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Enter: The Arena - Fire Emblem Character discussion Thread.


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You know, it's kind of depressing when people do bad mouth each other over something so trivial over something like this. As a person that does have experience with these discussions, it's rather silly to pick between these sort of characters due to them being rather uninteresting. Mainly referring to Roy, Chrom, and Lucina.

It's kind of depressing when you think about considering Fire Emblem should provid a rather colorful selection of gameplay elements, but that for some reason isn't happening.

....so, what's your suggestion then

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....so, what's your suggestion then

I don't know at the moment, but it seems like people would be satisfied enough if Marth and Ike returned, with any adjustments if necessary. Give or take any other characters, but it wouldn't exactly feel the same if either were to be (hypothetically) gone. Both Marth and Ike are arguably the most popular Lords in the entire franchise, and both are distinctive fighters.

Edited by Gelato
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I don't know at the moment, but it seems like people would be satisfied enough if Marth and Ike returned, with any adjustments if necessary. Give or take any other characters, but it wouldn't exactly feel the same if either were to be (hypothetically) gone. Both Marth and Ike are arguably the most popular Lords in the entire franchise, and both are distinctive fighters.


"more of the same" is also in general a really lame way to go about things (just ask Nintendo, HA!)

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"more of the same" is also in general a really lame way to go about things (just ask Nintendo, HA!)

But when you think about it, it's not really warranted. We could get something new, or probably not. But my point is that regardless, it would feel strange if we didn't have both of the most popular Lords in the series together, especially when they do feel very distinctive enough.

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But when you think about it, it's not really warranted. We could get something new, or probably not. But my point is that regardless, it would feel strange if we didn't have both of the most popular Lords in the series together, especially when they do feel very distinctive enough.

so you mean Marth/Chrom, not Ike right

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so you mean Marth/Chrom, not Ike right

Stop shoving words into my mouth, you've read right whether you like it or not.

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Well, the point still stands that Ike is quite popular out here. So the ideal set of FE representatives for Smash Bros. would indeed be Marth, Ike, and Chrom. Ike for us and Marth and Chrom for the Japanese fans.

I still think that Nintendo cares more about the western fanbase than some fans believe too. The Japanese may hold the highest priority, but that in no way means that us Americans and Europeans (and Aussies, of course. They're covered by NoE though, I believe) don't get thought of. It would be bad for business too. Why focus entirely on just one part of the world when you can potentially get the whole globe to love your games?

Edited by Anacybele
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I'm taking these numbers from vgchartz, so they might be inaccurate, but it's the only real source I got.

Out of every game in the Fire Emblem franchise so far, 7/Blazing Sword has sold the most at the global total being 0.97 million units (every time, it's going to be in million units). Japan had 0.29 million of that. So the west had a huge portion of the sales.

Then we move on to Awakening. Sold around 0.5 million units in Japan and 0.95 million global total. Once again, the sales are very good in the west, though Japan has bought more, which is pretty crazy.

Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn are further down the list in terms of sales - PoR had 0.16 for Japan, 0.54 total. Radiant Dawn was 0.17 Japan, 0.46 total. While these sales are higher in the west than Japan, it's fairly anemic compared to the above.

So how can you with good conscience say that Ike is popular in the west? While his games *did* sell better in the west compared to Japan, his games also were less popular then the following: FE7, Awakening, FE8, FE3, FE4 and FE11. And FE3/4 were both Japan-only and yeaaaaars ago. The only reason he was in Brawl was because Sakurai simply asked IS who to put in Brawl, and they gave him Ike.

Chrom is more popular in the west now because Awakening was a game that got a lot more people into the series, and the massive sales figures (The game sold 180,000 units in its first month of sales in North America, which I'm fairly sure is an uncommon feat for the FE franchise). Speaking of, does anyone outside the FE fanbase even know who Marth and Ike are? I personally believe that there will only be two character slots for Fire Emblem in SSB4, but that's up for another debate. So even if they decide to cater to the west as well (which I'm not entirely sure they do), Awakening would be the best choice since it had very good sales in both the west and Japan and got them new fans because of it. And the lord of that game is Chrom, so woop.

