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HM LTC Take # 2


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Robin 11.87 50 HP 27 Str 24 Mag 30 Skl 40 Spd 22 Lck 18 Def 20 Res Lance C Tome A
Sumia 2.99 30 HP 13 Str 12 Mag 21 Skl 21 Spd 16 Lck 13 Def 14 Res Lance B Tome E
Ricken 9.78 26 HP 4 Str 13 Mag 7 Skl 9 Spd 13 Lck 9 Def 6 Res Tome C
Cordelia 15.28 32 HP 17 Str 5 Mag 20 Skl 18 Spd 11 Lck 16 Def 11 Res Lance C
Cherche 13.31 32 HP 16 Str 2 Mag 13 Skl 13 Spd 10 Lck 16 Def 3 Res Axe C

This is how the characters are looking after the redo. Ricken got a worse level and once again no mag. Sumia didn't get str but at least got def, I hope she doesn't follow the more magic than str PKL sumia >_>. Cordelia got str in all her levels. Robin didn't get mag but got def and Cherche's only level this time was still pretty great. Bought 5 rescue staves, I figured it's enough if my calcs are right. Gives me some leftovers to spam for exp if the occasion arises. Cherche and Cordelia promote using the Master Seals previously obtained. I made Robin's Veteran be the last skill, bought 6 spd tonics and a Master Seal for when Ricken needs it.

Chapter 13 1 turn

Sumia Silver Lances a Silver Bow droppable Sniper and gets a level. Cordelia kills 2 enemies thanks to Olivia. Ricken gets a kill and gets to Level 10. Cherche gets a kill and Libra is paired with Henry and uses rescue on Robin and she KOs the boss with PP + EP.

Robin 12.31 50 HP 28 Str 24 Mag 30 Skl 41 Spd 23 Lck 19 Def 20 Res Lance C Tome A
Sumia 3.29 31 HP 14 Str 12 Mag 21 Skl 21 Spd 17 Lck 14 Def 15 Res Lance B Tome E
Cordelia 1.40 35 HP 18 Str 9 Mag 21 Skl 20 Spd 11 Lck 17 Def 14 Res Lance B Tome E
Ricken 10.31 27 HP 5 Str 13 Mag 8 Skl 10 Spd 14 Lck 10 Def 6 Res Tome C
Libra 3.08 41 HP 15 Str 18 Mag 15 Skl 15 Spd 10 Lck 12 Def 18 Res Axe C Staff E
Cherche 1.20 35 HP 18 Str 2 Mag 17 Skl 17 Spd 10 Lck 16 Def 6 Res Axe C
Lucina 10.00 34 HP 16 Str 7 Mag 18 Skl 21 Spd 16 Lck 12 Def 6 Res Sword C

Lucina came with handy bases. Reclassing her to Cavalier and I'm going to train her to help with Chapter 23. Discipline and Veteran will make it a breeze. Also lol, Ricken chose the wrong playthrough to get spd blessed instead of mag blessed in ._. Like, he never got mag but got some pretty awesome levels instead like hp skl spd lck def res in all of the attempts.

Edited by Peekayell
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Training Lucina is a waste, because she can't get enough exp without Galeforce to be useful in 23 (all she does is function as Morgan's pair up partner), and Morgan needs all your attention so that he can get D axes by 23.

It was a bad idea to reclass to Cavalier. You should have taken advantage of the great pair up bonuses that Great Lord provides by promoting once you get Morgan. Then again, maybe you can get up to level 10, so it might work out just fine.

Edited by Chiki
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Training Lucina is a waste, because she can't get enough exp without Galeforce to be useful in 23 (all she does is function as Morgan's pair up partner), and Morgan needs all your attention so that he can get D axes by 23.

It was a bad idea to reclass to Cavalier. You should have taken advantage of the great pair up bonuses that Great Lord provides by promoting once you get Morgan. Then again, maybe you can get up to level 10, so it might work out just fine.

She's level 5 after Chapter 15. Getting her to Level 10 won't be too hard. The problem would be her lance rank, I had to forge her a Bronze Lance to be able to use Lances effectively.


Chapter 14 1 turn

Easy 1 turn. Snatched the Bullion and had Lucina reach Level 4 by using a dance from olivia and then rescuing her with Libra. Gaius was also rescued after he snatched the chest, basically, Lucina got attacked once in EP too so she got another level, but then the boss attacked and I was sadface. Avatar got 2 kills (a Great Knight in PP and the boss in EP), she paired with Henry because I have a plan.

Chapter 15 2 turns

This was painful indeed. Cordelia gets warded by Libra and shes paired with Stahl and they go up with a Javelin forge, she counters a bunch of things, ORKO'ing cavaliers and mages, weakening the Dark Knight by the boss and weakening the armors. Lucina uses Bronze Lance to KO Cavaliers and also fights the Hammer General. Libra is danced by Olivia and he rescues Robin left so she can lure the Dark Knight on the beach and kill it. Ricken went to the edge of the map and used Rescue on Say'ri. Sumia and Fred are around Cordelia's spot but a bit more to the north, Sumia also has a Javelin forge and Fred has a Beastkiller. Cherche and Gaius take the Say'ri area with a Hammer. Turn 2, Cherche gets a Bullion (L) village since she's free. Sumia heals and parks outside of the boss area General's range. Cordelia is rescued by Libra and she kills the last cavalier in the beach. Ricken is danced by Olivia so he can help Lucina kill the General, but instead kills it, rage. Robin goes up and kills bossman, also killing the General and like 2 cavaliers in the EP so she got to 14.66 (enough for Galeforks next chapter woo). Sumia kills all the remaining enemies, including the weakened by Cordelia armors.

