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The Sumia hate is irking me...

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Honestly, people have their preferences. There are characters they dislike, and characters they like.

But my goodness...

"People hate her because she is a dumb useless bitch who cant do anything but pies and sandwiches and her only purpose in the universe is bring Cynthia into the world, thats all shes useful for."

I think she's cute, very docile, and has her flaws, but has her serious and capable side. She is literally just a few attributes away from Olivia, and I don't see as much hate for her. Just because a woman LIKES to fit within her feminine gender roles, automatically makes her a bad character?

That's quite the double standard in Olivia's case then.

I am well aware of the criticisms of Sumia, and localization didn't help her when it comes to Chrom.

And even some of those criticisms about her character, I can agree with... but mother of crap, geez people... Why are you so freaking passionate with that hate for a video game character? Is it because her character is so bad "She isn't worthy of Chrom"?

Edited by shadowofchaos
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As you said comrade, if Sumia is not unfortunate enough to be pushed with the POS that is Chrom, she would not be hated as much as she is right now

Personally, I hate the fact that she's stuck with "tripping and mess up everything" as her gimmick, but she has tons of cool potential going for her >_>

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The falling over thing's a bit stupid, but she's otherwise a reasonably likeable character. I found her supports with Gaius rather amusing.

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I found Sumia rather adorable. The clumsy girl archetype is done to death in Japanese media, yes, but her other traits are quite endearing. Her supports with Henry and Frederick were really cute and other supports show that she's quite mature and strong.

Most of her hate admittedly stems from the immature sections of Chrom's fan base looking for an excuse to hate her other than "SHE STOLE MAH MAN!"

She's far from a perfect character, but she is by no means a bad one. Her most major flaw to me is her lack of a true story role - she shows up to show how good she is with animals, save Chrom's life, then disappears for five chapters only to randomly come in to punch Chrom and disappear for the rest of the story unless you had her mother Lucina. And even then, she disappears after chapter 13. Her entire story role is a Big Lipped Alligator Moment. For someone who's the here's canon wife you'd expect her to have a bigger role. :T

Edited by PiplupPeanut
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I'm probably not looking in the right places (or am good at avoiding them), so I can't say I've actually witnessed this hate. But I do think that she needs a break. I mean, Sumia's not my favorite character, or close to my favorite, but I don't hate her. I don't even really dislike her. She's just meh, and I don't understand why bother wasting so much time, energy, and hate on a fictional character.

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The Sumia hate? It's hardly like she's the most hated character. A different future version of herself wasn't an abusive mother. Uh... stop letting it irk you? Haters will hate.

That's quite the double standard in Olivia's case then.

Olivia is quite possibly my least favorite playable character in Awakening, actually. Can't stand her personality and behavior and would take Sumia over her any day.

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Sumia, Tharja, and Ricken actually has quite a massive hatedom

Like Sumia is a manipulative bitch who backstabbed her best friend who is like OMGAMARTYRTOHER

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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People who hate on Sumia are CLEARLY jealous of her clumsiness and her secret yandereness.

Anyhow, I actually like Sumia for reasons already stated.

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Like Sumia is a manipulative bitch who backstabbed her best friend who is like OMGAMARTYRTOHER


...I don't understand how that guy functions, honestly.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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.... she is a dumb useless bitch who cant do anything but pies and sandwiches and her only purpose in the universe is bring Cynthia into the world, thats all shes useful for.

shadowofchaos's thoughts on Sumia-2013

It doesn't really bother me much. I know for every character, there will be some people that will find a reason to dislike them, no matter how contrived the reason may seem to others. On the flip side of the coin there'll always be people that like characters for reasons that seem inane to others.

I don't expend much thought and emotion on video game characters, but some other people choose to do so and I have no problem with that.

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The Miriel thing IMO is just Miriel hallucinating under the heat.

I dunno, while she's not my usual character type I think the hate she gets is kinda ridiculous. I mean, there's disliking because you dont like klutzy characters or whatever reason and that's fine, whatever floats your boat, but really, hating is a bit too far, especially if it's generated from shipping wars bullshit and not actual character. I do think she has a lot of unexplored potential (due to both limited supports and the lack of quality writing and character development in general), and she definitely could've been done better, but similar things could be said to most of the cast. Poor girl needs a break.

