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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

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  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Looks like chain grabs are gone and nerfed. So no more infinite grabbing. That's nice to see.

I have conflicting feelings about this... Some chain grabs were harder to pull off and increased combo ability, while others were pretty ridiculous.

I imagine if the IC's were to make it back in this would lower their tier placement dramatically.

Edited by Shulk
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I've seen him doing it a lot lately lol

I guess it's because I feel like people are feeling a little too entitled in regards to the characters they care about?

They all deserve the equal treatment as any other character within the game.

And yet they're not.

What are we all going to do about it?

Those little nitpicks aren't even enough of a reason to warrant that many posts.

It's the same with the Mario costumes and the Luigi colors.

I'm not saying it's ideal.

I'm saying I'm getting tired of people saying the same thing over and over again about... alternate palettes/costumes.

I mean seriously, the fighting game community can be PRETTY STUPID when it comes to nitpicking at tomes... but I don't see this kind of crap on other fighting games when it comes to palettes.

Where's the appreciation? How about being grateful for this many options?

Remember when we had 4 palettes?

How come no one was pointing out how unfair Wario having classic and modern was?

It's always comparing "fairness" relative to the most popular/nicely treated character.

It's never about looking back and appreciating what you have now.

"Oh no, I lost one costume/palette. We have 7 instead of 8 like the others..."

Edited by shadowofchaos
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What I don't get is that why people take every chance to complain about things such as hair color changes to their favorite characters/mains.

So what if Lucina has hair color changes? She and Robin are getting THE MOST attention in the FE fandom because they are the most recent.

It does not have to be "fair".

And you guys aren't going to care about that 6 months from now.

I see a decent amount of actual discussion about costumes, but I also see a lot of posts that are simply bellyaching that *specific detail here* wasn't included in *costume of character here*

Yeah, i hear this loud and clear. Its hilarious and kinda sad. Like, im disappointed that Pac-Man doesnt have a Miss Pac-Man alt cuz come on, but temper tantrums? Like those goons at gamefaqs whinging about TOO MUCH FE ATTENTION and junk. Like...really?



Look at this! BEHOLD ITS GLORY~~~

My needs and desires collided into a beautiful conglomeration of pixels into this one moment...if the hair had been black...i wouldnt be able to function.

Party Hat Pikachu, Goth Yoshi, and Black Clothes Shulk are also things im happy about.

He can also pocket Rush. He's one scary guy.

Oh man oh man oh man, Villager. Too bad no Aika Alt, right, right? *nudges*

Looks like chain grabs are gone and nerfed. So no more infinite grabbing. That's nice to see.

NICE? *blows raspberries*

Hue~ Yeah i was one of those chain grab spammers. So theres a tad bit of salt in my tea. Ill live though. And find other ways to ruin one's day uwahahahaha

I guess it's because I feel like people are feeling a little too entitled in regards to the characters they care about?

I feel you, Rey. I really do. I mean, i wanted ALttP Pink Haired Toon Link alt a lot. But i do not feel entitled to it. Or Miss Pac-Man.

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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NICE? *blows raspberries*

Hue~ Yeah i was one of those chain grab spammers. So theres a tad bit of salt in my tea. Ill live though. And find other ways to ruin one's day uwahahahaha

your anger fuels me muahahhahhaha

But to be honest I never cared about being victim of the infinite grab mechanic anyway.

Regarding the palette swaps, I personally enjoy their original colours more so most of them don't affect me one bit.

Also the stream for the Smash Bros 3DS is at 1:00pm PT. The ones in 10am to 1pm are the games shown below.



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Remember when I was hopeful for pajama Toon Link?

Who wasnt? :B

your anger fuels me muahahhahhaha

But to be honest I never cared about being victim of the infinite grab mechanic anyway.

Im rubbing off on you, arent i? Gahahahaha.

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your anger fuels me muahahhahhaha

But to be honest I never cared about being victim of the infinite grab mechanic anyway.

You see, this is the kind of discussion that doesn't seem redundant.

Well, if your grab knockback changed with percentage, it wasn't a big problem. Just like how in Melee, it was factored into combos.

In Brawl though, there's fixed distances like Falco's and Dedede's.

Also, the game looks beautiful on the 3DS XL.

I just tried my friend's demo (since I wasn't updating my firmware for the eShop).

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I guess it's because I feel like people are feeling a little too entitled in regards to the characters they care about?

And yet they're not.

What are we all going to do about it?

Those little nitpicks aren't even enough of a reason to warrant that many posts.

