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Who else is dissapointed in Walhart's caps?


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For someone who poses such huge threat and imminence, his Conquerer caps seem rather lousy. Heck, even his Great Knight caps are better.

And yes, I am kind of just paying attention to his Str/Def caps.

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The developer knows that in the end, STR and DEF are much less important than SPD and SKL


Personally I am disapointed that Recruitable Walhart somehow has the nerf to lack Aegis

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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He gets +3 STR/DEF going GK at the cost of 6 SKL, 3 SPD, 5 RES compared to Conqueror.

I'm not too sure on that trade. RES > DEF, and that 6 SKL is 6% Luna and 9% Hit.

The SPD is trivial. (Walhart's SPD sucks either way)

That STR point is valid. 3 Damage is 3 damage.

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I dunno about you, but I'd say that 4 strength and defense is pretty insane. Not even most second-gen kids can top that.

Sure, speed and skill are more important in the end, but you could get a Morgan with up to 9 strength or defense, which isn't bad.

A shame his class set kind of sucks, though. (OK, it's not bad, but he'd certainly appreciate something like Cavalier or Mercenary or even Barbarian over Wyvern to make up for his lacking initial Conquerer class.)

Edited by HeoandReo
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Walhart spends all of his time sitting on my bench, so I personally am not disappointed by his caps - he never hits them.

In all seriousness, though, I fail to see the problem. If Conqueror had all-around better stats than GK, that removes any pretense of balancing classes, which I think is something IS tries for. There are trade-offs, and I personally prefer not getting ripped apart by mages (as much) to taking three less damage from physical attacks, and not having Skill and Spd that're quite as piss poor helps as well.

Walhart also has insane Str and Def modifiers anyways, not to mention a 1-2 range powerful Prf weapon.

I personally would be slightly more disappointed by his class set...if I cared about Walhart to begin with.

wow, nobody's called him Walmart yet...

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I'm on the same boat as Euklyd. So to address the title of the topic, I'm not disappointed in Walhart's caps. I don't see much use in the 6 SpotPass story characters besides enjoying the chapter (unless you're marrying one of them) because if I wanted a support-less unit, I'd use a legacy character. Conquerer is a strong skill, but it doesn't compare to the skill selection of legacy characters.

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wow, nobody's called him Walmart yet...

Don't worry, I'm about to.

Conquerer seems to be a very redundant class, a flashier, crabby-er class in a sad attempt to make Walmart look like a credible threat. I'm not disappointed in the slightest, Walmart is forever a benchwarmer in my files. I dread having to eventually unlock his supports to 100% the support conversation library, training him so he won't die in Summer of Bonds will be so ugh.

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Not really, no.

Probably helps that his bases ensure that I can immediately send him to battle, pair-up or no.

As far as his caps go, I was initially disappointed at the start, but thinking it over led me to realize that it's still good enough. More Skill, Speed, and Res are nice to have, and it does make him a better Great Knight-like character. (And less likely to die in my opinion.)

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Yeah, Wallhart is pretty good. Maybe one of the best Spotpass character. (I don't tried Priam and Aversa yet...).

Nobody can be worse than Yen'fay anyway...

Edited by TendaSlime
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