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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Yeah, but the fact of the matter doesn't change that Ephraim's another weapon fighter. Other than weapon choice, tell me how that can make one unique? It'd literally be the same reasoning of Chrom, but without the sword

EDIT: Unless they just exaggerate him. But with what?

Edited by The King
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Yeah. And now think of what makes them different. Dedede is a very large character with a very large weapon, who has Waddle Dee and Gordo minions, along with multiple jumping and inhalation. Ike is a swordsman, who unlike previous ones, has strength and is a heavy fighter. Likely due to the fact that Ragnell is a heavy sword.

Do you know any trait about Ephraim that could actually make him stand out from the cast, other than the fact that he has a spear? Need I point out that the most you can do with a lance is stab, chuck it, and twirl it around in a nutshell.

Though I've never played Sacred Stones, so I know nothing of Ephraim's traits, other than what I've read of him, so if there really is something that will, I'd be glad to hear it.

Edited by The King
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Dedede is a weapon fighter. Ike is a weapon fighter. Yet they function entirely differently.

It has merit, Dedede comes from a different universe and has different fighting styles based around him.

I don't know whether or not Sigurd will fight on a horse, but both him and Ephraim are just not that popular in the FE universe and will be generic royal fighters. Yes, you can slash and stab with a lance, but it still doesn't change the fact they'll just be somewhat similar to Marth. I think they included Ike because he broke the mold of the usual royal fighters and had the charm to join the ranks of Smash. Robin came in because he can use magic and fight with a sword. Robin also represented the FE universe on a much wider scale, mostly with the usage of magic.

I kinda think this is why Roy was removed and Chrom was not chosen. Sakurai just didn't want the royal lords to have all the attention and wanted to make the FE cast have some variety.

Lucina was lucky because she was initially gonna be a Marth alternate, until her blade properties made her a Marth clone.

Edited by Foolishly Capricious
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Ike is probably a heavy guy without Ragnell as well though, especially RD Ike. Muscle weighs more than fat, you know. RD Ike should be quite heavy regardless of his weapon because of this. I'd say from the size of those biceps of his, he could be 280 lbs, maybe more. And this isn't even factoring in his armor.

How about the way Ephraim twirls that thing? That's pretty sick. And besides that, Sakurai has built neat movesets off of nothing.

Roy was removed because of time constraints. This has been repeated many times.

Edited by Anacybele
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Roy was removed because of time constraints. This has been repeated many times.

But why was Roy not prioritized over others? This is a detail many tend to leave out.

Ephraim's chances are slim to none, but I do think he'd be more unique than people are making him out to be. He'd probably be a spacer with good range, but not really a lot of good kill moves. He'd have ranged attacks and I could see a B down that spins his lance in front of him and acts as a frontal reflector, kinda like Pit's.

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I'm guessing because he was a clone and Sakurai seemed to really want to focus on Ike. I heard Ike was the first newcomer revealed for Brawl, plus he's obviously unique unlike Roy.

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Well, I guess for Brawl, that was time constraints, but I highly doubt they'll consider him to be playable. I'm pretty sure they had hundreds of ideas on which FE person should be in Smash; who should be playable, who should be a trophy, and who should be an assist. I won't be so surprised if Roy is revealed as a trophy.

Roy wasn't much of a priority because Sakurai is trying to expand the FE playable cast by not making it all aristocrat sword wielders. It kinda makes FE have a bit of a snobby air if that were to happen.

Edited by Foolishly Capricious
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I'm guessing because he was a clone and Sakurai seemed to really want to focus on Ike. I heard Ike was the first newcomer revealed for Brawl, plus he's obviously unique unlike Roy.

The idea is that Sakurai wanted to do something different with him so he wouldn't be as cloney (like he did with Falco and Ganondorf), but the fact that he lost out to others is telling.

The first trailer for Brawl revealed Meta Knight, Pit, Zero Suit Samus, Wario, and Snake. Ike was the first newcomer reveal after that, though.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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I think human enemies in Smash Run take away from the cartoony element of it. Smash is meant to be fun, but the enemies of FE are not supposed to be fun. They're soldiers of an enemy nation. If we ever did see any FE enemies appear in Smash, I would prefer the monsters of Gaiden, Magvel, or at the very most, the revenants from Awakening.

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Then that would just make no damn sense AT all. Giving Ike a look that isn't his but not giving him one that IS? Yeah. :/

Also, I googled "blue onyx armor" and came up with some results that DID resemble Ike's Vanguard armor. So it could still be that. But I'd honestly be happiest if both were options.

