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Favorite support convos

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Title. This isn't meant to be a shipping war thread, just a discussion about who you think had the best conversations, so keep in mind that opinions exist and respect everyone else, please.

I haven't seen all of the supports yet, buuuuut my favorites of what I have seen are:

Gaius/Maribelle: DAT BACKSTORY sure the S was a bit short but it wasn't a bad S rank at all

Olivia/Lon'qu: I really like the first three supports. The S rank was a bit eh but still cute.

Cherche/Virion: Like Olivia/Lon'qu I found the first three supports really good but the S rank just fell flat for me. The event had its good points but from how Cherche had been treating Virion before the romance felt just really sudden, and considering the nature of S ranks in general that's saying something.

Chrom/Sully: This pairing just gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling it's so sweet. Their friendship just really works in the first three supports and the S rank was d'aww.

Chrom/FeAvatar: I didn't find the first three supports nearly as bad as everyone said, and I found them kind of funny, actually. They could have been much better but for what they were they were funny. The S rank is fantastic though, it's so cute.

Lissa/Donnel: DIABETES.

Lucina/Inigo: I liked it a lot until Inigo pretty much said he was going to keep flirting with other girls in the S rank. WHYYY. The rest of the supports before that and the S rank up to that point were great though.

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Brady/Lucina (not siblings)



And Male!Avatar/Cynthia is my favorite in the game.

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Cynthia/Gerome: He wants them to be a heroic couple.

Cynthia/ inigo : Inigo looks like a fool because cynthia gets chicks and he can't

Chrom/ Olivia : Olivia is just awesome.When Chrom is going to Regna Ferox to help she wants to go to her conversation is just so cute.



Lissa/ Me





Cherche/lon'qu : The story explaining his past is just amazing


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Miriel/Lon'qu (Because I'm not a huge fan of most of either characters' supports and this one's pretty funny and I liked their chemistry together. Bonus points for making Lon'qu's character arc and Laurent's backstory even more tragic.)

Nowi/Vaike (Because even with the iffy beginning, it's one of Nowi's more mature supports compared to most of the others since it tackles her immortality issue head-on. The Future Past conversation with Vaike and Nah is also pretty nice.)

All of Virion's supports, with special mention to Nowi and Panne (Nowi/Virion is the funniest support in the game imo, while Panne/Virion is just beautiful.)

All of Maribelle's supports, with special mention to Chrom, Frederick, Kellam and Avatar.

Severa/Brady & Lucina/Brady (They're both kinda cute supports, to be honest.)

Also kind of like Cherche/Kellam, but I can't really articulate why I do. Henry/Sumia the same way, but at least Sumia/Cynthia C makes a lot more sense in hindsight with Henry as her dad.

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Pretty much every support with Gregor

Pretty much every support with Robin (male)

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Male Avatar/Cordelia



Male Avatar/Gangrel

Male Avatar/Walhart

Inigo/His father

Severa/Her father



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Lucina and Inigo (brother), Lucina and Owain, Severa and Gerome, Inigo and Gerome, Cordelia and Kellam. I haven't played Awakening in a while, I think I may have left it at my dad's out of province.

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As much as I also hate it... Chrom and Olivia's development supports.

You know... the ones that you never get to see if you marry them.

Gives backstory on how Olivia got saved by Basilio from a noble that would have "forced her into marriage". And how Basilio isn't interested in her as a girl, but just protecting her.

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Basically all my favorite pairings so far, plus a few more. :) Bolded are my top favorites so far.

Frederick and Female Avatar

Frederick and Cordelia

Frederick and Panne

Frederick and Virion (though I've only seen the C one so far)

Frederick and Chrom

Frederick and Lissa (I may not like these two as a couple at all, but their support is cute as a father-daughter or big brother-little sister type relationship)

Chrom and Olivia

Stahl and Cordelia

Stahl and Lissa

Stahl and Panne

Stahl and Donnel

Donnel and Lissa

Lon'qu and Cherche

Lon'qu and Olivia

Gaius and Maribelle

Henry and Sumia (I've only seen C and B so far though)

Gregor and Tharja

And that's all I can think of off the top of my head. I haven't seen every support yet though. And yeah, there's a lot of Frederick up there, cause his supports are a big part of the reason he's my favorite character. lol

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As much as I also hate it... Chrom and Olivia's development supports.

You know... the ones that you never get to see if you marry them.