It's the same with the Mario costumes and the Luigi colors.

I'm not saying it's ideal.

I'm saying I'm getting tired of people saying the same thing over and over again about... alternate palettes/costumes.

I mean seriously, the fighting game community can be PRETTY STUPID when it comes to nitpicking at tomes... but I don't see this kind of crap on other fighting games when it comes to palettes.

Where's the appreciation? How about being grateful for this many options?

Remember when we had 4 palettes?

How come no one was pointing out how unfair Wario having classic and modern was?

It's always comparing "fairness" relative to the most popular/nicely treated character.

It's never about looking back and appreciating what you have now.

"Oh no, I lost one costume/palette. We have 7 instead of 8 like the others..."

If you're so sick of it, why don't you just leave? (This is not meant to be read like I'm angry).

You don't HAVE to be here you know. The community will always find something to complain about it, and it's nothing new. If you can't take it, ignore it and just go away.

Humans will always be greedy. We will always want more. It's not that no one is UNGRATEFUL about what we have, it's just that they want MORE of what they already have. Though I agree it's pretty pointless to complain considering we have already 8 palette swaps, but humans are just like that; left wanting more.

And besides, some people might care more than others. And if people are too entitled, let them be that way. Complain and complain, all they want. If you just leave them alone, that'll do better for all of us (well, except the one complaining). We are grateful, we truly are. Just because we don't express doesn't mean we don't think it. We should just let them (myself included) and we'll ALL get over it eventually (one way or another).

I mean, it's AMAZING we have 8 palette swaps now. People aren't complaining about the number there are, just the way they look.

...And end of most sensible post from 14 year old you'll get! That feels tiring! But it does justice to my writing skills and my english teacher. Anyone care to critique my writing? (lol not a reply to what i said, but the general structure and writing formula).

your anger fuels me muahahhahhaha

But to be honest I never cared about being victim of the infinite grab mechanic anyway.

Regarding the palette swaps, I personally enjoy their original colours more so most of them don't affect me one bit.

Also the stream for the Smash Bros 3DS is at 1:00pm PT. The ones in 10am to 1pm are the games shown below.



WOOO! But I'll still be in school. I'll just resort to youtube and stuff.

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You see, this is the kind of discussion that doesn't seem redundant.

Well, if your grab knockback changed with percentage, it wasn't a big problem. Just like how in Melee, it was factored into combos.

In Brawl though, there's fixed distances like Falco's and Dedede's.

Also, the game looks beautiful on the 3DS XL.

I just tried my friend's demo (since I wasn't updating my firmware for the eShop).

It really does look great. I do feel it works better on the XL considering I tried it out at the best buy demo and the circle pad just feels right for the those big excessive abuse of the smash attacks. I think the XL is gonna work out well on that system.

It's also scaring me a bit since I have the original 3DS and I expect myself to break that circle pad.

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It's also scaring me a bit since I have the original 3DS and I expect myself to break that circle pad.

I didn't get to try it myself on my 3DSs... and I don't have an XL.

I guess I'll just have to fix my buttons if I do break them.

I'm the scrub that can open up my own 3DS.

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Oh, can anyone tell me if Luigi still has his Fire Jump Punch since I can't read Japanese? This move happened when he would sweet-spot Super Jump Punch. It turned into an insanely powerful fiery punch. I LOVED using it. lol

Edited by Anacybele
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The colors of Robin and Lucina are very cool (Play Sumia Lucy if I feel like playing her). I kinda wanted Robin's hairstyle to change along with the costumes kinda like the Villagers. Regardless, I love the palette swaps, though I still hope everyone has an alt. costume.

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It really does look great. I do feel it works better on the XL considering I tried it out at the best buy demo and the circle pad just feels right for the those big excessive abuse of the smash attacks. I think the XL is gonna work out well on that system.

It's also scaring me a bit since I have the original 3DS and I expect myself to break that circle pad.

[spoiler=This is my 3ds's circle pad currently]


in case you can't see it, the rubber/silicone/whateverthefuckthatis in the cicle pad has gone off

I'm scared on how it's gonna end up with smash

and i mostly only play ~pokemon~

Edited by Blagi
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I do apologize for my conduct on how I presented it.

It was uncalled for.

However, I do maintain that people here are sometimes too entitled on their opinions of what is or isn't included in Smash.

I just wish for a little more gratitude, you see?

I will be smarter about this and just leave the thread instead of being the condescending jerk on my high horse.

I truly apologize if I offended any of you.

So my experience with Smash earlier:


I was raging.

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