And check this out:


It comes in pretty blue as the stone. I googled "blue onyx" that time.

That's artificial. Onyx is dyed in almost every color for jewelery purposes, but it's not naturally found in most of them. Black is the color most commonly associated with it.

Even though he's one of the few heros to not be of royalty aka: Prince and still using the treasure of Begnion (Ragnell) that has been passed down from many generations.

Okay, so the Japan release is September 13?

Will that be released midnight of September 12 in the eShop?

It should be the same day in both the e-shop as well as actual carts.

If Link doesn't suck anymore then that's another veteran I need to put lots of extra effort into trying, since he was my main in Melee. At this rate, SSB5 will be around the corner by the time I actually have one solidified main in SSB4.

It will be rather nice to have just that experience of the game especially since the game developers worked very hard on it!

7 for that huge franchise in this roster seems pretty okay to me, I'm sure some disagree though, and that's okay.

Seven Mario reps would have been too much back in Brawl, but with the roster getting larger it makes sense that Nintendo's flagship series will grow with it.

That is well deserved since Mario is everywhere in Nintendo. Even in warranty manuals for Christ's sake.

Melee and Brawl both had their rosters leaked. Sure, it sucks (for Sakurai), but if this phased him so much as to not make another game, he shouldn't have made these in the first place.

That said, I do wonder if we'll get another Smash game. How big would the roster be in the next game? 50 in itself is going to the brink, and if the same amount of expansion happens with another game, we'd be looking at 65-70 characters. That's insane.

With the development time for that is going to at least take a good 5 years like it has for three with this smash game! :D

I'm not saying Nintendo would replace him by force, I'm saying that Sakurai will refuse to make another Smash Bros. game (like I said, the SSE cutscenes making it to the internet were enough for him to not include a story mode in SSB4) and Nintendo will have to find someone else if they want to keep this cash cow franchise around.

Well, I'm just going by what we know: that the Subspace Emissary Cutscenes making it online caused Sakurai not to include a story mode in SSB4. Maybe he didn't know about those other leaks And besides, Sakurai did threaten not to make another SSB game after Brawl, and might have after Melee too but I honestly wasn't paying attention. Nintendo just convinced him to change his mind. He might actually do it this time. I really hope not.

He can quit after this one if he wants. He's been through enough already throughout his career.
He's actually working hard like Cid does in FF4.
Edge: My hat's off to you, old man. You're really something.
Rydia: Get well, okay?
Cid: Look after Cecil and Rosa.
Edge: Don't worry, just get some rest.
Cid: Take care of yourselves, you hear?
Rosa: You too.
Cid: Alright, get outta here.
Cecil: Thanks for everything.

It matters because Sakurai wasn't the one to surprise us with these reveals. Some fucker ruined it for him. And now might have ruined it for all of us in the future. I hope Sakurai can recover from it though, and not stop making the series. I mean, I would be pissed at the leaks if I was him, but I'd also think of the fans and how they would be sad to see him depart from the series. I'd demand better security on my shit as well.

It was inexcusable to have his work leaked when he should have been the one to do it. It's not their work. It's Sakurai's. They need to learn to be respectful other peoples property. >=\
Bold: If that's the case, the development will never be the same like Fire Emblem wasn't after
Shozou Kaga's departure after the fifth installment.

And besides, Smash 5 is years away!

If we were to follow the trend, SSB5 would be released 2020 ~ 2021!

Speaking of which, which newcomers do people think are gonna stay for the next Smash game? I'd call Rosalina, Little Mac, Palutena, Shulk, Villager, Robin, Greninja, Pac-Man and Mega Man. Lucina + WFT seem nice for the current Smash, but they might not be up for it in the next iteration (which is a LONG time from now).

Could be longer since they might need some time to add other things to this smash game that we won't get right away upon game release day.
(Peers wryly at DLC)

Nah, Lucina's staying I think.

I mean, if FE14 is all about Lucina, then I think she can stay, especially since she takes almost no work.

However, I'd like Dark Pit to be replaced by Viridi, which would be cool.

Mega Man, Dr. Mario, Dark Pit, Mii Swordfighter, Mii Brawler, and Mii Gunner sound like safe cuts.

I'm thinking that is why that she is in over Chrom. Can't be just because she's female.

