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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Because none happen around here... The only exception is the GameStop Open Tournament that was celebrating the launch of Smash 3DS. I was just a little too late to enter.

Edited by Anacybele
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i wasn't terribly impressed until the music made me think of spongebob

and then Falcon JUDGE

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Well, Iwata is the president, isn't he? So whatever he says goes, right?

Well yes and no.

Yes from the standpoint that he runs the company and does the day to day operations and decides the general direction they are going in.

No from the standpoint that he's not really immune the only people who are are the shareholders of Nintendo (so in a publicly traded entity like Nintendo the board members who own the most stock) they essentially decide whether or not Iwata has a job or not.

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i wasn't terribly impressed until the music made me think of spongebob

and then Falcon JUDGE

I remember being shown this, my first response was "this reminds me of Spongebob."

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I remember being shown this, my first response was "this reminds me of Spongebob."

And that's why you're our friendly neighborhood Folgore Red

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A little late, but I got my Soundtrack CDs in the mail. (No need to show a picture because I assume you all know what it looks like)

And has anyone figured out how to get the CDs out of the case? I'm awfully stumped at how it's not the traditional "Push the center to eject" seen on older CD cases and I can't figure out how it works.

EDIT: Nevermind, I figured out how to get the CDs out.

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I cannot wait for the Mewtwo DLC to release. (Mostly because it will do fantastically, and Isaac will be next to join.)

you and me both


(although I can't say I'm as optimistic about Isaac's chances but w/e)

(at least there's always project m)

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Wonderful news.

They're selling these at midnight after the 19th. Gonna be there before ten so I don't be in a long enough line for them to go out before it finishes. But...the stock will be enough hopefully. Please don't let us down, Nintendo. They are only limiting to two per customer. Why can't we just run in the fucking store and buy them? That's what I'm going to do. I'll be prancing like Sonic the Hedgehog for this thing. Wanna get two of them. >:D

If they still are having more left, the quanitites of buying them won't be limited!

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So Trela won a tournament using only Mii Swordfighter the other day.


(although actually Trela has some serious thoughts on Mii Sword, so it might be worth reading what he has to say in the comments)

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So I know that Nintendo said that the Mewtwo offer is good until the end of March (I've already linked both of my versions on club Nintendo and got my CD a couple days ago) anyone know the date that he actually comes out and is available to download?

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Because I've got no notification from them yet. Europe already has theirs and aren't looking at any Youtube vids of him yet since most of us don't have him yet.

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So Trela won a tournament using only Mii Swordfighter the other day.


(although actually Trela has some serious thoughts on Mii Sword, so it might be worth reading what he has to say in the comments)

YAY. :D Mii Swordfighter love! Gives me more confidence in boosting my skills with my sword Miis. ^^

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"may" is the month I've heard b/c they said "spring" and everyone knows that nintendo sucks at release dates

in fact I'd say "july" would be an okay guess

I've never seen a source for a specific month tho

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GameXplain said May, so...

I hope they have a second trailer for Mewtwo. You know. Actually show him off before we get him.

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for those of you living under a rock not regularly browsing /r/smashbros, you may not have heard about the wonders of alpharad's "how to play <character> 101" videos

well now he's gone and done a collaboration with the best SSB4 player on the planet, ZeRo


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