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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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I feel that we probably will only get Sonic and Pac-Man back in Smash 5, because with how Capcom's going, I don't think they'll be independent by 2020/2021.

personally, i feel that if sonic left smash bros and went in a sega x atlus fighter by arc system works, that would be fine by me

omg jack frost vs sonic

rise vs ulala

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I feel that we probably will only get Sonic and Pac-Man back in Smash 5, because with how Capcom's going, I don't think they'll be independent by 2020/2021.

personally, i feel that if sonic left smash bros and went in a sega x atlus fighter by arc system works, that would be fine by me

omg jack frost vs sonic

rise vs ulala

I personally wouldn't be surprised if Sonic is the only recurring third party character across all future Smash games. And I'm saying this as someone who despises Sonic and his series. He is THE most deserving third party rep, in my opinion.

Of course, if Nintendo buys Capcom themselves (I don't think it's going to happen, but I can dream. Dragon's Dogma for Wii U please), then Mega Man will be a 2nd party character instead of a 3rd party and thus could easily return in future Smash games, possibly with even more characters from his series.

If there even are future Smash games, I mean. If the cutscenes making it to the internet was enough for Sakurai to get rid of SSE, imagine what all of these leaks will do. At the very least, Nintendo might have to find someone other than Sakurai to make it, and whoever takes the job probably won't be as good.

Edited by ClevelandSteve
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What?! That's preposterous, replacing Sakurai when he's not even to blame for the leaks. I doubt he can watch everything and everyone every second of the day. And for all we know, it wasn't even someone from Nintendo. It could've easily been someone from ESRB or that French journalist that apparently has a copy of the game.

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If there even are future Smash games, I mean. If the cutscenes making it to the internet was enough for Sakurai to get rid of SSE, imagine what all of these leaks will do. At the very least, Nintendo might have to find someone other than Sakurai to make it, and whoever takes the job probably won't be as good.

Melee and Brawl both had their rosters leaked. Sure, it sucks (for Sakurai), but if this phased him so much as to not make another game, he shouldn't have made these in the first place.

That said, I do wonder if we'll get another Smash game. How big would the roster be in the next game? 50 in itself is going to the brink, and if the same amount of expansion happens with another game, we'd be looking at 65-70 characters. That's insane.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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What?! That's preposterous, replacing Sakurai when he's not even to blame for the leaks. I doubt he can watch everything and everyone every second of the day. And for all we know, it wasn't even someone from Nintendo. It could've easily been someone from ESRB or that French journalist that apparently has a copy of the game.

I'm not saying Nintendo would replace him by force, I'm saying that Sakurai will refuse to make another Smash Bros. game (like I said, the SSE cutscenes making it to the internet were enough for him to not include a story mode in SSB4) and Nintendo will have to find someone else if they want to keep this cash cow franchise around.

Melee and Brawl both had their rosters leaked. Sure, it sucks (for Sakurai), but if this phased him so much as to not make another game, he shouldn't have made these in the first place.

Well, I'm just going by what we know: that the Subspace Emissary Cutscenes making it online caused Sakurai not to include a story mode in SSB4. Maybe he didn't know about those other leaks And besides, Sakurai did threaten not to make another SSB game after Brawl, and might have after Melee too but I honestly wasn't paying attention. Nintendo just convinced him to change his mind. He might actually do it this time. I really hope not.

Edited by ClevelandSteve
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It matters because Sakurai wasn't the one to surprise us with these reveals. Some fucker ruined it for him. And now might have ruined it for all of us in the future. I hope Sakurai can recover from it though, and not stop making the series. I mean, I would be pissed at the leaks if I was him, but I'd also think of the fans and how they would be sad to see him depart from the series. I'd demand better security on my shit as well.

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Well, I'm just going by what we know: that the Subspace Emissary Cutscenes making it online caused Sakurai not to include a story mode in SSB4. Maybe he didn't know about those other leaks And besides, Sakurai did threaten not to make another SSB game after Brawl, and might have after Melee too but I honestly wasn't paying attention. Nintendo just convinced him to change his mind. He might actually do it this time. I really hope not.

Not saying I wouldn't want Sakurai to stay the director, but the idea of where the series would go without him does get me curious.
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I personally wouldn't be surprised if Sonic is the only recurring third party character across all future Smash games. And I'm saying this as someone who despises Sonic and his series. He is THE most deserving third party rep, in my opinion.

