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My SSB4 Roster

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Or, if Sakurai is true demon spawn, Lucina will replace Marth(oh god, that hurts to type...).

if he does this I will immediately forgive Sakurai for the travesty that was Brawl

Lucina can wield lances too, see there's variety

damn you IS, we could've had Leaf in Melee!!!!

Edited by shadykid
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We don't know that. It's risky. Also...anime isn't "regular" cartoons? ...I don't...how do I respond to this...

Well for starters, "anime" is just japanese cartoons. It's not an abnormal type of cartoon, it's just a cartoon with an established word for it. When I say that SSB should stay cartoony, I mean that it shouldn't just succumb to the borderline realism of those kinds of characters.

Anyway, FE is different than other series because it has varying protagonists. I'm assuming you'd like for 2 FE13 characters and then Marth or Ike to get in, but that's ridiculous. Introducing 2 characters from only a single game just makes no sense to do here.

Other than that, Fire Emblem having 3 characters in SSB is just plain wrong because all of the head protagonists being swordfighters. Fire Emblem isn't a series with a defined cast, so there's a very off chance that they'll include a guy for another weapon. It looks to me like the only way FE should ever have 3 representatives is if Ephraim is one of them. Not gonna happen.

Though, Anacybele, I don't think Star Fox should have 3 characters in either. I will give you that, only because they're always Fox and his clones. I think the most sensible thing for them to do is have Marth and Chrom(since he simply has to be there, no matter how much I don't want him to be) for FE, and have Fox along with Wolf or Falco for Star fox because one of them has to be cut. Or, if Sakurai is true demon spawn, Lucina will replace Marth(oh god, that hurts to type...). I'm sorry to tell you since I can tell you're a fan, but Ike's time is up. FE's always changing cast members, and time has passed.

I never said anime was an abnormal cartoon. I just differentiate it from other cartoons because many animes actually tend to go for adult audiences (Bleach, Naruto, Inyuasha, vanilla Yu-Gi-Oh, and a bunch of others do not look like stuff kids should watch) while other cartoons are generally for kids.

No, I don't want two Awakening reps, that would be stupid. I want Marth, Ike, and Chrom right now. Ephraim if there will be four. Just because two or three characters use swords doesn't mean they'll be exactly the same either. Ike is VERY different from Marth. All they share is Counter. Ike is heavier, slower, and his sword actually functions more like a club the way he uses it. Marth stabs and swings more gracefully. Chrom would be a middle of the road guy like Mario and have a javelin up his sleeve as well probably since he can also use lances. Ephraim would be a pure lancer, no sword at all.

Sakurai has said he wants more uniqueness, and that ups Ike's chances of staying because of how unique he is. In fact, he's the only slow and heavyweight sword wielder right now.

I also doubt we'll be seeing another game centering on Marth anytime soon. Both he and Ike are the most important lords in the series too since they've had more starring roles than the others, plus the most references in Awakening compared to other past FE characters. They're also the most popular. Japan loves Marth, the west loves Ike. Chrom and future lords would likely be the one time deals.

Edited by Anacybele
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All those anime you mentioned are targeted towards young boys, actually~ It's Seinen that's aimed towards older audiences~

As far as who I want in SSB4, I honestly don't care. I'm just glad that the game is being made in the first place and as long as it's fun it doesn't matter to me who they put in.

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Fun fact, anime and manga was inspired by the works of Walt Disney. So really, it's all outsourced Mickey Mouse. Mickey for SSB4!

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^ No, you guys... don't make me start wanting an Epic Mickey stage, PLEASE. With thinner pools. And Oswald as an assist/hazard on that stage. And Dark Beauty Castle in the background.

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The only thing I don't like is no Ike and Ghirahim. Otherwise, it looks fine to me.

"Your opinion is wrong."

Sorry but some posts are just too great in here.

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Looks fine to me aside from the lack of Ike and Toon Link.

That list is a combination of characters I want and characters I think are likely to be in. I personally don't think Ike and Toon Link are going to stay.(although I would like them to)

Also, it took way too long to figure out that pattern I got it into, it wasn't worth the effort. :/

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