Gives backstory on how Olivia got saved by Basilio from a noble that would have "forced her into marriage". And how Basilio isn't interested in her as a girl, but just protecting her.


Screw marriage

Frederick x Cherche

Frederick x Olivia

Frederick x Cordelia C and B(WTF IS)

Chrom x Maribelle

Chrom x Sully

....everything that involves Sully

Of course Sully x Stahl is the OTP

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As much as I also hate it... Chrom and Olivia's development supports.

You know... the ones that you never get to see if you marry them.

Gives backstory on how Olivia got saved by Basilio from a noble that would have "forced her into marriage". And how Basilio isn't interested in her as a girl, but just protecting her.


Screw marriage

Going off this... I loved Chrom x Sumia's supports and how endearing she is in the Japanese support. Showed what the Japanese liked in her cute and feminine traits... Despite her obvious flaw of tripping over ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

And then the localization happened. Pie.

It's ABSOLUTELY INFURIATING that Olivia's and Chrom's "Flashback" Confession scene added in the localization, no matter how bs it is, makes more freaking sense than "Pie-er Emblem: A-bake-ening" with Chrom x Sumia.

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My favorites in no particular order <3



















A lot of people/Virion

A lot of people/Gregor

Sorry for the super long list, xP.

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Maribelle-Lon'qu, because I think it showcases them both well (and it flows nicely imo)

Avatar-Chrom, both genders, but for different reasons. Male one for seriousness, Female one for hilarity

Cordelia-Virion, I like it because Virion doesn't propose until he notices her affection for Chrom wane (supposedly)

Cordelia-Gregor. She proposes and it's Gregor, who is awesome.

Olivia-Chrom, (without the S, of course)

Olivia-Avatar. I just found it cute.

Cherche-Avatar. Hilarious to me.

Sumia-Frederick. Showcases both well.

Tharja-Gaius. Made me laugh.

Lissa-Libra. Idk, it was just sweet and flowed rather well.

Lucina-Gerome. I know some people don't like it, but I found it strangely endearing.

Lucina-Inigo. Very endearing, but would've been better if he hadn't mentioned continuing flirting at the end.

Morgan-Nah. Naga's a shipper on deck here.

F!Morgan-Owain. It's just a fun support to read through.

Yarne-Noire. I mostly like this one as it's one of the few where Noire doesn't have her split-personality shown, and no one's yelling at him.

Severa-Laurent. This was just fun to read through (and Hobbit reference during the S support helped)

Severa-Gerome. Hilarious reading.

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Mmmm... Let's see...

Yarne - Nah: Actually the only romantic support I like of Nah, I just like how Yarne becomes a hero for her
Henry - Cherche: Henry's backstory, plus Cherche trying to help him and he try to befriend Minerva
Noire - Brady: I think is cute
Severa - Laurent: Because of how both realised that they work good together
Severa - Inigo: Because he really defrosted her
FMorgan - Gerome: Just... I think is a very good and adorable support
Chrom - Sully: Chrom's support that I like the most... too bad I prefer Sully with Virion c_c
Maribelle - Ricken: Maribelle cares a lot for him
Lucina - Laurent: Yeah, I liked it
Lucina - Inigo: Very sweet support... Oh well, actually I like Lucina's support with Yarne and Brady too!!
Lucina - Gerome: Ha! Of course I need to add this, it looks that most of the fans dislike their supports, but really, I think their supports fits them very well, and the S support is very sweet actually, but I like the japanese version most, with Gerome saying that when he was a kid he vowed to protect her always and now that he is older he still wants to do it, maaan the japanese support sounds to me like the classic Paladin-Princess supports, and of course I love that

I think these are the most remarcables for me

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InigoxNah, InigoxNah, InigoxNah, and -- okay, moving on.

InigoxNah, it's cute and funny and I enjoy seeing Inigo about to be eaten. I guess I enjoy his suffering...

VirionxLibra, love them and now I can never marry Libra to anyone... Virion can have Cherche, but not Libra.

LaurentxCynthia rarely do I change my couples for the sheer cuteness of the support.

FeMUxGangrel obviously.

InigoxOwain, for awesomeness.

FeMorganxGermone, "No, calculus is complicated. That's a mask." Normally, I love MMorgran (That looks so weird!), but that's one of my favorite lines.

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Romantic Supports:

Robin/Lucina: Most fitting for the both of them. Has major tie ins with the main story. Makes the most sense in a realm full of plotholes.