Considering that Mario & Sonic at The Olympic (Winter) Games is a thing, I wouldn't be surprised if Sonic was the first third party to get two reps

Analyses of the shadow have shown that it's closer to the size of a playable character.

I've seen this mentioned a couple times but never seen the analysis itself, could you (or anyone else) provide a link to it or something?
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Well, I think I can say one thing. If Miyamoto were to direct it, Pac-Man would never leave. :P He actually ASKED Sakurai to put him in, didn't he?

Although, I've a feeling that if Aonuma were to direct it, we'd finally get a Zelda newcomer or two.

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Considering that Mario & Sonic at The Olympic (Winter) Games is a thing, I wouldn't be surprised if Sonic was the first third party to get two reps

I hope not. With Sonic, I understand that he's very deserving even if I don't like him. But... the rest of the characters in his series? Ugh. Especially Original The Character, I mean Gary Stu The 3Edgy5Me Guy, I mean Emo McWangsty, I mean Enoby Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way as a male hedgehog, I mean Shadow. Yeah really original name, to boot. In case you haven't guessed, Shadow is my least favorite Sonic character. And that's saying something.

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I haven't played a Sonic game, but I thought Shadow was badass in the Super Mario Bros. Z Youtube show, so I wouldn't mind seeing him playable. ^^

Shadow is basically everything emo teenagers think is cool. I'm surprised that "Crawling In My Skin" by Linkin Park doesn't automatically start playing every time he appears anywhere.

If Sonic HAD to have a second rep, the only one I'd be willing to even tolerate is Tails. And that's only if there MUST be a second Sonic rep.

Then again, if Shadow gets in, I could always use him as a punching bag. Even the Smash Bros characters I dislike such as Robin and Lucario don't irk me enough to make them fill that role.

On top of all that, I oppose the idea of third parties having more than one rep per series (possibly even per company) on the principle that they're supposed to be guests and that the main focus is on Nintendo's history. Sonic himself is certainly part of that because of the rivalry of the SNES vs. Genesis era, but that doesn't mean he gets to drag anyone else from his series along.

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That was the greatest description of Shadow the Hedgehog I have ever read to be honest

I'll throw my two cents in on the whole five remaining characters thing; my money's on Ridley, Groose, Dixie, Mewtwo, and one other random newcomer who I would assume to be chorus men Even though I don't like them personally, but to keep things interesting, I'd go with Isaac, just because we haven't seen him at all yet

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Well I'm not an emo teenager. >.>

I didn't say you were, but you yourself said that you're only familiar with him from a youtube show. Technically, I'm only really familiar with him from youtube, too. But I watched actual cutscenes and gameplay footage from games that he's in, and his "emo teenager appeal" vibes annoyed me. A lot.

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I hope not. With Sonic, I understand that he's very deserving even if I don't like him. But... the rest of the characters in his series? Ugh. Especially Original The Character, I mean Gary Stu The 3Edgy5Me Guy, I mean Emo McWangsty, I mean Enoby Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way as a male hedgehog, I mean Shadow. Yeah really original name, to boot. In case you haven't guessed, Shadow is my least favorite Sonic character. And that's saying something.

Wow, that's some Sonic hate you got there.

Anyway, for Smash 5, if Cappy gets bought by Sony, I think that Sonic, Tails, Simon, and Pac-Man would be nice.

EDIT: Also, Shadow isn't really "emo teenager" because if you've read his Sonic Adventure 2 lines, I dare say he's the corniest character in the game.

Of course, what do I know? My favorite Sonic character is Rouge the Bat's SA2 characterization.

<3 lani minella

Edited by Monado Boy
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I hope not. With Sonic, I understand that he's very deserving even if I don't like him. But... the rest of the characters in his series? Ugh. Especially Original The Character, I mean Gary Stu The 3Edgy5Me Guy, I mean Emo McWangsty, I mean Enoby Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way as a male hedgehog, I mean Shadow. Yeah really original name, to boot. In case you haven't guessed, Shadow is my least favorite Sonic character. And that's saying something.

IF we were to get a second one, I'd hope for Knuckles or Tails

I'm not that fond of third party characters already, so I wouldn't want a second character from the same series

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I didn't say you were, but you yourself said that you're only familiar with him from a youtube show. Technically, I'm only really familiar with him from youtube, too. But I watched actual cutscenes and gameplay footage from games that he's in, and his "emo teenager appeal" vibes annoyed me. A lot.

What exactly are "emo teenager appeal" vibes?

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