I doubt it when Ephraim would be more unique. Eirika's just another blue haired sword user. Sakurai picked Robin over Chrom for the same reason and Lucina just got lucky. Sakurai even said so himself.

...Or it could be as said above.
She could be the star of the next Fire Emblem game!

To be honest, I kinda wanted Hector to be a rep; break the blue-haired sword lords with his manly axes, but I guess he wasn't too popular.

Wished Lana, or someone from Hyrule Warriors could be playable, and the likeliness of it is unlikely.

You know, if they still had Subspace Mode or something similar to it, I kinda wanted an FE villain to be one of the bosses. Fomortiis would have been pretty cool, and he'd play a bit similarly to Apocalypse from MvsSF.

Stage background only please.


Pic of the day. Taken by Masahiro Sakurai himself on this very day. The tips on the other hand...why that?

Edited by PuffPuff
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Let's just remember how many clones have been cut. And Dark Pit was likely in the same position as Lucina and was originally meant to be an alt. Dr. Mario likely got in because there was time left.

the point was that it wouldn't require much effort for them to come back. Now dr mario and co. even have models that can be ported over to the next game if desired.
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So, after today's pic, there's only four more Pics of the Day until the Japanese release. Is anyone predicting anything exciting, or do you think we'll just get four more pictures of various menus? Personally, since the starting roster seems to be everyone we know about besides Lucina, I can see there not being another character reveal until the game is out. We might see another assist trophy or something, though. And do you think Sakurai is going to start talking about the hidden characters next week, wait until October, or wait all the way for the Wii U version to be released? I mean, as I've said before, as soon as the game is out in Japan we'll probably see scans of a Japanese strategy guide or magazine that says how to unlock everything (and thus we will know the entire roster), since the non-disclosure agreement of the Japanese video game media ends right then. So we probably won't even have to wait for players to unlock everything (which will probably take longer than it did in Brawl due to the lack of SSE, but I'm not sure if it will take as long as Melee).

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I always found it funny how people complained about sword wielders in smash but not the amount of people who use Punches and Kicks

Or too many princesses, too many green uniform and blue colored characters.

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Well, here's a summary of the leaks, by one of the leakers:


What's important from this:

1. The guy who made the "second list" with Dixie, Mewtwo, Ridley, Mach Rider, and the Chorus Kids is the same one as the one who made the "DLC List", and is a confirmed liar who only got his legit leaks secondhand (well, actually pretty much all of the leakers got their info secondhand, but this "anon1776" seems to have gotten it thirdhand)

2. There's an old 4chan post from a few months ago that says Duck Hunt Dog, Bowser Jr., Shulk, Chorus Kids, Ridley, Dixie Kong, and Mewtwo would be in. This leak is unaffiliated with the known credible leakers. Shulk has since been officially confirmed, Bowser Jr. is pretty much 100% confirmed too due to showing up in leaked video, and Duck Hunt Dog is nearly as likely due to being in the leaked CSS. The others have no proof to back them up yet. This may look legit, but remember that Gematsu used to look pretty legit, too. I'm calling fake on this leak, too.

So, basically, any leak that has characters beyond the ones on the leaked CSS isn't affiliated with the credible leakers. I mean, it looks likely that there MAY be more characters. The earliest leak, the one that Shun_One received, has Shulk, Dr. Mario, Dark Pit, Bowser Jr., and the Duck Hunt Dog, but no one else. You may think this means that this list was final, since those were the characters that were first revealed by the CSS Leak. However, remember that this leak happened a few weeks before E3. So, if it was a complete list of unrevealed newcomers, it would have included Palutena, the Mii Fighters, Pac-Man, Robin, and Lucina as well.

I still recommend reading the full post in that image. Like I said, it was made by one of the leakers themselves and really clears up any confusion with the multiple leaks from multiple sources. And I personally found it a fascinating read.

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I really hope we get DLC characters now, not that I'm unhappy with the current roster or the prospect of 5 more characters possibly including Ridley or Mewtwo, but because it has so much potential. I'm imagining a veteran's DLC including Wolf, Lucas, Ice Climbers, possibly Roy, Pichu, Ivysaur and/or Squirtle. Reaching a little into hopeful territory with a Konami DLC, with Snake and Simon Belmont (and maybe Dracula, it'd be cool to have a Smash character who's both a well-known game villain and literary icon.)

That's mostly me just dreaming, I'll be happy with the current game's roster, probably.

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