Ricken/Tharja: Damn that was a sweet support line. He cursed her with happiness. Got to see a bit of Tharja's sweet side too.

Ricken/Maribelle: ...A childhood friend romance. I'm a sucker for those. Also, this support line... is why I swear Ricken/Valflame is also canon, and Ricken is of Val/Velthomer descent (From Saias, although Ricken is a mirror of Azel.)

Lon'qu/Lissa: Again, with the making of sense. Tumblr powerpoint did a swell job of convincing me.

Lon'qu/Nowi: Loved it as the ship that launched a thousand flames on GameFAQs as it was in Japanese. Still love it, because they didn't change it.

Kellam/Nowi: I don't get why people seem to dislike this one. You get a lot of backstory on Kellam, and a fair deal of Nowi being sweet. I dunno, I guess I like Nowi's schtick or something.

Owain/Cynthia: Mirroring Greil and Ike's mother...? Childhood friend romance? What's not to love?

Owain/Lucina: Cousins means what? Don't care. Angry about Companions. Whatever. They're a great couple. They've got definitely better options (Robin for Lucina, and Cynthia for Owain), but this is a great runner up couple.

Laurent/Noire: You kinky kids.

Gerome/Severa: I knew these two would be great. And guess what? They are.

Gerome/Nah: ...The one pairing that everyone seems to hate for Nah, I like. (On the other hand, the one pairing for Gerome everyone likes, I think is downright terrible, like Thrall/Aggra class terrible)

Inigo/Nah: Hi-lar-ious. Now if only I didn't like Inigo being with Morgan more... Nah'd totally be the Sheena to this Zelos.

Morgan(F)/EVERYONE: Geez girl knows how to make me ship her around like a FedEx box. Special call out to Inigo though.

Parent - Child Supports

Morgan(M) - FeRobin: Yes, the support between Morgan and Robin is very similar, but I prefer the Mother and Son one over the Father and Daughter. Not quite sure why.

Any Mother - Lucina: But I thought you liked Octopi.

Noire - Tharja: Not going to say anything here.

Friendship Supports

Lucina - Tiki: The biggest on the "I'm not even sure why I like this, but I do" ones.

Tiki - Anna: *Falls out of chair laughing*

Severa - Cynthia: Nerd Alert.

...There are not enough Friendship Supports, GAWDS. :KnollRoll:

(Not a fan of Lucina's Sibling Support, and Morgan's Sibling Supports are all too plot holey for my liking- so, ahem I don't like any of the Sibling Supports.)

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  • 2 years later...

Maribelle/Lon'qu: Tried this support on a whim on my first Awakening run. I was not disappointed.

MU/Virion: I actually like Virion with anyone, but I'm fond of that one. Either romantically or platonically.

MaMU/Sumia: A very sweet support! Oh, and books =)

Olivia/Chrom: They actually have a very nice buildup. A shame we actually never see them in game if they marry. =/

Cordelia/Gregor: Matchmaker crush? Cordelia is the one who proposes? Severa gets awesome red hair? YES!

Stahl/Olivia: How he first interacts with her with letters to make her comfortable is really cute!

FeMU/Priam: Because behind his tough mercenary exterior, Priam is such a dork.

Gerome/Cynthia: I love the "bright hero/dark hero" dynamic they have.

Severa/Inigo: Tsuntsun Severa is tsuntsun. I still think they fit together. Figures.

Morgan(M)/Nah: Even Naga ships them.

Morgan(M)/Lucina: My other favored option for Male Morgan. =)

Lissa/Maribelle, Severa/Cynthia, Tiki/Anna: More platonic supports please!

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Cordelia/Gregor: I was surprised at how much I liked this. Cordelia asking Gregor for help with her relationship with Chrom, who later starts developing feelings for her. But he doesn't pursue it. And then CORDELIA proposes to GREGOR... who at first thought it was just her practicing for Chrom.

I also liked Lissa/Lon'qu and Nowi/Kellam, which gave some pretty good backstory.

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Lon'qu has lots of good ones and is probably one of the most developed character in his supports. He can also be a snarky assholes, leading to some of the best lines in the entire game.

Maribelle: Lon'qu! Just what do you think you were doing in that last battle?
Lon'qu: Stabbing people.

Really the only one I hate is Nowi's, the other ones I dislike are just mediocre.

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