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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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I really want Charizard and Samus to be seriously buffed. Two of my favourite characters that have been consistently at the bottom of the tier list. Sakurwhy?

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I really want Charizard and Samus to be seriously buffed. Two of my favourite characters that have been consistently at the bottom of the tier list. Sakurwhy?

Charizard did get buffed though, and he's really solid in teams now. He has one of the absolute best Up throws in the game now, not to mention his throws got reworked so he basically has his own mini hoohah now, as well as his jab being way better.

Esam has also been proving Samus is better then most people think, by countering a Luigi main who owned his Pikachu at EVO. Also beating a Fox main sometime later with her.

Edited by Jedi
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Hey, the one character that REALLY needs buffed should be the one at the dirt bottom of the tier list! My bro Mii Swordsman! Pleeeease, Sakurai!

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I agree, I would like Samus to more buffed because she's apparently better w/out the suit. Samus can't projectile wall better than the Links and ROB's projectile game is more chaining together and faster than Samus, but that's how most of your plays are, to run and fire with Samus and that roll is painful slow. That very sour spot with her Side-Tilt is very punishable, and though her air-game is solid, her n-air is daft as hitting behind you is very slow.

It's pretty bad watching a lot of characters be seen below the bar and not get attraction. Balancing in fighting games is never easy.

I also don't want Ike too buffed or 2OP. I feel people would take away the love I have for him by playing him to win and not for friends.

Edited by Great Geargia Gateway
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She was considered better then Diddy even back then by the top players. She has way too many options compared to every other character, her only main flaw is that well, she doesn't KO super easily, but even that can be worked around.

>Bouncing Fish

>F-Air chains off the stage from 0%

You sure about that?

Hey, the one character that REALLY needs buffed should be the one at the dirt bottom of the tier list! My bro Mii Swordsman! Pleeeease, Sakurai!

Speaking about Mii Fighters, there's something I just don't get. The smaller base is supposed to be the lighter, faster build with less damage output, right?

Then why is it that Brawler does almost identical heavy damage regardless of size? From what I've seen, even the smallest Brawler base does a lot of damage on a lot of move alone. That isn't really fair compared to the Swordfighter and Gunner's damage output, isn't it?

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>Bouncing Fish

>F-Air chains off the stage from 0%

You sure about that?

I said there are work arounds, and you just described them for me.

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I'm just throwing this out there that I really don't think that the K. Rool costume necessarily means that K. Rool is deconfirmed as playable DLC, and that you guys are reading too much into it. I mean, I'm sure most people would agree that the Inkling Mii costumes don't go deconfirming Inklings as potential DLC characters, and I'm sure that Sakurai knew that Inklings would be heavily requested even before the Smash ballot was officially open. Plus, with Inklings and King K. Rool being among the highest voted Nintendo characters for the Smash Ballot, I highly doubt that Sakurai will simply just stick Mii costumes of them and not actual characters of them since that would completely defeat the purpose of the Smash Ballot..

Either way, we won't know for sure until DLC characters actually get announced/leaked.

Throwbacks to old Smash fans (Lucas, Roy, Mewtwo) or characters with unique movesets (Ryu) makes more sense to put in.

And what guarantee do you have that K. Rool won't have an interesting moveset?

If Sakurai can make an interesting moveset out of characters like R.O.B. and Little Mac (who have very little material to work with from their original games compared to other Smash characters), I'm really sure he can work out something interesting for King K. Rool.

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Speaking about Mii Fighters, there's something I just don't get. The smaller base is supposed to be the lighter, faster build with less damage output, right?

Then why is it that Brawler does almost identical heavy damage regardless of size? From what I've seen, even the smallest Brawler base does a lot of damage on a lot of move alone. That isn't really fair compared to the Swordfighter and Gunner's damage output, isn't it?

Mii Fighter sizes are pretty poorly balanced. You always, always, always invariably want the shortest possible Mii, as this ups the amount of knockback required for the Mii to make lethal contact with the top blast zone much more than it takes away from the damage. In fact, you can maintain your damage just as well with a short/wide Mii (what I use for my Swordfighter, justified because he's based on my Tarutaru character), as IIRC thickness isn't nearly as important as height (so you may as well go for the heaviest anyway).

