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Least favorite character refrains

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i've no idea if she ever actually says it in a cutscene, but i've come to be pretty irritated by Sumia's "stand tall" when she's supporting in a pair-up, which is a shame since honestly Sumia was what sold me on the English voices in general in the first place

in general i've observed that while i do enjoy the voicing every so often, even if it's my favourite character sometimes i'll grow weary of it - for example, Owain is hilarious and one of my favourites, but hearing him going "AS YOU WILL" all the time when trying to grind extensively... yeah

(if i ever complain about inigo's "I'M A MAN OF PASSION" please beat some sense into me)

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"My Love" is just.....no

Also Virion's "All hail me" tends to not fit situation. That irks me but not near with Sumia's....blergh

EDIT: just remember one that is same tiered as Sumia's

Say'ri "now", seriously...god, just no.

"FIE!" wtf does that even mean?

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Cynthia's....I don't know how to even describe it, it's like she's saying "Dun-tuDAAA!" or something; it was odd the first time, but just annoying now....


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Just did some more supports while grinding and thought of another one that bugs me.

Nah's "EEEEEYAA!" grunt. Every time I hear this, it consistently comes right out of nowhere, doesn't sound like Nah at all, and is completely unfitting for the situation. At least with "Oh gods, no." it sounds like Lucina has disproportionately dramatic reactions towards everything, which is always funny. Nah's grunt is just really jarring and not dramatic at all.

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Anything in English.

I played the whole thing in Japanese and I am only able to play in English without cringing for less than 2 minutes. (I'm just begging for an Elfire up my ass...)

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