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Do you have any unpopular opinions about Awakening?

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You always make the best topics, Anacybele.

To the main question:

I hate ChromxFeMU. I just don't like that couple at all. Never have, never will. It feels awkward and forced.

I will never marry Ricken to anyone -- it's too creepy (way creepier than marrying Nowi, in my opinion). And I didn't marry Libra, either (he feels better not married, honestly... Not just the whole priest/monk thing, but I can't imagine him married).

Virion must marry Cherche! I cannot stand either of them to anyone else (especially Sully, who needs Stahl!).

But I hold a ton of unpopular opinions in every FE (Ellerean >>>>>>>>> Merric, for example).

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Pega-Pony Princess is the lamest shit ever, it made my eyes roll to the back of my head, I don't see what's the big deal about it.

I agree with this immensely. PPP is one of the many overrated lines in this game.

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Pega-Pony Princess is the lamest shit ever, it made my eyes roll to the back of my head, I don't see what's the big deal about it.

Agreed 120%. I find that the pairing that makes it come about seems too forced for an FE pairing too. Adding to that, I find said pairing somewhat contradictory regarding Cynthia's joining chapter, which is odd for a pair that's pushed in the game.

Edited by Hero of the Golden Land
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Hmm, I wonder why...

I don't know if this is unpopular or not, but I like Walhart more than Gangrel.

not that unpopular (just ask Walhart, the SF guy when he shows up haha)

I see a bunch of hipsters further up though

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Yeah I would prefer it if the Avatar's family showed up in scenes like those, but it's understandable that it would be a pain to code for each spouse + potential children.

If there's another thing I would've liked to see more of, it's more interaction from the Avatar's family in certain scenes. Doubtful that they would even have enough room for all the possibilities, though.

It's part of why I always pick the ending that involves Chrom dealing the final blow to Grima, partly because you get more unique interactions from the characters depending on who you married and partly because I prefer a more bittersweet sort of thing in the big picture rather than the alternate choice. I think this counts as an unpopular opinion, because most places I go to prefer the Avatar final blow one. Tried that one my first run, probably not going to do it again.

It's [ spoiler ] and [/ spoiler ]

No spaces.

Thank you. As you can see I'm still trying to grapple with some of the html. It seems to be different in every place I go to. Looks like I finally got it working, though it doesn't seem to work with my keyboard? Oh well, mine's kind of weird sometimes.

Edited by HeoandReo
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I want to have an option to kill the Avatar in that scene

Anyone with me?

I would prefer it if you say "yes" the Avatar dies, but if you say "no" the Avatar and Lucina would actually fight instead of Chrom intervening and Lucina would be killed.

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Oh also Basilio should have died

I admit he's one of my favorite character in this game, but the way his survival is played out is utter straight up bullshit

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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I would prefer it if you say "yes" the Avatar dies, but if you say "no" the Avatar and Lucina would actually fight instead of Chrom intervening and Lucina would be killed.

I'd be against this honestly. It seems like unnecessary tragedy for the sake of having tragedy.

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Fire Emblem has always been a Tragedy

I don't like how FE12 tried to blatantly remove one of the tragic parts for the sake of Fanservice, and I don't like it EVEN MORE when FE13 has lack of them thanks to stupid bullshit plots and fanservice

If were doing it that way, it kinda fits. You choose to preserve your friend and lose your future version of daughter(who should not exist in some ways or another) or you kill the Avatar for the sake of better future.

It makes sense both from story and moral perspective not like the current "we get everything because fuck consequences. Whats that"

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Fire Emblem has always been a Tragedy

I don't like how FE12 tried to blatantly remove one of the tragic parts for the sake of Fanservice, and I don't like it EVEN MORE when FE13 has lack of them thanks to stupid bullshit plots and fanservice

What fanservice are you talking about in FE12? Katarina?

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Might be an unpopular opinion among those with unpopular opinions, but I thought the whole Basilio thing was rather well done by this story's standards, at least compared to other similar situations. In a nutshell, I think it works precisely because when you see it, you initially think that it shouldn't. Don't mean to overuse spoilers, but for the lurkers' sakes...

