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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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What exactly are "emo teenager appeal" vibes?

Yeah, I'd say that just watching Youtube doesn't get a good glimpse of him, but neither than anything past Sonic Adventure 2 really.

Of course, you hate Sonic so whatever.

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Well, I'm just going by what we know: that the Subspace Emissary Cutscenes making it online caused Sakurai not to include a story mode in SSB4. Maybe he didn't know about those other leaks And besides, Sakurai did threaten not to make another SSB game after Brawl, and might have after Melee too but I honestly wasn't paying attention. Nintendo just convinced him to change his mind. He might actually do it this time. I really hope not.

You know, another thing that could happen is that the next Smash Bros. is revealed the exact same day that it gets released. There would be a good chance that leakers won't be able to get their information in time should that ever happen.
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You know, another thing that could happen is that the next Smash Bros. is revealed the exact same day that it gets released. There would be a good chance that leakers won't be able to get their information in time should that ever happen.

If the leaker was from ESRB, I wouldn't count on that. Sakurai would still be sending footage and stuff to them for them to rate and we could see a repeat of SSB Wii U/3DS, except with "OMG NEW SMASH!" along with "OMG NEW CHARACTERS!"

Edited by Anacybele
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And besides, Smash 5 is years away!

If we were to follow the trend, SSB5 would be released 2020 ~ 2021!

Speaking of which, which newcomers do people think are gonna stay for the next Smash game? I'd call Rosalina, Little Mac, Palutena, Shulk, Villager, Robin, Greninja, Pac-Man and Mega Man. Lucina + WFT seem nice for the current Smash, but they might not be up for it in the next iteration (which is a LONG time from now).

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I don't see WFT ever getting cut, to be honest. The clone newcomers are the only ones I see having high potential to be cut, but anything can happen (Mewtwo).

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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I would hope that Lucina gets the boot for a new, way cooler FE lord. Preferably one that doesn't use a sword and can bring something new to the table.

EDIT: Didn't we say that that could've easily been a typo?

Edited by Anacybele
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Nah, Lucina's staying I think.

I mean, if FE14 is all about Lucina, then I think she can stay, especially since she takes almost no work.

However, I'd like Dark Pit to be replaced by Viridi, which would be cool.

Mega Man, Dr. Mario, Dark Pit, Mii Swordfighter, Mii Brawler, and Mii Gunner sound like safe cuts.

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You say Lucina will stay but Dark Pit and Dr. Mario will be cut? That doesn't make sense to me. All three are clones. :/

We don't know what the next FE will be about either (and hopefully it's not about Lucina or ANY already established character. It should be something completely brand new and unrelated to any existing worlds/continents), so I wouldn't make any bets.

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I would hope that Lucina gets the boot for a new, way cooler FE lord. Preferably one that doesn't use a sword and can bring something new to the table.

EDIT: Didn't we say that that could've easily been a typo?

well let's just remeber how easy clones are to make

Nah, Lucina's staying I think.

I mean, if FE14 is all about Lucina

this is a very big "if."
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Let's just remember how many clones have been cut. And Dark Pit was likely in the same position as Lucina and was originally meant to be an alt. Dr. Mario likely got in because there was time left.

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It's possible that, since SSB4 addressed the lack of female characters (as best as could be done, since a major part of the problem is the lack of important female characters in the serieses that these characters come from), I think that SSB5 might address the lack of villains. Meaning characters like Ridley and K. Rool might finally have their shot.

I would hope that Lucina gets the boot for a new, way cooler FE lord. Preferably one that doesn't use a sword and can bring something new to the table.

Maybe Ike will get the boot in favor of Priam once Priam has his own game.

In all seriousness though, I am kinda worried about Lucina myself. I'd say Fire Emblem is one of two series (Pokemon being the other one) that are pretty much guaranteed to get a rep who doesn't exist yet, and I don't see FE getting more than four reps unless the roster next time is ridiculously huge.

Here are my guesses at SSB5 Newcomers (all of these, of course, presume that these characters aren't in SSB4):

1. K. Rool

2. Ridley

3. Mewtwo

4. Wolf

5. Hades

6. A Fire Emblem Character who doesn't exist yet

7. A Gen VII or Gen VIII Pokemon who also doesn't exist yet.

8. A character from a franchise that doesn't exist yet.

9. Dixie Kong

10. Takamaru

11. Simon Belmont (If Mega Man returns, then this will complete the Captain N team)

12. Cloud Strife (A really out-there choice for a third party rep, due to only appearing on Nintendo consoles in the form of cameos in a few Kingdom Hearts games, but his rivalry with Link was a major part of the Nintendo 64 vs. PlayStation console war just like Mario vs. Sonic was a major part of the Super Nintendo vs. Genesis, so I'd say he has the relevance to Nintendo history. The problem is Squeenix and their protectiveness of the IPs)

There may be more, but these are just some guesses.

As for cuts, I'm really bad at predicting those. I thought Mewtwo would be safe and Falco would be gone in Brawl, and in SSB4 I thought Lucario and Toon Link were goners. I'd say Dark Pit and Dr. Mario have a decent chance of leaving, but I'm probably wrong.

Edited by ClevelandSteve
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It's possible that, since SSB4 addressed the lack of female characters (as best as could be done, since a major part of the problem is the lack of important female characters in the serieses that these characters come from)

I really hope this thought doesn't become a trend.
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All in all, it really just depends on what happens with the franchises in the future. For all we know, the next FE could be another Magvel game with Ephraim or a Jugdral remake and we could see Ephraim or Sigurd in.

But yeah, it's kinda early to be talking about the next new Smash. lol

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All in all, it really just depends on what happens with the franchises in the future. For all we know, the next FE could be another Magvel game with Ephraim or a Jugdral remake and we could see Ephraim or Sigurd in.

If the next FE is a Magvel game, Eirika could get in!
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Will there even be another Magvel game? Maybe, though it might have a similar plot like Awakening with the whole archetypal dark worshipers (Some sort of Cult trying to reconstruct Fomortiis)

Fire Emblem characters pre-FE7 that are overlooked like Sigurd prolly won't make the cut. It's because FE isn't much of a priority in Smash Bros. imo due to how they're not as big and iconic as Mario or Kirby . Sure they have Lances, but... I don't know, they're just ordinary royal fighters

This leak is actually starting to feel like a reality with the whole Wolf and Lucas being removed and Shulk being revealed and Ganon being accidentally revealed. I really don't want Dark Pit and the Doc to come back, because I'm kinda picky with certain clones, and Doctor Mario was no different from Mario. If Pitooey is confirmed, I just hope he has a much more original moveset.

Edited by Foolishly Capricious
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I doubt it when Ephraim would be more unique. Eirika's just another blue haired sword user. Sakurai picked Robin over Chrom for the same reason and Lucina just got lucky. Sakurai even said so himself.

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To be honest, I kinda wanted Hector to be a rep; break the blue-haired sword lords with his manly axes, but I guess he wasn't too popular.

Wished Lana, or someone from Hyrule Warriors could be playable, and the likeliness of it is unlikely.

You know, if they still had Subspace Mode or something similar to it, I kinda wanted an FE villain to be one of the bosses. Fomortiis would have been pretty cool, and he'd play a bit similarly to Apocalypse from MvsSF.

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That reminds me, why the hell doesn't Smash Run have any FE enemies when freaking Rhythm Heaven and Ice Climber do? They're way more niche than FE. And FE could've easily gotten Risen or random soldiers.

Edited by Anacybele
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A lance wouldn't really bring much either, other than weapon of choice, tbh

EDIT: or maybe they just weren't shown yet. The enemies are random after all

Edited by The King
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