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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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We know Rick Astley will take one of those spots. Our poll said so.

And when Rick Astley is either overpowered beyond Meta Knight in Brawl or a thousand times worse than Pichu in Melee, I'm going to get a bumper sticker on my car that reads "Don't Blame Me, I Voted For Shin's Mom."

And, technically, there are probably going to be a decent number of Rick Astley Miis going around, even if they won't be usable in "with anyone" online play.

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Six slots according to that pic? Then this is what I want/predict:

Dixie Kong






All are actual predictions except Vaati. I don't have my hopes up real high for him, even though he IS the second most recurring Zelda villain.

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Six slots according to that pic?

There's only 5 slots left to fill on the leaked roster. Whoever made that mockup forgot that the Random slot exists.

Anyway, how is this really new? We've known about the lock thing since whenever Sakurai mentioned it in that POTD, and people have been saying the roster wasn't final since the leak was confirmed.

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There's only 5 slots left to fill on the leaked roster. Whoever made that mockup forgot that the Random slot exists.

Anyway, how is this really new? We've known about the lock thing since whenever Sakurai mentioned it in that POTD, and people have been saying the roster wasn't final since the leak was confirmed.

People thought the pictures were taken at different times because of the Barbara picture, lending to the roster shot being final and the All-Star shot having been taken earlier, but now there's pretty much no evidence of them being taken at different times.
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Do the six empty slots account for the Random button? Doesn't look like it in the picture. So one of those is going to be the Random button. And I agree with Ninian that one of the slots is going to be for DLC (probably you select it and a small second menu appears that you pick a DLC character from). So then the four I predict are:

1. Mewtwo (Incredibly popular and highly-requested worldwide. The only non-clone to be cut in the transition between Melee and Brawl, which is ironic given the fact that it's the Pokemon known for being a clone of Mew)

2. Dixie Kong (Also really popular, and from a series that definitely deserves a third rep. She has the edge over K. Rool in my mind because K. Rool has been rather underused in the Donkey Kong games since Rare went to Microsoft)

3. Ice Climber (No, that's not a typo. I honestly believe that Sakurai couldn't get their AI to work, but instead of cutting them altogether he decided to ditch the second Ice Climber and have separate costumes for Popo and Nana, and then beefed them up to compensate for the lack of help)

The fourth slot is troubling me. It could be Wolf, but Fox now has a new costume that looks eerily similar to him. It could be Lucas, but people have analyzed every CSS we've seen, both official and leaked, and saw that Ness in the leaked CSS was grouped with the single-rep series. It could be Ridley, but he's only popular in the West and Sakurai probably feels like he's catered to us enough, plus Other M might have killed the Metroid series. Isaac would be nice, but that's just wishful thinking on my part. And I'd like a Gen III Pokemon but there's no indication that Sakurai received word from Game Freak about the Gen III remakes before the roster was finalized. If I have to make a prediction, though, it would probably be:

4. A Rhythm Heaven Rep (I'll admit that I don't know much about the series, but it would be an option that caters to the Japanese fanbase who are probably upset that westerners have Little Mac as playable but characters like Takamaru are just assist trophies. Yes, I know going the generic route rather than actually naming a character is a bit of a cop-out, but eh...)

I still uphold that any cut characters (except maybe Snake, for copyright reasons) are prime candidates for DLC.

Edit: Of course, trying to predict what Sakurai would do is not an easy task, so I would not be surprised if all of my predictions are wrong.

Edited by ClevelandSteve
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Well there is a French journalist who has the game. We know this because he posted a new screenshot of Tortimer's Island a few days ago.

Earlier today there was a French journalist who supposedly confirmed Chorus Kids on his Twitter.

Of course, Twitter feeds are really easy to fake and flat out confirming a character while under NDA basically gets you blacklisted from the industry, but I can't help but think this is interesting, especially if both are the same guy.

