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Changing Opinions of Characters...

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Hi. I just thought I'd make a post.

I first played Path of Radiance when I was 13, and it's still my favourite Fire Emblem game (although because they're kind of rare in the UK there aren't any others I've played so far.)

I viewed a lot of the characters differently back then. For one thing I disliked Titania as a character but I used her far too much because she was a better unit than the others.

I didn't like Mist very much because to me she was too chirpy, although her PoR voice actor didn't annoy me that much. She was just the short-skirted kid to me.

On the other hand, Soren was my favourite character because of his e'er so tragic backstory and because there was nearly-canon evidence for him and Ike being all romantic-like.

Now, though, I view them very differently. I see Titania as a lot more of a stronger woman than I gave her credit for even though I try not to use her too much as a unit.

I see Mist as a lot stronger too, as I didn't fully realise that she went through the same as Ike at the same time and yet still kept a smile somewhere for a rainy day.

I no longer see Ike and Soren's relationship as romantic either. I see it as a very deep trust, and Soren still remains my favourite character, but because of the complexity of his character as a result of his past, plus I now respect how well his life ties in with both Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn. there are several other reasons, but I don't have time to rant right now.

I was just wondering whether anyone else changed their opinion of a character, playable or not, either over the course of the games or after re-playing the game? Sorry if these questions have been asked before...

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Yeah, my opinion of Geoffrey has changed a little. I used to hate him with a passion and think he was the worst leader I'd ever seen. I still hate him, but I eventually realized he's not as bad a leader as I thought. Not excellent, but he's still good enough. He just needs to work on his tactics. A lot of the time in that RD chapter where you're using Ike and his mercenaries while Geoffrey and his group are "other" units, Geoffrey's group does absolutely nothing but ATTEMPT to build a wall around Elincia with his knights to keep enemies from getting at her. But this hardly works because of the archers and the fact that none of Geoffrey's group ever attacks unless enemies go after them and Elincia almost gets killed all the time because Ike's group is having to do most of the work!

Geoffster, I don't think you're a terrible leader anymore, but getting defensive all the time just doesn't work. Putting units around Elincia is fine and all, but you've got to send some guys out there to attack too, or those archers and other ranged attackers are going to chew her up and spit her out! You are of some help, but not enough. Come on, you can be better than that, man!

This dream I had awhile back about Geoffrey made me respect him a bit more too (I couldn't help myself, I just had to). In this dream, I saved him from drowning (hey, I never hated him THAT much), and during the short conversation we had, he became quite understanding of my support for Ike and Elincia as a couple. Like...shockingly understanding, considering how much I disliked him and what he said, exactly. I won't go into detail though, since that's not the topic of this thread. But yeah... I woke up and could only say "Geoffrey...thank you."

Lastly, I've grown to like the Geoffrey in my fan stories due to the new characteristics I gave him (both good AND bad, mind you). :3

Edited by Anacybele
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I would say my opinion on Mist is like, a complete opposite of your path. I liked her at first and tried to use her more, but then I realized she's rather annoying and can be replaceable later on. Or maybe that's in FE10. And Titania was never on my good side either... So I can't really say my opinions of characters really changed as the OP has it. They usually either get better or get worse from initial impressions.

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Yeah, my opinion of Geoffrey has changed a little. I used to hate him with a passion and think he was the worst leader I'd ever seen. I still hate him, but I eventually realized he's not as bad a leader as I thought. Not excellent, but he's still good enough. He just needs to work on his tactics. A lot of the time in that RD chapter where you're using Ike and his mercenaries while Geoffrey and his group are "other" units, Geoffrey's group does absolutely nothing but ATTEMPT to build a wall around Elincia with his knights to keep enemies from getting at her. But this hardly works because of the archers and the fact that none of Geoffrey's group ever attacks unless enemies go after them and Elincia almost gets killed all the time because Ike's group is having to do most of the work!

Geoffster, I don't think you're a terrible leader anymore, but getting defensive all the time just doesn't work. Putting units around Elincia is fine and all, but you've got to send some guys out there to attack too, or those archers and other ranged attackers are going to chew her up and spit her out! You are of some help, but not enough. Come on, you can be better than that, man!

This dream I had awhile back about Geoffrey made me respect him a bit more too (I couldn't help myself, I just had to). In this dream, I saved him from drowning (hey, I never hated him THAT much), and during the short conversation we had, he became quite understanding of my support for Ike and Elincia as a couple. Like...shockingly understanding, considering how much I disliked him and what he said, exactly. I won't go into detail though, since that's not the topic of this thread. But yeah... I woke up and could only say "Geoffrey...thank you."

Lastly, I've grown to like the Geoffrey in my fan stories due to the new characteristics I gave him (both good AND bad, mind you). :3

i hate to break it to you darling but the ai of literally everybody is terrible, geoff included

like remember that time ike stood still and got mushed by laura in 3-13? yeah, ike's an awful commander.

Edited by Integrity
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like remember that time ike stood still and got mushed by laura in 3-13? yeah, ike's an awful commander.