Edited by Tamarsamar
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Speaking about Mii Fighters, there's something I just don't get. The smaller base is supposed to be the lighter, faster build with less damage output, right?

Then why is it that Brawler does almost identical heavy damage regardless of size? From what I've seen, even the smallest Brawler base does a lot of damage on a lot of move alone. That isn't really fair compared to the Swordfighter and Gunner's damage output, isn't it?

Yeah, and Mii Swordsman doesn't have as much range as many other sword characters and doesn't do a whole lot of damage. I've been able to get pretty decent with my Frederick Mii, but still, it's so hard to do well with any of my Mii Swordfighters. So not cool. :(

I also don't want Ike too buffed or 2OP. I feel people would take away the love I have for him by playing him to win and not for friends.

You win an internet.

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I actually made my Mii my EXACT height. I know this because apparently, Fox is 5'8", and I am 5'9', and my Mii standing next to Fox looks like they're just an inch apart in height. So that made me happy. Slightly off-topic, but I saw that post about about having the shortest Mii...my Mii is Fox-sized...

Anyway! Yeah, King K. Rool and Dixie Kong would both be welcomed fighters in my book. Bowser could use some buffs, hardly anyone seems to use him. I would say Marth needs buffs, but Roy is so awesome so I don't care as much even though I still use Marth.

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Charizard did get buffed though, and he's really solid in teams now. He has one of the absolute best Up throws in the game now, not to mention his throws got reworked so he basically has his own mini hoohah now, as well as his jab being way better.

Esam has also been proving Samus is better then most people think, by countering a Luigi main who owned his Pikachu at EVO. Also beating a Fox main sometime later with her.

Charizard still isn't good 1v1 though, I wish he didn't get combo'd so easily, but guess that comes with being big and heavy. He still could use some more work though methinks, Charizard still has trouble getting opponents into high %s enough to use his up-throw.

Samus can still be better too. Her missiles are still rather underwhelming.

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Charizard still isn't good 1v1 though, I wish he didn't get combo'd so easily, but guess that comes with being big and heavy. He still could use some more work though methinks, Charizard still has trouble getting opponents into high %s enough to use his up-throw.

Samus can still be better too. Her missiles are still rather underwhelming.

True in both counts, but Zelda needs more work with them too.

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Charizard still isn't good 1v1 though, I wish he didn't get combo'd so easily, but guess that comes with being big and heavy. He still could use some more work though methinks, Charizard still has trouble getting opponents into high %s enough to use his up-throw.

Samus can still be better too. Her missiles are still rather underwhelming.

True in both counts, but Zelda needs more work with them too.

Lesson: Better nerf Greninja and better buff Ike.

But yeah those three Zelda, Samus, and Charizard are the ones that need buffs the most. I would even add Marth/Lucina and Robin to that list.

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Charizard still isn't good 1v1 though, I wish he didn't get combo'd so easily, but guess that comes with being big and heavy. He still could use some more work though methinks, Charizard still has trouble getting opponents into high %s enough to use his up-throw.

Not in my experience. From what I've seen, Charizard tends to not care how high his precents get, simply because he's so heavy and has two sources of super armor, anyway. Also, speaking of super armor, combos can be pre-empted (or even broken) with Rock Smash. Proper use of Flamethrower, jabs, F-airs, and U-tilts in addition to that should make it fairly simple to rack up your opponent's percents, which is all a Charizard should really care about. I should note that it's far easier to score KOs with Charizard than with Sheik.

Basically don't let yourself fall into a situation where you need to use Charizard's awful recovery and you should be fine.

Edited by Tamarsamar
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I'm just throwing this out there that I really don't think that the K. Rool costume necessarily means that K. Rool is deconfirmed as playable DLC, and that you guys are reading too much into it. I mean, I'm sure most people would agree that the Inkling Mii costumes don't go deconfirming Inklings as potential DLC characters, and I'm sure that Sakurai knew that Inklings would be heavily requested even before the Smash ballot was officially open. Plus, with Inklings and King K. Rool being among the highest voted Nintendo characters for the Smash Ballot, I highly doubt that Sakurai will simply just stick Mii costumes of them and not actual characters of them since that would completely defeat the purpose of the Smash Ballot..