I personally am okay with her. Not a favourite, but she has her moments. Saving Chrom's sorry ass in ch3 was pretty cool imo. Wish she wouldn't have apologised (immediately) for slapping Chrom either. Would've been great.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I don't why the hate need to be so expressfully speak out. Did seeing someone loving a character you hate really bother you? I can always tolerate with any irrational hate because I wouldn't actually take any care of them since it would be useless. Well, its different when people express it through writing perspective with good argument.

And about pairing......I don't even know why people gladly make a crusade for their pairing :Kappa:

As you said comrade, if Sumia is not unfortunate enough to be pushed with the POS that is Chrom, she would not be hated as much as she is right now

Personally, I hate the fact that she's stuck with "tripping and mess up everything" as her gimmick, but she has tons of cool potential going for her >_>

Good thing they didn't make her battle quote except "don't trip" fully express her gimmick trait. I think that is good actually because I always seen her pretty competent out there in heat of battle and would never trip.

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Good thing it's 6 in the morning here, less chance of a certain eleven-year-old looking over my shoulder.

I'll admit, Sumia was one of those characters that had to grow on me. But once she did, I like her plenty. She's a sweet, determined girl who despite her streak of clumsiness and general absentminded behavior, tries to do the best she can. Her self-esteem is pretty low, yes, but when you're Sumia and have a friend who just seems to excel in everything you can't, your self-esteem's defense can take a few hits. It's not like being that clumsy is HER fault. Some people just naturally have their balance skewered.

I would know this. Sumia and I are, once you think about it, a hell of a lot alike.

Really, I only have two problems with the girl. One, her limited support pool, which just makes about as much sense as time travel, and two, the fact that they stuck the girl's gimmick on her hard. That was the initial reason I disliked her when I first played the game: they do not let up on that gimmick of hers, not even for a moment. You seriously except someone wouldn't know the difference between a slap and a punch, IS?

And hating someone because they're paired with the main character is just effing stupid. It's not like THEY had any say in this. They're pixels! It's the author/developers' choice on whether to pair them or not, and they decided to go ahead with it. Now I understand if that person so happens to be a complete tool or something, but in Sumia's case, she's not.

I don't know what else to tell you Rey, people have their opinions, and some of them REALLY preference their own opinion over anyone else's.

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And hating someone because they're paired with the main character is just effing stupid. It's not like THEY had any say in this. They're pixels! It's the author/developers' choice on whether to pair them or not, and they decided to go ahead with it. Now I understand if that person so happens to be a complete tool or something, but in Sumia's case, she's not.

I don't know what else to tell you Rey, people have their opinions, and some of them REALLY preference their own opinion over anyone else's.

I wouldn't say "It's only video game" or "It's just a fictional character" since I know human can get emotionally attached to most mundane thing that maybe other person wouldn't think of. It is the lack of tolerance toward opinion difference that bother me.

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Don't worry, they would go 'OMGMARYSUE" on her if this is the case

I was under the impression that the biggest Mary Sue here was Cordelia. So maybe she's Chrom's canon wife? I'm not even going to open the can of worms that is the Avatar being, or not being, a Mary Sue...

In all seriousness, whether or not I understand the Sumia hate, I certainly don't agree with it. I mean, she isn't one of my favorite characters - I don't even like her very much at all, TBH - but she's a fine character and doesn't deserve the hate she gets. Her supports with Chrom are rather lame, and her personality is somewhat flat, but I could say that for many - perhaps most - of the characters in Awakening.

Well, maybe if you take the Sumia/Miriel convo in Summer Scramble to be canon/accurate, then she might deserve a bit of hate...

Edited by Euklyd
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"People hate her because she is a dumb useless bitch who cant do anything but pies and sandwiches and her only purpose in the universe is bring Cynthia into the world, thats all shes useful for."

Considering I find Cynthia to be extremely obnoxious and irritating, I feel that my hate for Sumia is justified (and have I mentioned that I hate Pegasus Knights?).

She is literally just a few attributes away from Olivia, and I don't see as much hate for her.

That's because I've chosen not to say anything regarding which of Awakening's characters I dislike - at least, up until now...

And at least Sumia isn't complete garbage, unlike Olivia is.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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