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Cut-in collection inquiries

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It's about time I got off my butt and did this.

I'll be recording both Japanese and English voices respectively.

The thing is though, I HATE reclassing. And I like matching up the characters' portrait clothes with their in-game battle model.

So I really want to just stick Limit Breaker on them and have them crit in their unpromoted classes if they're default class is unpromoted.

I guess this thread will be for inquires on what looks good to you people.

I'm a perfectionist... and even if you can't see it that well and it's a CUT-IN and VOICE collection for Awakening... I have some... things I always think about.

For example, the two mages that you get. Miriel's first tome is a fire tome... For the collection I plan on giving her some sort of advanced Fire Tome during her cut-ins... probably Falaflame/Valflame.

Richt/Ricken is obviously a "wind mage" even though the tomes aren't separated in this game... so I'll give him Excalibur, Holsety/Forseti or something.

Dark mages such as Tharja and Henry will obviously use Dark Magic...

Now here's my first question...

Mariabel/Maribelle can't use her default unpromoted class... because... you know... she can't attack. Liz/Lissa's kind of obviously meant to use an axe, because... that Famitsu scan. xD

...anyways... should Maribelle be associated with Thunder spells then?

Does it look good on this render?

Edited by shadowofchaos
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It's about time I got off my butt and did this.

I'll be recording both Japanese and English voices respectively.

The thing is though, I HATE reclassing. And I like matching up the characters' portrait clothes with their in-game battle model.

So I really want to just stick Limit Breaker on them and have them crit in their unpromoted classes if they're default class is unpromoted.

I guess this thread will be for inquires on what looks good to you people.

I'm a perfectionist... and even if you can't see it that well and it's a CUT-IN and VOICE collection for Awakening... I have some... things I always think about.

For example, the two mages that you get. Miriel's first tome is a fire tome... For the collection I plan on giving her some sort of advanced Fire Tome during her cut-ins... probably Falaflame/Valflame.

Richt/Ricken is obviously a "wind mage" even though the tomes aren't separated in this game... so I'll give him Excalibur, Holsety/Forseti or something.

Dark mages such as Tharja and Henry will obviously use Dark Magic...

Now here's my first question...

Mariabel/Maribelle can't use her default unpromoted class... because... you know... she can't attack. Liz/Lissa's kind of obviously meant to use an axe, because... that Famitsu scan. xD

...anyways... should Maribelle be associated with Thunder spells then?

Does it look good on this render?

Can't she use the heal animation for her cut-in? I suppose Fire/Thunder spells suit her nicely.

Are you doing for Spotpass characters too? Like Erika, Lyn, Est etc.

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Are you doing for Spotpass characters too? Like Erika, Lyn, Est etc.

They don't have cut-ins.

Spotpass characters that have cut-ins are the Story Character Spotpass characters who consist of Renha [Yen'fay], Gangrel, Walhart, Inverse [Aversa], and Emelina [Emmeryn].

Edited by shadowofchaos
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They don't have cut-ins.

Spotpass characters that have cut-ins are the Story Character Spotpass characters who consist of Renha [Yen'fay], Gangrel, Walhart, Inverse [Aversa], and Emelina [Emmeryn].

right. what am i saying, lol. I have the impression of using canon weapons.

Are you doing the mentioned characters? Renha, Gangrel etc.

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Maribelle can fight in Double Duel--maybe use that version as a base?

Then again, Double Duel has Say'ri as a Wyvern Lord, so um...

I always figured Lissa should go Sage because of her Emmeryn-like clothes : P

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And thunder magic is defenitly the magic type associated with the Avatar!


Katana only. Final Destination.

Marc/Morgan will probably use Book of Naga with the tactician model.

I always figured Lissa should go Sage because of her Emmeryn-like clothes : P

But that silly hoop skirt is gone... and I feel like I should get as close to the character portrait art as possible. xD

I'd give Maribelle a sword, personally, because of the way that she holds that umbrella of hers.

If only that freaking Dark Knight class had her in the same clothes as her Valkyrie model. Argh.

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Lissa works both ways really. Axe is great and it suits her character, but with Sage you could do some kind of fire spell because of chauvinism is just flammable.

I guess Maribelle can just set fire to chauvinism for her :DDDD

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Valkyie looks best casting Thoron or Arcfire imo (Arcflame? Having a derp moment here)

Arcfire. You're right. :)

For Lissa, I recommend making her a War Cleric for the cut-ins. It's as close as possible to her actual outfit.

And hoop skirts are amazing, what's wrong with you?

But as for best magic on Valkyries... I'm partial to Thunder as well. And Thunder magic isn't exclusive to the Avatar, Tharja also starts out with a Elthunder in addition to her Nosferatu.

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Sometimes I wonder why you don't just make Rey a Swordmaster :p


The thing is though, I HATE reclassing. And I like matching up the characters' portrait clothes with their in-game battle model.

but with Sage you could do some kind of fire spell because of chauvinism is just flammable.

I guess Maribelle can just set fire to chauvinism for her :DDDD

You REALLY want that in, don't you?

...no. :P

Valkyie looks best casting Thoron or Arcfire imo (Arcflame? Having a derp moment here)

Valkyie looks best casting Thoron or Arcfire imo (Arcflame? Having a derp moment here)

How does this look to everyone?

I'm gonna take SO MUCH FIRE for this particular one.

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How does this look to everyone?

I'm gonna take SO MUCH FIRE for this particular one.

I prefer her with Thoron actually. I almost exclusively equipped her with that all the time. But that is very personal indeed, I said Thunder spells in general does the work best.

This critical cut-in collection mean, that all character's critical quote recorded right?

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How about using special models from the Scramble Pack?

Hmm? Oh the DLC models will be shown off. The Swimsuit Sorcerers, Yukata Swordmasters, and Liz/Lissa's party hat is definitely being shown off.

If you do decide to combine them, maybe Miracle Revenants can help...?

Also yay for not reclassing

Well, it's kinda hard getting a crit off when those reventants have 50 Luck. The one criting ALWAYS has to be paired up >_>;

Well I know one thing... this is going to be in the collection:


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Are you going to get Validar's as well maybe if you haven't already? He has a Lunatic cut in for when he uses Vengeance: it's "EVERYTHING IS WRITTEN" afaik.

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