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Playing TRS on Console


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I'm interested in replaying this game, but as I'm not big on emulators, I'm looking for a way to play it on console this time. I have the disc, but no Japanese system to use it with. My system is an American PS2, modded to be able to run SwapMagic, which is how I play Berwick Saga. I bought Breaker Pro, hearing that it was supposed to do the same thing for PS1 games, but despite trying it a multitude of times, I had no success. My understanding is that it just doesn't work for some systems?

So I'm looking for another method. Does anyone have suggestions for alternative ways of running the disc? Preferably methods cheaper than buying a Japanese PS1; those things are pricey.

(And before someone asks, yes, I know I can't run patches on console; I don't use translation patches)

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If you happen to own a PS1. Could use the swap trick to play import games. Just need some tape or a spring to hold down the button that tricks the PS1 thinking the lid is closed. Boot a US game and when you see the black screen with the PS1 logo appear swap the disc out to the japanese game.

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I've done all those mods to get Swap Magic to work, but I have a PS2, not a PS1. In-motion swaps don't seem healthy for either the discs or the system, from other times I've tried them... Is there a way to safely use that trick to swap PS1 games in a PS2?

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If you have FreeMcboot set up for homebrew, then you can use the PSXLauncher.elf.

Other than that, if you just have your PS2 modded to run swap magic and swap the discs, then I don't know of a way to do it, sorry.

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If you have a flip-top or slide card, just get Free McBoot. Go to uLaunchELF, put in a retail Playstation disc for your region, have uLaunchELF stop the disc for you (enable disc control), remove the disc without using the open button, put in Tear Ring Saga, and go back to the browser or launch directly from there. The game will run fine that way because it thinks you're playing one of your normal games. I don't know if the boot disc matters, but Chrono Cross disc 1 has always worked for me.

It's a fairly cheap method, since the only cost involved is the swap method if you have a Playstation game handy.

Edited by YayMarsha
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That sounds perfect; I've blocked the sensors so I can swap discs with no problem, and I should be able to use Final Fantasy Tactics for the swap. I'll try it and report back. Thanks!

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