Either way, we won't know for sure until DLC characters actually get announced/leaked.

It's not 100%, but why would they add a K. Rool costume if he were being planned as a DLC fighter? It makes little sense. With the exception of one, all the costumes have been non-playable characters, some that likely "just didn't make the cut," like Chrom and Heihachi and, presumably, K. Rool. It's likely that costumes are meant as compensation for these characters.

As for Inklings, I would say they were out from the start for being too recent (their game came out more than half a year after Smash, after the ballot opened, and they wouldn't be a simple clone of anyone like Roy was), but got a trophy and costumes because they were easy and safe enough. With the success of Splatoon, they might have a chance at a future DLC batch, though I'd sooner expect them to be saved for the next Smash game.

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Not in my experience. From what I've seen, Charizard tends to not care how high his precents get, simply because he's so heavy and has two sources of super armor, anyway. Also, speaking of super armor, combos can be pre-empted (or even broken) with Rock Smash. Proper use of Flamethrower, jabs, F-airs, and U-tilts in addition to that should make it fairly simple to rack up your opponent's percents, which is all a Charizard should really care about. I should note that it's far easier to score KOs with Charizard than with Sheik.

Basically don't let yourself fall into a situation where you need to use Charizard's awful recovery and you should be fine.

Charizard's recovery is also a good KO move.

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I think DLC costumes are Sakurai's way of trying to accommodate as many popular characters as he can. Inkling, Isabelle, Chrom and K. Rool are all very popular characters and rather than shove them off to the side, Sakurai thought he'd acknowledge their fan demand through costumes. It's technically still fanservice, and it's really simple fanservice to produce, but it's not quite the fanservice people were expecting.

Though K. Rool being a costume when he seemed like the clear ballot winner from the polls sites like Reddit and Smashboards were conducting leaves me wondering who will join as a result of the ballot. I know it was never said that the most popular character would be a fighter, but surely popularity plays a role in that regard. It gives me two questions. Firstly, what role does popularity and vote frequency play in the character choices? Secondly, who exactly are people voting for? I don't think anyone was expecting this fate for K. Rool given the fact that he's widely considered to be the most voted for character on the ballot.

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Mii Fighter sizes are pretty poorly balanced. You always, always, always invariably want the shortest possible Mii, as this ups the amount of knockback required for the Mii to make lethal contact with the top blast zone much more than it takes away from the damage. In fact, you can maintain your damage just as well with a short/wide Mii (what I use for my Swordfighter, justified because he's based on my Tarutaru character), as IIRC thickness isn't nearly as important as height (so you may as well go for the heaviest anyway).

Why not just re-write how Mii proportions factor into Mii Fighters? That alone could be a buff/nerf on its own.

Lesson: Better nerf Greninja and better buff Ike.

Okay, what's the deal with "nerf Greninja"? Can someone explain because I really don't get it at all.

Why does Zelda need a buff? She's rather annoyingly good with that Up-B. It has good knockback when your opponent makes a mistake and thinks he can read and charge a Smash where you're going to appear.

Everything else is just bad. Her tools may be better in Teams, but definitely not in 1v1.

The thing is some characters are naturally better depending on the format. Characters like Charizard and Ganon generally do better in FFA or Teams while Shiek and other top tier characters do better in 1v1s.

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greninja was constantly nerfed in the first few patches, with the later nerfs being somewhat uncalled for.

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Why does Zelda need a buff? She's rather annoyingly good with that Up-B. It has good knockback when your opponent makes a mistake and thinks he can read and charge a Smash where you're going to appear.

Everything else is just bad. Her tools may be better in Teams, but definitely not in 1v1.

Farore on stage isn't even good at higher levels of play (or medium tbh) where no one is going to just be sitting half a stage length away charging a smash attack...
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