?

It would be a pretty big backlash to find out they didn't bring their brawl moves over and just reused their animations and movesets from their supposedly clone characters. Their special moves maybe very similar but their standard attacks were diverse enough to differentiate from the rest.

Although I have no feelings for Lucas and Wolf, if they had brought them back but at the same time, have their similar movesets from Brawl only slightly tweaked and have Dark Pit, Dr. Mario in the roster than I think the amount of controversy and the backlash would not be as prominent as it is currently.

Edited by kingddd
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I would've been fine with Lucas being made more like Ness. Mother 3 is a great game (from what I've played so far) and while the series is small it's well loved, it doesn't deserve to have one of its two characters cut, especially while Kid Icarus gets 3 characters. Wolf would've been a bit harder to accept being downgraded but he does add to the number of villains, which is a good thing.

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Would you all have preferred Lucas and Wolf come back as clones of Ness and Fox in a fashion similar to Lucina, or do you think the downgrade would be disrespectful to the characters since they used to have slightly more diverse movesets?

I main Lucas although I never really played Mother/Earthbound. Though I do like his design and personality more than Ness', the main reason I play him is his moveset. So, no, Lucas as a clone of Ness wouldn't be satisfying at all. There would be so many attacks I'd miss. People who call Lucas a clone seriously never played as any of the two.

The same would probably go for Wolf if I actually cared about him.

I once tried to play him, 'cause he looks cool, but I couldn't get used to him, like with any of the Star Fox characters.

Edited by Nova
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I was wondering when Shin would change the tags and title to match the pages and pages of leak discussion.

Also, the only complaint I have with Dark Pit and Dr. Mario is that, while they don't take time away from more complex characters, they could have taken time away from other clones that aren't just palette swaps or wardrobe changes of other characters. Maybe bring Roy and Pichu back instead (I don't particularly care for either of them returning, but they're both completely their own characters in terms of physical appearance and story. Dark Pit may be his own character, too, but there's no denying that he started as a palette swap in Brawl and still looks like one, and Dr. Mario is literally the same guy as Mario), or make some new clone characters. Lucas and Wolf would have required a bit more effort, since they aren't as clone-y, but I still would've been fine having the game be delayed a bit to put them in over Dr. Mario and Dark Pit.

But, still, I've got a larger amount of newcomers that I'm super-hyped for than any previous Smash game (SHULK!!!, Lucina, Palutena, Duck Hunt Dog, and, if the "second list" is real, Mewtwo, Ridley, and Dixie).

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Why are people counting Mewtwo as a newcomer? Did everyone just totally forget that he was in Melee? He should count as a veteran. xP

It's sort of vague what he (and Dr. Mario) should count as, since they were in a Smash game before but weren't in the most recent one before SSB4 (Brawl). Part of the reason I consider them newcomers is that their presence was more in doubt than any Brawl veteran (except perhaps Snake), so it's a newcomer-like surprise to see them. But, I guess the official designation will be based on whether or not Sakurai gives them a "newcomer" label on their page on the website (I don't think Dr. Mario will get one on the main character page, because not even Lucina got one of those and she's a true newcomer, but Mewtwo might get one there).

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While I don't mind if this leak is real (I mean it has very strong support) I'm just bummed my buddy Solid Snake isn't coming back :(

Right there with you. Hell, I'm bummed about ALL of the cut characters.

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It's sort of vague what he (and Dr. Mario) should count as, since they were in a Smash game before but weren't in the most recent one before SSB4 (Brawl). Part of the reason I consider them newcomers is that their presence was more in doubt than any Brawl veteran (except perhaps Snake), so it's a newcomer-like surprise to see them. But, I guess the official designation will be based on whether or not Sakurai gives them a "newcomer" label on their page on the website (I don't think Dr. Mario will get one on the main character page, because not even Lucina got one of those and she's a true newcomer, but Mewtwo might get one there).

Ah, I see. That does make sense. I'd still wager that Sakurai will treat them as veterans though, so the ratio between vets and newcomers doesn't get silly.

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I'm suspecting he'll treat Mewtwo as a veteran but introduce him in a trailer like Charizard, possibly even with his own intro splash.

If Mewtwo is in, of course.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Calling it: Mewtwo will be revealed in the trailer for Duck Hunt Dog.

I still can't believe Duck Hunt Dog is actually in. That's awesome in so many ways.

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Calling it: Mewtwo will be revealed in the trailer for Duck Hunt Dog.

I still can't believe Duck Hunt Dog is actually in. That's awesome in so many ways.


Hasn't been completely confirmed that he'd be in. Hoping that he laughs his way in.

Bowser Jr, Wario and Shulk, however, likely will since Nintendo took down the evidence. Meta Knight likely will be our last reveal now that we had some nosy impatient people ruin some things. x.x

We've been spoiled enough as it is...no more reveals, plz, Sakurai.

Edited by PuffPuff
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IIRC, Lucina had the newcomer banner in the mobile site, yet she has the veteran label on the regular site.

edit: Indeed, she has the newcomer banner at the mobile site.