So tell me: why is Ike popular in the west?

Edited by Kelsper
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Smash Bros. players know Marth and Ike. And I doubt every Smash Bros. player is an FE player. But many Smash Bros. players might still like playing as Ike and therefore like him.

I don't particularly like the reason for Ike's popularity being majorly due to his being playable in Brawl, but this may very well be the case. Also, not every Awakening player likes Chrom either. I've seen many say he's an Ike-wannabe and stuff, in fact. And Roy is wanted more for SSB4 than Chrom (I don't know why though, Roy is boring as hell).

Ike is popular because MANY of the western fans that played his games and played as him in Brawl like him. But the same doesn't appear to be so for Chrom. He's actually rather far down the list of wanted newcomers. He beats out Lucina, but still.

What I won't ever understand is how Japan can like Chrom, but not Ike. They're pretty similar. Muscley guys that lead a small band of warriors, they use Aether, they have some similarities in design too (tattered cape, single shoulder guard, Chrom holding Falchion over his shoulder even like Ike does with Ragnell), and stuff. It's clear that Chrom was based more on Ike than Marth, so... All I can think of is that Chrom's little bit of Marth is what saves his ass from being disliked.

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I agree, pretty much. Chrom had the potential to be a good Ike-based character, but IS kind of dropped the ball with him. He has his moments though. Like when he shows he's a terrible liar. lol

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I'm taking these numbers from vgchartz


but that reminds me: "Ike is more popular right now" is a terrible argument because Chrom would ride the SSB4 wave to popularity since most players don't know about Fire Emblem characters outside of smash

^BOTH of Ike's games sold like shit in Japan, can you seriously not see why they'd prefer Chrom (a lord in a game that probably sold around ~500k there) over Ike (who had two games, neither which broke 200k in Japan I think)

Edited by shadykid
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sorry man, got nothing else.


Ike is popular because MANY of the western fans that played his games and played as him in Brawl like him. But the same doesn't appear to be so for Chrom.

Have you asked all of them?

just keep repeating that "Ike is the most popular in the west" and maybe then some people will believe it. Not even taking into consideration likability of character here.

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sorry man, got nothing else.


Have you asked all of them?

just keep repeating that "Ike is the most popular in the west" and maybe then some people will believe it. Not even taking into consideration likability of character here.

yeah, you can't really argue "character x is more popular, therefore x should stay in the series" when the entire reason character x is more popular is BECAUSE he was put in said series

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But nobody ever said Ike was popular ONLY because of Smash Bros...

Actually, wait, this is true anyway. FE would've never even gotten overseas if it wasn't for Melee. ;)

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I already did. You'd have noticed if you paid more attention to this thread. Also, I don't have time to explain again anyway, I have to go to work real soon.

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I wonder why people are so denial of the fact that Ike is a popular lord in Fire Emblem.

he's not more popular than Chrom

on the other hand, fuck Roy, I'd rather have Ike than Roy

anyway, NPD data shows FE7 did 331k, so either the rest of North America contributed 160k (LOLOLOL) or vgchartz is bullshitting again (the obvious answer)

wait no, that's 331k for all of North America, Vincent says he has 256k for US only aka NPD data (dunno where he got that though, he mentioned this here http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=39477&p=2360867)

Edited by shadykid
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Also, Smash Bros. is not a popularity contest.

Well, I wouldn't say that entirely. There have been cases where a character was added because of the large amount of requests, with Sonic being a notable example of this. Though obviously, that doesn't apply for everyone, and a such popularity being the decisive factor should be taken with a grain of salt overall. Popularity does have some influence, though at the same time it's not the only factor that's considered.

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