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Do you have any unpopular opinions about Awakening?

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-Lucina's maybe my favorite character in the game

-MU/Lucina FTW. Them feels post chapter 21.

-Does anyone do Panne/Lon'qu? I actually found it to be a pretty good pairing.

-I almost never use the children characters besides Lucina and Morgan

-I mostly play on normal mode, even if it's really easy.

-Hard's cool (not unpopular, just saying I'm not that bad at FE :^_^: )

-Spotpass-character only playthroughs are cool if you don't recruit ubers too early.

-sometimes I play on casual, but I still reset when a character dies/retreats. (#logic?)

-MU has a good personality. So does Chrom.

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You can't become more idiotic than having a pairing to be canonized at chapter 1, and then have the official site says otherwise >_>

And there's how the son of Raquesis comes with the Beo Sword.

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Spotpass dudes should have stayed dead, and Chrom dying like he actually did in the Premonition would've been fine with me.

so then Lucina could officially take over Lord status?


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-I don't care if a character is bland or not. In fact, in my opinion, character development and personalities in video games are overrated as hell.

-I think Miriel is actually cool.

-People who say Lucina is ugly are jealous of her.

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-I don't care if a character is bland or not. In fact, in my opinion, character development and personalities in video games are overrated as hell.

-I think Miriel is actually cool.

-People who say Lucina is ugly are jealous of her.

hey PKL, another Catria fan, you're outnumbered

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Nowai, it's about whatever the hell Ardan was doing while the mounts were roflstomping. The life of Ardan.

Openning scene:

"Jugdral. Year whatever."

Sigurd is betrayed by Alvis

"insert scene of Sigurd burned by Alvis"

Sigurd: Alvis.... YOU DASTARD

"Sigurd burned to death"

"scene of Corpse!Sigurd on fire"

There was no survivor in that ambush

Except for one man

"clip goes into Ardan farming"

"Farmland Emblem"

Still a better story than Toilight

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I don't know how unpopular these are but...

-I don't really like any of the first gen characters. The second gen characters have a more compelling back story, and more to fight for.

-Lucina is my favorite character.

-M!Morgan is my second favorite character.

-I ship Chrom/FeMU because I feel it helps improve the story and because I like the dynamic better siblings Lucina and Morgan.

the supports between Henry and Lissa are the sweetest in the game.

-I don't like any of Sumia's support options, but Gaius is the least of the evils. (It doesn't help I find Gaius and Cynthia's Future of Despair convo the best of that DLC series).

-Future of Despair ending > Canon ending.

- The sacrifice ending should have left your avatar dead. It felt too cheap otherwise.

- The story would have been better if the two generation system had been enacted like it was in FE4.

-Noire is a great character and Unit.

-Having to select skills and classes to maximize and win makes Lunatic/Lunatic +/Apotheosis fun. Having to grind for hours isn't a sign of skill, and detracts from gameplay.

-Fun, but not the best game in the series.

-FE7 handled the Tactician better.

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-Lucina is my favorite character.

-I ship Chrom/FeMU because I feel it helps improve the story and because I like the dynamic better siblings Lucina and Morgan.

-The supports between Henry and Lissa are the sweetest in the game.

-I don't like any of Sumia's support options, but Gaius is the least of the evils. (It doesn't help I find Gaius and Cynthia's Future of Despair convo the best of that DLC series).

-Future of Despair ending > Canon ending.

-Noire is a great character and Unit.

-Having to select skills and classes to maximize and win makes Lunatic/Lunatic +/Apotheosis fun. Having to grind for hours isn't a sign of skill, and detracts from gameplay.

the first six are hardly unpopular (well ok Noire being an archer makes her not a good unit initially/ingame, but w/e), the bolded doesn't even make sense considering Apotheosis requires grinding

Edited by shadykid
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the first six are hardly unpopular (well ok Noire being an archer makes her not a good unit initially/ingame, but w/e), the bolded doesn't even make sense considering Apotheosis requires grinding

Sorry, I guess I wasn't clear.

I feel like you could take the grinding away from Apotheosis and Lunatic/Lunatic+ (For example, making limit breaker a solid +10 instead of just increasing the caps), and you wouldn't be necessarily taking away the difficulty. You'd still need to choose skills and classes carefully, but wouldn't have the artificial difficulty grinding adds.

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Because it's not trash

except it is because enemy phases suck

also regarding Apotheosis, you'd still have to hit your regular caps even if Limit Breaker was basically All Stats +10 instead

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except it is because enemy phases suck

also regarding Apotheosis, you'd still have to hit your regular caps even if Limit Breaker was basically All Stats +10 instead

You would, but assuming that you've already hit your base caps, grinding an extra ten points in everything (if you don't have aptitude) takes a long time, time you could be using to get skills instead.

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