...No, I have no idea what you're talking about. Also, in Ike's case, you're supposed to either defeat him or defend, and he puts up a hell of a fight (he gives me a lot of trouble anyway). Geoffrey is supposed to be helping you in the scenario I'm talking about, but he doesn't do that very well.

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...No, I have no idea what you're talking about. Also, in Ike's case, you're supposed to either defeat him or defend, and he puts up a hell of a fight (he gives me a lot of trouble anyway). Geoffrey is supposed to be helping you in the scenario I'm talking about, but he doesn't do that very well.

you missed my point entirely

my point was that saying he's an awful commander based on his performance as a green unit is just petty, considering we're talking about a series with infamously awful npc ai all around. geoffrey as a commander is precisely as good as zelgius, levail, elincia, ike, lekain, jarod, and whoever else captains a chapter ever, you dig?

i move the counterpoint: given the circumstances (he was working with fire emblem green units) geoffrey is an exceptional commander, since his units smash the fe standard by mostly surviving and actually killing anything at all

the thing about laura was me trying to liken it to a similarly silly scenario: ike leads the vanguard charge on daein, gets into a skirmish with a priest from kisca, loses, and decides SCREW IT the siege is over i am needed elsewhere. meanwhile, the most advanced tactic his forces have displayed is GO UP. this was meant to illustrate what happens when you try to mesh gameplay with story perfectly in a turn based strategy, of all genres.

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you missed my point entirely

my point was that saying he's an awful commander based on his performance as a green unit is just petty, considering we're talking about a series with infamously awful npc ai all around. geoffrey as a commander is precisely as good as zelgius, levail, elincia, ike, lekain, jarod, and whoever else captains a chapter ever, you dig?

i move the counterpoint: given the circumstances (he was working with fire emblem green units) geoffrey is an exceptional commander, since his units smash the fe standard by mostly surviving and actually killing anything at all

I never said this made Geoffrey a bad commander, but whatever. Opinions are opinions. xP

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I never said this made Geoffrey a bad commander, but whatever. Opinions are opinions. xP

Uh, your post was nothing but judging Geoffrey's tactical prowess based on his actions in 3-(what is it, 10?). Like, I mean, the first two paragraphs are nothing but that.

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get wrecked

Also my opinions have changed over time. I have learned over time to appreciate how good of a unit Titania really is, though I don't often find the need or desire to ever use her past earlygame maps. I realized how useful Reyson is as well after re-playing the game. I used to think that Rolf was amazing when I was 13 ("BUT HE GETS SO GOOD WHEN YOU RAISE HIM DURR") but now I think he's pretty shit. Usable even in HM, but that's because of BEXP and this game's laughable difficulty (coming from a guy who has yet to beat HHM, though that might just be me being lazy).

I don't really hate any particular characters in this game, though.

also elinciaxgeoffrey is my OTP

Edited by Doga
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Uh, your post was nothing but judging Geoffrey's tactical prowess based on his actions in 3-(what is it, 10?). Like, I mean, the first two paragraphs are nothing but that.

Yes, but I never said it made him a bad commander. Just not an excellent one in my eyes.

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I'm hearing stuff about Geoffrey being a bad commander as an NPC and Ike's NPC has only one objective: Go UP.

Why is it that the worst AI out of the bunch isn't mentioned? Geoffrey and his NPC's have enough units at the start to build a 2 range wall around her, and then she flies straight for the boss, who happens to be a silver paladin surrounded by bow wielding enemies.

This is the worst showcasing of leadership witnessed in the entire game, especially because she is not having a weapon equipped just to make a stand. Making a stand, commendable, suicidal ambitions, not so much. This by the way is totally irrelevant since plot and NPC AI aren't related in any way and she shouldn't be judged on her leadership by how she was programmed. [The programmer is a dipshit for coding her that way though.

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Yes, but I never said it made him a bad commander. Just not an excellent one in my eyes.

Semantics, dude? Really? That's what you're taking from my posts? ;/

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  • 11 months later...

My opinion of Makalov has certainly changed. I always thought he was a good for nothing drunkard who abused his sisters kindness but after playing it through again after like 8 years I realized he grows throughout the game both as a unit and a character. His supports are awesome too. And in the end he even gets the girl too! Makalov is awesome. :D

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My opinion of Mist changed. When I first played the game I instantly dismissed her as useless compared to Rhys, who was higher-leveled than her. That notion didn't change much over the years until I came here and starting tiering. Now I acknowledge that she's a legitimate healer who can compare to him, even surpass him.

My opinion of Zihark changed a LOT! When I first played I actually kind of liked him. He seemed kind of interesting and I liked having two swordmasters around. Then I starting debating tiers. I now refuse to use Zihark at all.

My opinion on Lethe changed. I used to like her a lot. Heck, when I first started playing I recall pairing her with Ike expecting an ending for them and Lethe seemed to be rather good and unique. Now... Now I rarely use her (or laguz in general outside of the royals) in PoR and see her as fairly weak on the whole.

Otherwise my opinions have remained mostly constant. There have been a few, minor, changes here and there (like realizing that sages and thieves were pretty much useless in melee combat), but nothing too major. Character-wise I've remained constant as well. I got that pretty much right on my first try.

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