Robin    14.66 51 HP 29 Str 25 Mag 31 Skl 43 Spd 23 Lck 19 Def 22 Res Lance C Tome A
Sumia    5.65  32 HP 15 Str 12 Mag 21 Skl 22 Spd 19 Lck 14 Def 16 Res Lance B Tome E
Cordelia 3.64  37 HP 19 Str 9  Mag 22 Skl 22 Spd 13 Lck 18 Def 14 Res Lance B Tome E
Ricken   2.45  32 HP 6  Str 17 Mag 11 Skl 13 Spd 15 Lck 13 Def 8  Res Tome C Staff E
Cherche  2.71  36 HP 19 Str 2  Mag 17 Skl 18 Spd 11 Lck 17 Def 7  Res Axe C
Lucina   5.65  40 HP 18 Str 8  Mag 17 Skl 22 Spd 19 Lck 14 Def 7  Res Sword C Lance E

Chapter 16 1 turn

Robin kills a Warrior from 1 range after pairing with Henry. Sumia Fred and Cordy Stahl team up on a hero blocking the way. Libra rescues Ricken, Ricken rescues Olivia and she dances Robin. Cherche obtains the Wing with hand axe + gaius pair up. Lucina obtains the Bullion from the thief. Robin kills the Master Seal Sniper, gets to 15.02 and activates Galeforce, killing Cervantes with Arcthunder.

Robin    15.36 HP 52 Str 29 Mag 26 Skl 31 Spd 44 Lck 24 Def 19 Res 22 Lance C Tome A
Sumia    5.75  HP 32 Str 15 Mag 12 Skl 21 Spd 22 Lck 19 Def 14 Res 16 Lance B Tome E
Cordelia 3.94  HP 37 Str 19 Mag 9  Skl 22 Spd 22 Lck 13 Def 18 Res 14 Lance B Tome E
Ricken   2.79  HP 32 Str 6  Mag 17 Skl 11 Spd 13 Lck 15 Def 13 Res 8  Tome C Staff E
Lucina   6.65  HP 41 Str 19 Mag 8  Skl 18 Spd 23 Lck 20 Def 14 Res 8  Sword C Lance E
Cherche  3.04  HP 37 Str 20 Mag 2  Skl 18 Spd 19 Lck 11 Def 17 Res 7  Axe C
Edited by Peekayell
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i don't think Sumia or Cordelia are getting Galeforce

It's funny how the Avatar is miles ahead of them. They're not even good combat units anymore in Chapter 18. While the Avatar is lol'ing at absolutely everything. I think the same, none of the 2 are getting it. Now my only hope for Chapter 23 is Lucina since I doubt they will get good combat by then.

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You're not recruiting Morgan? Seems like he's worth the one turn his Paralogue takes, especially for Ch 21.

I left a save back in Chapter 13. I'm first testing what Morgan could save in terms of turns. I can do the Ch21 1 turn without him I'm sure. The issue would be Chapter 23, which Im training Lucina for, hopefully she will be good enough then. I hate that FEwod (or anywhere) doesn't have FE13 maps yet, it would make this easier.

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its in aznese, but im sure you can parse it well enough or have a browser with a translate funtion

23 is validar and where basilio is like I DON'T BELIEVE IN THIS DESTINY HOGWASH

Edited by General Horace
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Idk, I just know that LTC'ing this game without Paralogues is much more painful than I thought :P. No experience at all for non-Avatar units.

Edited by Peekayell
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Not really. Switch to Chrom and drop Avatar. Killing him in EP at least. Which lures Generals that I can galeforce on. I get Basilio/Flavia, which will be surprisingly clutch I hope/bet.

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Just tested with some stuff

Asumming you can clear the central part of the map(on my test, theres a remainin general(24D 10R), Sorc(22D 12R), 2 Zerker(20D 11R, 25D 11R) and Heroes(21D 12R), on the center, with my unit parked on 24D 9R Pillar, and 16D 2R) the sweet spot of Validar's crowds are 1U and 1L above Validar

Theres a General in 25D 25R that missed the sweet spot who has 30 DEF, 12 RES and 15 SPD

Basilio can ORKO the general at 13R 8D when paired with flavia, while I used the 15R 10D general to get the Galeforce procs

Might be doable with Rescue and one unit going to the general

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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You can't use Rescue on that map I'm afraid. It doesn't work at all in order to prevent Chrom and the Avatar from being Rescued out of the barrier.

Also, you lose a 1 turn of Chapter 21 without Morgan (need two Galeforcers).

Edited by Chiki
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Ahh, okay. Though I'm not sure at all if Lucina can get enough exp without Galeforce. It's just very crappy to not get Morgan which is why I got him.

And yeah, the boss in 21 is ridiculously far (I had to use double Rescue and 2 Galeforces just to reach him).

There is a way to make up for that Galeforce: Falcon Knight Lucina. Libra rescues Ricken, Olivia dances Libra, Libra rescues Ricken, Ricken rescues Lucina, Lucina rescues Avatar. But not enough magic to reach most likely.

Edited by Chiki
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If you weren't using Morgan why wouldn't you train Lucina in his place?

The problem with Falcon Knight Lucina though is that she gets her ass kicked instantly in 23 due to low stats and bow users.

Edited by Chiki
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