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Super Mario Bros. 2 Tier List/Character Ratings


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Since SF seems to be all about tier lists and character ratings, I thought it would be interesting to make personal ratings/opinions of the Super Mario Bros. 2 characters' abilities.

I personally never bothered with Peach or found her all that great. Luigi's jumps are much higher and his picking up speed is much better. Sure, she could float and it made jump landings easier to aim, but I didn't really need the extra accuracy.

Luigi was my go to character for areas and worlds that required lots of jumping. I mean, squat jumping can take care of big jumps, but it's not as useful in enemy cramped areas or for long jumps.

Toad, I didn't actually know people thought was the worst character to pick back then. I found him really great for desert levels because of his fast digging. His fast picking up speed was also really nice for areas loaded with enemies and hazards. Toad also gets you a lot of coins for the slot machine (and a lot of extra lives in the process, especially in levels like 3-1 and 1-2).

Mario, well, he's the well rounded one, so I basically used him when I needed both a good jumping height and fast picking up speed for enemy cramped areas. Or if neither were needed, I'd use him anyways. Mario is also a good pick for levels where a lot of jumping is needed, but there's a lot of potential coins to collect.

So, what are your guys' ratings and reasons? I didn't really add any numerical ratings or tier list for my post since I don't want people saying "Peach should be higher" or "Toad should be lower." I want to see people post their opinions, ratings, and tier lists, rather than forcing me to change mine in the opening post.

Edited by Randoman
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is a tier list for four characters really necessary?

ehh whatevs

Omega Tier


hai speedrunners i'm toad and i kill stuff really fast

High Tier



good jumping is cool for platforming

Bottom Tier


the differences between mario and peach/luigi statwise are... really small, but mario brings nothing to the table. Peach and Luigi do. Ergo, Peach & Luigi > Mario

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I haven't played it in a while, so I'll go by WHAT THE PROS USE in the TAS I saw somewhat more recently.

Top Tier:


Used In That One Ice Stage Tier:


Not Used Anymore but Still Bro Tier:


Challenge Speedrun Tier:


Crazy speedruns aside, Personally I prefer Toad or Mario since they're easy to control with good speed and power. Luigi and Peach are good for a jump here and there, but the other two seem more practical.

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I love using Peach. I find her floating ability awesome! She's my most-played character in SMB2. After that it's Toad, purely because of how unpopular he is. Then Mario, because Mario. I pick Luigi less than anyone, in all honesty his jumping was just too wild for me.

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Toad all the way. He's really fast, and his jumping honestly isn't much worse than Mario's. There's little he can't reach with a super jump, so what's the point in taking better jumping abilities if I can already reach almost everything?

When I do want better jumping abilities, though - sometimes this is useful to skip part of a level, or just really helpful like in... 6-2, I believe? That stage where you ride birds across a giant pit - I usually pick Luigi. Partially because I just like him, partially because his speed isn't quite as terrible as Peach's. I can't really think of anything Peach can reach that Luigi can't, so there's not much of a reason to pick Peach over Luigi gameplay-wise.

Peach and Mario pretty much don't see any use from me, although Peach at least has the ability to float for a bit. Mario has... nothing going for him, really.

Edited by Scarlet
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I like to use Peach, because she makes the whole game easier. I just sorta float over everything..... (Ironically, I never play as Peach in Smash Bros. Ever.)

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Peach's abilities are little superfluous for most stages but she rocks the ice levels. Generally I don't like Luigi as much even though he can take some shortcuts the others can't, just because iirc his traction is pretty bad in addition to all of his other weaker traits. Likewise Mario is so average that Toad is almost always a universally better choice.

Personally my usage would look something like Toad > Peach > Luigi > Mario though.

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I'm suprised (yet happy) to see how much Toad is appreciated, but saddened by the lack of Mario appreciation.

Mario's not that bad. I mean, he does have the second highest jump (according to Super Mario Advance) and his speed isn't that far behind from Toad's.

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I knew that Geno would be high on the list, but what makes Mario top? It's his exclusive equipment like the Attack Scarf and the Lazy Shell (weapon) right?

As for the other three, I'm thinking it's Peach, then Bowser=Mallow.

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Mostly its the fact that he has good specials like Super Jump, which makes certain bosses a joke when mastered, good equips throughout the game, you can pump a certain stat from level 1, and other stuff like that. Hes forced though so tiering him is a little silly. Geno is high because Geno Boost and Geno Whirl are too powerful to pass up, one being the only buff special in the game and the other making certain encounters extremely easy. Peach's Group hug makes some bosses possible, Mallow is good overall due to his specials, and Bowser is good early because Terrify and his early damage are good. They can all be important at different parts in the game, whereas Mario is forced and Geno should be taken at all times, which is why they are Low and generally hard to place in a specific order.

Anyway, on topic, my Super Mario 2 Tier List is basically Toad being high and everyone else is in the situational tier.

Edited by The Batter
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