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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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So what exactly was the difference between Ike's and Marth's counter? And do you guys think Little Mac and Shulk will have some special bonus with their version of counter?

According to recent scans (I think they were Famitsu) the window where Shulk can successfully counter decreases every time you successfully pull off a counter. So at the start of the match it can be quite forgiving, but the more times you pull it off the harder it becomes to use efficiently

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So what exactly was the difference between Ike's and Marth's counter? And do you guys think Little Mac and Shulk will have some special bonus with their version of counter?

Marths counter was faster but it had a smaller damage mulitplyer then Ikes, Ikes also had more frames on the counter swing

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The Smash Bros. 3DS XL comes with Smash Bros. 3DS pre-downloaded. So it IS the bundle.

Clearly, SOMEBODY needs to do a better job of making sure games get released when they're supposed to be. Canada got their butts chewed for putting games out earlier than planned, didn't anyone learn from that?

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The Smash Bros. 3DS XL comes with Smash Bros. 3DS pre-downloaded. So it IS the bundle.

Clearly, SOMEBODY needs to do a better job of making sure games get released when they're supposed to be. Canada got their butts chewed for putting games out earlier than planned, didn't anyone learn from that?

Not saying you're wrong, but where exactly does it say "comes with Smash 4 pre-downloaded"?

I understand it says "get it here first" but that may just be the 3DS XL itself, and getting it before it hits Gamestop, or whatever. And it says "hardware" and only "hardware". Doesn't that mean just the system?

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Play as Mario first as I have in every smash since 64, then try out my mains, and every other character to see their changes and get decent with everyone again.

I'm a jack of all characters who has a few mains. So yeah

Wow, same here! I was going to do just that.

It appears that, just like with Pokemon X/Y, people got the game two or more weeks earlier than they should've. That probably means that the leaker who uploaded the now-removed footage was one of the people who got the game early. I figured this was to be expected since there have been other times in the past where someone got the game early and people didn't learn from it.

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It was confirmed awhile back that this 3DS would come with it pre-downloaded. :/

EDIT: If the leaker was someone that got the game early, wouldn't they have leaked ALL of the remaining newcomers and stuff, not just Shulk and Bowser Jr.?

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It was confirmed awhile back that this 3DS would come with it pre-downloaded. :/

That doesn't mean anything...?

Nintendo COULD just make the system and sell it as it is. If people want a collectible 3DS, they can get one without having to wait for the actual game. And as you said, if stores have made that mistake before, wouldn't we expect for it to not happen again?

Nintendo / whoever makes the systems can just make the system and sell it alone.

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Wow, same here! I was going to do just that.

It appears that, just like with Pokemon X/Y, people got the game two or more weeks earlier than they should've. That probably means that the leaker who uploaded the now-removed footage was one of the people who got the game early. I figured this was to be expected since there have been other times in the past where someone got the game early and people didn't learn from it.

The leaker had to be one of the sixteen competers in the smash fest tournament that was one of the sixteen people to have gotten the game early. Still...they need to be respectful and not spoil it for the rest of us who don't have the game yet.



But...I'm already getting the Jap version first right now and already have the 3DS XL. But it's only getting delayed for already XL owners as they need to print as much copies as possible before game release as we know that this series is a REALLY big one.



According to the article, the Wii-U's version is getting a worldwide release. Happy day. Happy day. Haaaaaaappy day.


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Smash Wii U COULD have a worldwide release, but it hasn't been confirmed yet. Japan may still get it first.

All we know of Smash Wii U's release is that it's "Holiday 2014".

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DIXIE KONG!! :D I hope that pic is real! But who the heck is the character right below Dr. Mario? o.O

EDIT: Oh, it's just Toon Link with a player icon over him lol oops.

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If this is real, this means Wolf is back. I'm cool with that. Probably isn't though. I'm not trusting any leaks until we get something like the video proof from before.

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When I get my hands on it:

1. Unlock everyone

2. Play as everyone and anyone (even the people I suck as, just because)

3. Play everything and anything (Smash Run, Classic, etc)

4. ?????


And maybe that starting roster means that there will be more people besides Lucina who are unlockable that we have yet to see!

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Mewtwo's outline bothers me, otherwise it looks like we might have seen the end of all hype for Smash

Chorus men though, really going to steer this ship until it sinks. There's better reps from Rhythm Heaven; Karate Joe, the Samurai, whatever though

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All four of the characters I'll be using most are starters this time, wow (Ike, Luigi, Robin, Toon Link). I expected Robin to be unlockable, but this is a nice surprise. lol

Some other characters I want to use are there too (Link, Charizard, Rosalina).

But if that previous pic is real, then the only cuts are the Ice Climbers, Snake, Lucas, Squirtle, and Ivysaur. And this would be the first time a starter has been removed entirely (Lucas, Ice Climbers).

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I've seen this a bunch of times now and it's fake. The renders for Jigglypuff and Dr. Mario are different from the real leak (it can be hard to tell, but they are). They were taken from a re-creation someone made.

Specifically this one:

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People in Japan have now gotten a chance to play the Japanese full version demo of the game this weekend. What they're essentially playing is the final verison.

The smash boards have been getting flooded for requests and changes and they're already giving their general impressions.

Please note that these are general impressions so far from different sources like 2ch, twitter and Smash boards and you may have to take it with a grain of salt.

- Ledge snap has been nerfed. It acts like Melee's.
- Meta knights up b is like Marth's up b. It hits people like once and sorta knocks them away and has an upward direction to it. His tornado still has a lot of hits but you can DI it pretty easy because the hits are actually less frequent, I don't know yet about its priority.
- Pivot cancel is still in
- Pac Man is SLOW. Every single one of his aerials are kicks. His forward aerial is a double kick, his back air is like Mario. The thing that stood our about him is his utter sluggish-ness. His fall speed is like brawl. His run speed is slow. His forward b sends a pellet out in front of him, and then he turns in to classic pacman and boosts towards it. It's kind of like greninja'd shadow sneak thing except you can't time it.
- Lucario is unchanged except his smash attacks feel MUCH faster.
- Peach is unchanged except for her up aerial. It's now a rainbow thing, it has an arched hitbox over the top of her head, she draws it with her hand.
- Zelda has a white costume
- Sonic still dies pitifully if you end up in a spin without a jump
- Ike feels unchanged.
- Peach's turnip pull speed is nerfed. She can still move in to float to do things like crown and nair. Her fsmash goes tennis club, golf club, and frying pan. I believe it's a set order now.

- So far, Robin's magic is looking really good and activates very fast and Palutena's smash attack ranges are insanely good.

- Chrom appears with Robin in Victory Screen.

- Olimar has Alph as a costume
- Robin's hair model doesn't change. Only color changes.
- Fox has a Wolf color scheme (possible the poster is confusing it with the black Fox from Brawl)
Ike Summary
- seems to have been nerfed especially his jab combo
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