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Sakurai announced that not all vets are going to make the cut due to time constraints. Understandible. You've put enough hard work into this game as it is. Sure some of us will be disappointed as Sakurai worries of this...but your trying your best to make this an absolute experience for all of us. ;]

Sakurai said he understands each fighter has his or her own set of fans who really like the character and acknowledged some will be disappointed when they don't find their favourite character in the roster.

We’re going to put in as many characters as we can, we really want to do that, because it's good for the fans and good for all of us. But in the event that we do have to cut some characters, I’d like to apologise in advance to those fans.

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That could potentially mean no more Ice Climbers and their broken chaingrabs. Not much of a loss for me.

Anyways, seems like the point I was trying to get across by posting today's PotD got missed completely.


Red circle-This diagonal arrow looks like it's a different color. It could be just the quality of the photo, but I've tried messing with it in Photoshop and I'm still sure that it's a different color.

Black circle-The font in the PotD is slightly smaller. I even managed to resize and align the two pics together and saw that the font in the leak barely passes the black line aligned with the PotD. I even overlayed the leak onto the PotD and I think it's somewhat noticable.

The "P1, P2, etc." also seems to be missing in the leak unless it's supposed to be that way normally.

I'm not sure myself if this is correct, so feel free to prove me wrong.

I honestly don't believe the idea that the leaker was working for and was caught by NoA. To me, it just seems like another troll trying to reinforce the leak's fraudulent legitimacy. It's true that video footage is hard to fake, but nothing is truly impossible and I have seen pretty good leaked footage that got proved fake before this one. Besides, it's kind've to be expected that when a game is near release, stuff like this happens. Hopefully Sakurai will reveal something that debunks the whole entire leak.

Edited by Kiseki
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Calling it: Mewtwo will be revealed in the trailer for Duck Hunt Dog.

I still can't believe Duck Hunt Dog is actually in. That's awesome in so many ways.

Mewtwo in the field from Duck Hunt attempting to shoot the dog from far away using his psychic blasts. We don't know what he's shooting at. You see about five shots brush the grass and then Mewtwo pauses. Duck Hunt dog comes up out of the field and begins to laugh. Splash banner.

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Hopefully Sakurai will reveal something that debunks the whole entire leak.

Are the roster pics and videos connected (leaked by same person)?

If so, revealing someone like Lucas or Wolf could completely turn this thing upside down. Not exactly Bowser Jr. and Shulk and all that, but the fact that the roster is wrong. Though I would love for Lucas or Wolf to be confirmed (for debunking purposes), sadly it just doesn't seem possible anymore.

As someone said before, semi-clones would be harder to make rather than complete clones, and if time constraints is the big issue, then Lucas and Wolf are definitely cut.

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At this point, I just hope every newcomer gets a reveal trailer, but that might not be likely. If the number of characters in the leak is correct (especially if you include the second list that could just be another example of trolling from the leakers like the DLC list was), then Sakurai wasn't nearing the bottom of the barrel in terms of newcomers, but that wasn't what he said in the first place. He said he was nearly at the bottom of the barrel of reveal trailers. That leads me to believe that maybe only one or two more newcomers will actually get one (Probably just the starters. I think the newcomers we've seen so far are all starting characters except maybe Lucina, but it made sense to show her in the FE-related trailer. I didn't think Mega Man or Pacman were starters at first, either, but some screenshots show them on menu buttons and it wouldn't make sense to put hidden characters there).

I hope Sakurai just meant that he's only going to show one or two more newcomers before release, but will show reveal trailers for the hidden newcomers after the game is already out.

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And the footage of Bowser Jr, Ganondorf, and Shulk fighting together is pretty much impossible to fake, since it's very, VERY unlikely that someone managed to cobble together a bunch of original models, animations, and movesets for two newcomers solely for a hoax.

I've joked before that either the leaks are real or someone created a while new Smash lol.

Edited by Jacien
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Today's reveal of the day.

Nintendogs: Bath Time Theme (Vocal Mix)

Mega Man 2:Medley

The bath time one is really soothing like the


Electroplankton stage

I've noticed that Nintendo stopped updating on Miiverse for some reason. It's probably due to the leakage that has set everything wrong.

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Uh, there was a pic of the day today, so Miiverse updates have definitely not stopped.

But if these leaks do actually turn out to be fake, that could mean no menu button with Ike that I like so much. D: But it's just a small thing, so I can live with it. And who knows, it might actually be a thing anyway. ^^

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But if these leaks do actually turn out to be fake, that could mean no menu button with Ike that I like so much.

Personally, I'm disappointed that Ike is on the "With Anyone" button instead of the "With Friends" one, considering who he fights for.

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Uh, there was a pic of the day today, so Miiverse updates have definitely not stopped.

But if these leaks do actually turn out to be fake, that could mean no menu button with Ike that I like so much. D: But it's just a small thing, so I can live with it. And who knows, it might actually be a thing anyway. ^^



So sowwy. My mistake. I apologize for being unaware of that. But...it seemed that nobody's posted up any of the updates to Miiverse lately except for the 29th E4 Trailer. Understandable as we are already overwhelmed and upset with all of the leakage. -.-

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Personally, I'm disappointed that Ike is on the "With Anyone" button instead of the "With Friends" one, considering who he fights for.

Oh yeah, good point. XD But Ike being on a button at all pleases me, as I never expected that he'd be on one instead of Marth. :P

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