The way that I see it, when the viewer looks at the scene, it's cut and dry. Basilio puts up a good fight against Walhart, gets creamed with 0% crits for both, gives Gules to Flavia, and then dies. Then for about 5-6 chapters, he for all intents and purposes is dead until he pops up later on.

Initially you're thinking like 'What? How could he possibly survive that?' Then you realize there were a lot of things he took into account while doing it, like Lucina's warning and the Avatar's premonition, so his plan is that ends up playing dead and changing things around for Validar, not only fooling the characters, but on a meta-level, it also fools the player if they don't see it coming. I know I didn't.

I guess in the long run it could've been handled better, but for what it was, I liked it.

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What fanservice are you talking about in FE12? Katarina?


Did you miss the part where I said, "unnecessary?" I don't think having the scene play out like that would benefit the story at all.

I don't think so

In a sense, both Lucina and MU are "something that should not exist". A choice like these actually make some solid plot point when done correctly

, but I thought the whole Basilio thing was rather well done by this story's standards

To each their own I guess

The way that the MU is potrayed as an all knowing who can't lose everything and fuck consequences is basically something that I hated about the game, and that one is perhaps the biggest example on this note


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In a sense, both Lucina and MU are "something that should not exist". A choice like these actually make some solid plot point when done correctly

I disagree with that "Lucina/Avatar shouldn't exist" thing, but that's not my point. Awakening's story could be rewritten to make that scene work, but as it is, I don't think the plot would benefit from it.

As for the Basilio thing, it wasn't him coming back and saving the day that bothered me, it was the fact that the avatar PLANNED THE ENTIRE THING OFF SCREEN.

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I would prefer it if you say "yes" the Avatar dies, but if you say "no" the Avatar and Lucina would actually fight instead of Chrom intervening and Lucina would be killed.

For that scene, I'd say,

Check if MU married Lucina or FeMU married Chrom.

In those cases, obviously, Lucina isn't actually going to kill MU. She doesn't have the heart for it-- this is established in the altered version of that scene as-is. She may want to kill MU for the sake of the world, but she really can't. She doesn't actually love Chrom more than MU in those scenarios.

Then if neither of those cases apply:

If you accept her Judgment she... kills MU (assume a Lethality hit-- hell, use a Lethality hit animation.) Now, count this as though it happened on a mission. Guess what screen you're about to see? GAME OVER

If you don't accept her Judgment... there's a stand off and then Chrom intervenes and things proceed as is.

If there's another thing I would've liked to see more of, it's more interaction from the Avatar's family in certain scenes. Doubtful that they would even have enough room for all the possibilities, though.

It's part of why I always pick the ending that involves Chrom dealing the final blow to Grima, partly because you get more unique interactions from the characters depending on who you married and partly because I prefer a more bittersweet sort of thing in the big picture rather than the alternate choice. I think this counts as an unpopular opinion, because most places I go to prefer the Avatar final blow one. Tried that one my first run, probably not going to do it again.

Oh, that definitely counts as unpopular. And here I thought I was like... the only one who actually likes Chrom's ending more than MU's. Although my reason is more or less, I don't see the value in it-- and that's beyond the whole fact that MU's ending has that stupid stinger.

Chrom is absolutely 100% right. There is no doubt of this. It's not guaranteed that Grima would return even if allowed to live. (So, um... Where's Loptyr, guys? 3000 years since FE4/5, no sight of him-- and it's not like Naga could kill him either (Else Loptyr would've been dead and gone the first time Heim blasted him to smithereens) Saias lives, and there's nothing that implies he's chaste. He probably follows the Maira convent, but, um... yeah.) So at very best it's a maybe that MU dying actually accomplishes anything. But him/her dying? Now that always carries a cost. MU has value as a person-- and there's meaning in life, not in death.

Basically it boils down to an Absolute Cost for a Hypothetical Gain. Which is not my kind of thing.

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