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Tabula Rasa Signups/Information


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So I heard you wanted a War RP. Well, without further ado, here it is.

I'm still hammering out the details, but 90% of the game is basically made. Right now, I need these things from you, the people;

A) A national NAME

B) A capital CITY
C) A capital REGION

D) A primary and secondary COLOUR

E) A MAIN and FOUR SECONDARY CAPTAINS, which will lead your armies until you have the money to buy new ones

F) A GOVERNMENT TYPE; the options are EMPIRE, HORDE, REPUBLIC, and MONARCHY. This decides only your in-RP government and your unit choices; it does NOT impact any alliances. An Empire won't find itself suddenly allied with every other Empire, though it may well be looked upon favourably in diplomacy.

G) Whether you want me to bias your starting forces towards CAVALRY, INFANTRY or NEITHER, and MELEE, RANGED or NEITHER.

Add detail on your guys/nation/city/region/surrounding terrain as you see fit. When I build the world map, I will set it all out.

For those of you that insist on knowing things in advance, here's the writeup. Still, if you want to join, do so early, before I end up making the world map.

[spoiler=LOGISTICS]To form a stack on the map, you must have a Captain. Captains are your heroes, your characters; they fight and die and are more interactive at levelling up than anyone else. In combat, they are powerful mounted units, and may well stumble on artifacts that make them even more powerful as leaders. When felled in battle, Captains die on a roll of 6 on 1d6+n, where n is the number of times they have been felled previously.

A stack has nine spaces on the grid. Front left/centre/right, Middle left/centre/right, Back left/centre/right. A stack may hold a captain and has six other slots for units; infantry take up one slot, cavalry two. (Cavalry are expensive and don't quite fight twice as well as infantry, but a unit made up entirely of cavalry (as the captain is always assumed to be mounted) moves one space faster on open terrain on the map). The units are placed on the grid in a formation of the players' choosing. Melee units fight best in the front, archers in the rear. Only the frontmost unit can be attacked at any time. A stack is also given a Priority. As combat is not micro-managed, the Priority dictates who they attack; it's a short phrase of the player's choosing, be it Strongest, Weakest, Closest to Death, Captain or something else that the GM interprets into the fighters' individual actions.

Units whose Captain is unconscious or dead are routed, and forced into flight. Their formation is flipped and they automatically flee as fast as possible to the nearest friendly town. They still fight at full effectiveness, but they are likely badly injured and in a sub-optimal or downright disastrous formation. Unconscious captains recover given two turns of rest in a city.


This is a statblock for a couple of units, basic Mercenary infantry.


Name is self-explanatory.

Type is just infantry or cavalry.

HP is how much damage they can take before death.

Defence is how much physical damage is subtracted from any received attack.

Initiative dictates attack order. First attacks go first, then second attacks for those that have them, then third etc. AKA the Sellsword's first attack will come before the Scum's attack, but the Sellsword's second attack waits for Init 5 to come around in the second round of combat. In the event of an Initiative tie, the attacking stack always moves before a stack it attacked in the open, but after a stack it attacked behind fortifications.

Melee, Short and Long Range dictate damage at the three ranks of the stack.

Cost is cost. Most tier 0 melee costs 15 food, most tier 1 melee costs 30. Mercenaries are a strange case due to how they are hired.

EXP dictates how far they are from promotion. When promoted, a unit regains all lost HP and becomes stronger. The next bar is Special, which neither unit possesses.


To be added later; suffice to say there are four resources, food/gold/lumber/stone. Food is used for making people, lumber and stone primarily for buildings (lumber also is used for archers), and gold for ... assorted purposes.

1 Experience is gained for every fight survived; 2 if the unit kills another unit during it.



(Primary captains start out with 10 EXP; secondary ones start out with 0)

Tier 1 skills cost 4 Exp (3 for monarchist or mercenary captains)
Tier 2 skills cost 8 Exp (or 6)
Tier 3 skills cost 12 Exp (or 9)
Tier 4 skills cost 16 Exp (or 12)
All require the previous ones in the category to be upgraded (one must be Fierce before being Unkillable).
Broadsword: 12x3
Longsword: 15x3
Greatsword: 18x3
Vorpal Sword: 21x3
Axe: 19x2
Broadaxe: 24x2
Greataxe: 28x2
Vorpal Axe: 33x2
Recurve Bow: 15x2
Longbow: 19x2
Greatbow: 23x2
Dragonslayer: 27x2
Firebolt: 10x2
Fireball: 13x2
Blaze: 16x2
Inferno: 19x2
Thunder: 10x1 to all
Lightning: 12x1 to all
Storm: 14x1 to all
Skyfury: 16x1 to all
Chainmail: Def=4
Splintmail: Def=6
Platemail: Def=8
Dragon Armour: Def=10
Cape: Res=1
Cloak: Res=2
Mantle: Res=3
Dragonhide: Res=4
Nimble: Init 6
Agile: Init 8
Swift: Init 10
Whirlwind: First two attacks happen at once
Hale: HP 70
Hardy: HP 80
Fierce: HP 90
Unkillable: HP 100

[spoiler=Signups So Far]

Oh, and I'm running this alone. Anything else that needs to be added, I'll add.

Edited by Yohan Kebab
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Nation: Enehtor

Capital: Tsae, Seat of the East

capital Region: South Eastern parts of the map, preferably near the ocean/sea/large body of water

Primary/Secondary Colour: Indigo/Silver

Main Captain: Chaen Lang (The Crimson Hare); Thunder and Nimble

Secondary Captain:

1) Meiyun

2) Qaahir

3) Qiang

4) Tzang

Government: Empire

Bias: None

Terrain: Plains occupy the northern regions that are mainly converted for farming and grazing while the south has dense forests that are not fully unexplored and in the middle of a southward colonisation. A river runs through the heart of the nation from which its ancestors built the foundations of empire, which also connects the north and southern parts of the empire, serving as a crucial natural resource that allows the transfer of materials within the nation.

People: Enehtorians, sometimes referred to as Ens due to their busy industrious nature resembling certain insects, are hard working collective people believing firmly in achieving objectives for the whole as opposed to the individual. This also causes the Enehtorians to shy away from personal responsibility, prefering to be a follower as opposed to a leader, hence leaders are rare in the nation and highly prized when successful as the culture tends to nip budding leaders in their infancy because of their 'deviant' nature.

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Furet told me to make a post like Nightmarre's, so... I'll pick Thunder and Nimble?

Edited by Kay
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