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It took me a year and a half to get decent/start customing.

It is not fast.

Been spriting since 2009.

Fuck it's been 4 years already?

Remember that first Elty Splice you've done? |D

For me, yeah, I started the same time. /being a lazyass atm though

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I started spriting with FE sprites! I probably tried to start 2008/2009 or something~ But since I don't sprite that often, I still have plenty of room for improvement! I've already said this I bet, but if only I started feeling inspired to sprite more often~
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Lol dem sprites xD

I think i'm going to stick to the fe7 colours, even if i did get something done with the fe 8 colours for a few projects. Iono, i find fe8 colours harder to sprite with, but it could just be me and my palette handicap, i'm terrible xD

I started on july 2011, so this "hobby" of mine has been going for 2 years with lots and lots of breaks taken from it due to school and exams; my first splices were a total mess, like srsly. Then astry tutored me and i managed to get my first custom thingy done xD

Now i really enjoy customing stuff, and i totally forgot how to splice properly, it's hilarious. Sometimes i think splicing is actually harder than fcustoming xD

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Lol dem sprites xD

I think i'm going to stick to the fe7 colours, even if i did get something done with the fe 8 colours for a few projects. Iono, i find fe8 colours harder to sprite with, but it could just be me and my palette handicap, i'm terrible xD

your fe7 sprites so gud

Q n Q All of these quick-ass spriters up in here. Now I really feel old.

like nih brought up about astra helping her, the newer spriters have a bit more leverage to getting into it because they can look at what the older spriters have done like their different approaches to FE sprites and all that.

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like nih brought up about astra helping her, the newer spriters have a bit more leverage to getting into it because they can look at what the older spriters have done like their different approaches to FE sprites and all that.

That's the unfortunate thing for the veteran spriters, though I suppose that holds true for most things. It's just a bit frustrating.

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like nih brought up about astra helping her, the newer spriters have a bit more leverage to getting into it because they can look at what the older spriters have done like their different approaches to FE sprites and all that.


It's easier to learn stuff when you have a lot of material to learn from. :)

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It's easier to learn stuff when you have a lot of material to learn from. :)

This is definitely true, I pretty much learned how to make maps from primes mapping tutorial. And no offense to IS but I mostly just reference other peoples maps, not the official FE ones.

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It's one of the reasons why I do my battlesprites in photoshop. I can sprite each frame on a separate layer and then just hit animate. Works wonders.

(the other reason is I only got photoshop)

That feeling when you have zero photoshop skills so you're stuck with paint. :(

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That feeling when you have zero photoshop skills so you're stuck with paint. :(

I'm going to assume that when you figure out where all the bare essential tools in Photoshop is, you can use it just as well as paint. You don't need all the advanced "Photoshoppy" stuff for spriting.

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You most definitely don't need Photoshop to sprite. Having an advanced program - like having fancy art gadgets such as tablets - don't mean a thing unless you actually have the ability to put these tools to use. It's nice to have, of course, but most certainly not necessary by any means.

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The settings I use turns PS into paint with layers and animation capabilities. The computer I have doesn't have paint, so I had to adapt with what I do have. Paint is actually more intuitive to PS for spriting since I had to mess with a few checkboxes here and there to make it fully sprite friendly.

My spriting style doesn't work well with paint though these days, since I tend to draw things out and then use a few ps tricks to shrink them down. It helps with proportions and posing since I'm primarily an artist before spriter.

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  • 2 months later...

*blows off piles of dust*


Eta style! (Jelly made a fun blank and I thought it'd be cool to see if anyone else wants to join in filling it out. I have and so have a couple of others on the KKS Skype chat.)

lenh_etastyle_zpsa4c7d525.pngItsa me!

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