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Favorite English Confessions

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*looks down at sig* everyone on my Awakening bias list. For those that can't see it, that's Chrom, Frederick, Stahl, Libra, and Henry. The best one out of those is probably...Frederick's. I admit I'm sentimental regarding knights in shining armor.

Oh, me too, mewyeon, it's nothing to be ashamed of! I enjoy it! ^^

How can I love as many male knights as I do if I didn't? :3

Edited by Anacybele
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Oh yes, I'm pretty partial to deep voices on men too. Chrom's is great, for example, but I liked Frederick's and Lon'qu's more. <3

I've heard people say Inigo has a deep voice, so I can't wait to hear him. Gotta get Olivia Astra asap. xP

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Oh yes, I'm pretty partial to deep voices on men too. Chrom's is great, for example, but I liked Frederick's and Lon'qu's more. <3

I've heard people say Inigo has a deep voice, so I can't wait to hear him. Gotta get Olivia Astra asap. xP

Astra to pass down?

Are you sure?

Inigo can get that himself; wouldn't Galeforce be the better choice?

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Astra to pass down?

Are you sure?

Inigo can get that himself; wouldn't Galeforce be the better choice?

Sigh... When will people stop questioning my choices on skills to pass down? Anyway, this is off topic, so I will not go into detail on why I chose Astra. But I will say that I don't need Galeforce and I'm one of those that thinks it's a little overrated.

ANYWAY, once I finally recruit Inigo, I ought to go listen to his confession just for the heck of it. :D

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what's english? (for confession scenes)

I guess Chrom. He's the only one I really got or bothered to look for. Oh, and Gaius!

For females, I'm not sure because I didn't really listen to the English confessions. I know the OP didn't ask for the Japanese, but I have to say Olivia and Sumia were my favorites there. More on Olivia though.

That's ok, share fave Japanese confessions too, if you please!

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I don't think I'm in the target audience for this kind of stuff, for most of the male confessions I had to fight the urge to shut my 3DS from the second-hand embarrassment. :V Although Gaius's managed to hit the level of ridiculously over-the-top where I just found it hilarious.

For a serious answer, I guess Priam's is my pick. It probably helped that he's voiced by Jamieson Price. I could listen to that man read a telephone book.

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Mmm, I only hear/read some of the guys, the ones I like the most: Kellam (this is very sweet), Priam, Stahl (cute and funny xD), Gerome and Gaius (because of chocolate!!!)

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Thank You for all the replies! So much love for Frederick I see!

Oh yeah, a good few people did say him, didn't they? Wee. x3

I guess Frederick isn't as unloved as I thought he was. :o

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I have Frederick's English one saved in my music folder (thanks to you, Shadowofchaos! From a long time ago hehe), but I dunno how to share music/sound files on the net, unfortunately.

I'd have to do it later anyway, as I have to get to work soon.

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I really like what the females SAY in Japanese, but I hate some of there voices, but not all.

Nowi's makes me want to hurt myself. By falling. In front of a car going at high-speed.

A personal favourite confession from me is the English Tiki. Very heart-warming and tear-jerking.

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