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Significant 3DS update in Europe/Japan


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Today, there's a 3DS update that adds a couple of new things:

1. StreetPass Plaza has been revamped: there are some minor adjustments and 4 new paid games.

2. Four new puzzle panels have been added in Puzzle Swap: Xenoblade Chronicles, Skyward Sword, New Super Luigi U and Heroines.

3. You can now backup and restore save files for digital games (some games are excluded like MH3U).

North America only gets the 3rd update o__o

I also just realise the new backup function makes save dongles partially redundant, so long as you've got the digital version of a game (and that game isn't excluded). You can now have around 10 x 3 (or 5 if you count Bookmarks) FE13 saves, for example.

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That's awesome since I have a digital copy of Awakening,

and since most of my games will be Digital copies...

Edited by James Bond
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I also just realise the new backup function makes save dongles partially redundant, so long as you've got the digital version of a game (and that game isn't excluded). You can now have around 10 x 3 (or 5 if you count Bookmarks) FE13 saves, for example.

10 x 3 or 10 x 5.


That's still not enough for me.

I've got at least like... *checks dropbox* wow... 362 saves (both regions). And that's not counting the saves in it... as in individual bookmarks, chapter saves, and battle saves.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Today, there's a 3DS update that adds a couple of new things:

1. StreetPass Plaza has been revamped: there are some minor adjustments and 4 new paid games.

2. Four new puzzle panels have been added in Puzzle Swap: Xenoblade Chronicles, Skyward Sword, New Super Luigi U and Heroines.

3. You can now backup and restore save files for digital games (some games are excluded like MH3U).

North America only gets the 3rd update o__o

I also just realise the new backup function makes save dongles partially redundant, so long as you've got the digital version of a game (and that game isn't excluded). You can now have around 10 x 3 (or 5 if you count Bookmarks) FE13 saves, for example.

Whaaaat. Why don't we get the other updates? D:

And I agree with SoC on the part about save dongles. Well, I guess it's decent... but that's still for digital games.... I want the second update too~

Edited by Teddy Bear
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Man, Nintendo really gets into DLC now. Buyable cheat codes for Awakening and now DLC for the StreetPass Plaza of all things? Really?

Update 3 is amazing, of course. I'm not sure why we still have to deal with limited save slots when we can save data on the system itself.

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As I understand with the updates, North America should be getting updates 1 and 2 at some point. It doesn't seem like Europe entirely has the first update yet, since there are many cases of the people getting errors when they try to access the StreetPass shop.

One other thing I heard about. Apparently the Fire Emblem: Awakening demo is broken with the new system update (at least North America, don't know about Europe).

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May i ask why you have 362 saves

I backup notable moments. Especially for critical/skill proc moments.

A save for every Lunatic and Lunatic+ chapter. I can kill any boss/generic mook instead of just freaking Risen I want kill for the cut-in collection.

There's also the streetpass teams of myself that have characters that can have that "kill" effect once they kill characters on the weaker team for more dramatic emphasis.

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Whaaaat?! Why don't we get ALL the updates? That's unfair! I've never tried Street Pass Plaza or Puzzle Swap, but I would've probably tried them with those updates! D:

Edited by Anacybele
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As much as I'd like to have all of those updates, I'm grateful for the third update we got since I currently only have the digital copy. I was actually going to delete one of my files soon because my brother wanted to try the game, but now I can give him a save file without deleting mine! Perfect timing!

Incidentally though, does anyone know how exactly you switch backed up files? I don't want to do anything wrong and lose my hundreds of hours of play with a silly mistake...its probably laughably easy though....

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There's a restore function in the 3DS Settings.

Also I didn't properly count the number of backups you can make--it's closer to 30. Maybe it's even unlimited once you hit the cap?

But the thing I'm most curious about... can you transfer backups between consoles? I gotta check...

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