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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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So the Nintendo of America livestream starts at 3am PST / 6am EST and goes for 8 hours.

So that's... 12PM to 8PM UK time, right?

If so, it means that I'm probably going to miss a big chunk of the stream.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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So the Nintendo of America livestream starts at 3am PST / 6am EST and goes for 8 hours.

I have class that day. But if I don't show up it'll be the first Nintendo presentation I've missed since Smash Bros. got announced last year.

This is a surprisingly hard decision.

Where did you find this out? I've looked around, but haven't seen anything.

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I'm just gonna drop this in here. It's from a user on Smashboards.

So, I've got a leak for you all to discuss. You're just gonna have to trust me on this one thing, and go off my reputation that I don't like to intentionally mislead people.

Palutena has a stripper pole taunt.

She plops her staff down on the ground, spins around it with one leg up, and laughs.

I'm not joking.

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I haven't been on this thread in a while... but if you guys are demanding Yukata Lucina, Toon Link better damn well get his pajamas.

Unfortunately, I do believe that is confirmed to not be available.
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I repeat, games are in stores.

It's just pre-order/promotional boxes. I can head over to my local Gamestop and see the same thing.

Unless you mean that stores actually have them in stock now, in which case, yes, quite likely.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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I know this isn't going to be an immediate issue, but when the Wii U version is released, will Nintendo start making Gamecube controllers again?

I think I saw on Amazon that someone (not sure if it's Nintendo or not) is making GameCube controllers with the Smash Bros insignia on them. There's also a Wii U peripheral that allows 4 GC controllers to be plugged in. But by the sound of your question you probably already knew that. I guess I'll leave it in for people who don't know.
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I think I saw on Amazon that someone (not sure if it's Nintendo or not) is making GameCube controllers with the Smash Bros insignia on them. There's also a Wii U peripheral that allows 4 GC controllers to be plugged in. But by the sound of your question you probably already knew that. I guess I'll leave it in for people who don't know.

They're being made by Nintendo. There's even a bundle that includes the game, adapter, and a Smash GC Controller.

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A retro game store in my area sells newly-made controllers for older consoles, including the Gamecube. They're made by the same company that Nintendo had make the original controllers, however these new ones aren't official so they don't have the word "Nintendo" on them. I'm probably going to get Gamecube controllers from them if I need any.

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It's surprising that right now, out of the unannounced characters, Jigglypuff, Ness, and R.O.B. are my most wanted to see. I hope we see Jiggs and Ness in the Treehouse stream, but ah well.

However, I'm still really upset about Lucas. However, a Ninten alt for Ness seems really promising.

I also realized to get over people hating Dark Pit. I still feel that hating him for anyone who isn't Alph/maybe Ninten isn't fair at all, I suppose it's fine.

I mean, I would take Ninten and Alph over DP and Doc, but I suppose it's nothing to get upset over. However, my perfect clone list would be Ninten-Raichu-Lucina-Alph, but it's not important.

edit: lol death by however

Edited by Monado Boy
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I'm glad Toon Link doesn't have his "pajamas" personally. I felt that lobster shirt was silly anyway, even if the blue was nice. But no Spirit Tracks conductor clothes either, I assume? :(

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I actually like having Ness being unlockable.

When we unlock him, we can bathe in glory for having played a measly 5 matches. And besides, Ness is along with the Earthbound series (assuming here, correct me if I'm wrong) less popular than Captain Falcon, all because of the Falcon Punch.

We'd need to keep SOME of the original 4 unlockables-- still be unlockable!

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