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Oh yeah, how could I forget the random button? xP

Then I'll remove Wolf from the list since Fox has an alt that looks like him and all. That leaves Dixie Kong, Vaati, Ridley, Mewtwo, and Lucas.

I'm still praying for unlockable/DLC costumes so Vanguard Ike and Mr. L Luigi still have a chance. DLC characters, I won't really care either way.

Edited by Anacybele
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Ridley still too damn big

*Is killed for overused joke*

In all seriousness, i don't think it's fair to try to piece the roster yet. There are characters in the roster that didn't even cross the minds of some people (Duck hunt dog, Dark Pit really?) So i'm trying to keep an open mind for the last 5 or 6.

Edited by Formerly ShockMaster
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That guy has a stupid hairdo

his credibility is all gone now

i always thought it was a bit weird for both of the metroid characters to be immediately unlockable.

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I think that Mewtwo is the only character left.

I mean, it would knock R.O.B. down to the next row to add another Pokemon, but that would work, and even make sense.

Which Pokemon has been really hard to get before?

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I honestly have no idea what to expect since it's likely my guesses will be wrong, so the only highly likely guesses I can make off the evidence we have is a Rhythm Heaven rep and then possibly Ridley.

My wishlist is Rhythm Heaven rep, revamped Lucas, Ridley, and then just two characters that play uniquely but fun, even Mewtwo.

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I admire the amount of effort the guy went into, but:

1. When I analyzed the slowed-down shadow, it looked like Pikachu was thrown (probably after Ridley dug his claws into him a few times for damage), not just grabbed and let go. A boss character could easily do that.

2. Although the size argument is admittedly weak in general as Ridley could be resized, this particular incarnation of Ridley (based on shadow size) IS too big to be a playable character.

3. Ridley as a playable character would probably have to either walk along the ground or hover just slightly above it. If he can move freely in the air like that, then suspension of disbelief is strained if he can be KO'd by falling like any other playable character.

4. The number one argument against Ridley's inclusion in my mind (although I do still want him) is that we've already gotten plenty of Western-friendly reps. If we get Little Mac and Ridley but no Takamaru or Captain Rainbow, the Japanese fanbase will feel that Sakurai is betraying his homeland.

Although, Ridley's size and seemingly unlimited flight in the shown video could be explained if he was in his Final Smash form or something.

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2. Although the size argument is admittedly weak in general as Ridley could be resized, this particular incarnation of Ridley (based on shadow size) IS too big to be a playable character.

Analyses of the shadow have shown that it's closer to the size of a playable character.


. The number one argument against Ridley's inclusion in my mind (although I do still want him) is that we've already gotten plenty of Western-friendly reps. If we get Little Mac and Ridley but no Takamaru or Captain Rainbow, the Japanese fanbase will feel that Sakurai is betraying his homeland.

Shulk and Palutena were very popular Japanese choices. If Mewtwo is in, so is that.
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Actually, no. That "five extra slots" pic looks like a really bad shop.

I mean, it looks really jagged compared to the leak, so it just feels off, just like having 5 characters after the third parties, and if those would be there, wouldn't they be on the leaked CSS?

I believe the original, which hurts this one.

Also, does anyone else feel that if Sakurai had had some extra time, that Alph would be in the clone corner, and that he chose Dr. Mario, Dark Pit, and Lucina instead?

I would have put in Alph instead of Dr. Mario, but ah well.

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I thought it WAS a Photoshopped pic and was only meant to show us that five more slots could fit on the screen.

Oh. i was about to say that if you looked at Shulk's border, then you could see some of Pac's Yellow Border, so that means nothing now.


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I thought so. I hope that even if Vaati's not in though, Zelda gets SOMEONE new. I mean, if Mario got THREE newcomers, Zelda needs at least one. It's very nearly on par with Mario as a Ninty franchise.

Edited by Anacybele
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Analyses of the shadow have shown that it's closer to the size of a playable character.

Nabbit is player-sized, but not playable.

These stage distractions are making me feel woozy!

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