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Do you have any unpopular opinions about Awakening?

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The whole canon BS is why there will never be an Awakening anime.

Drama CDs, yes.

Animu, no.

God forbid there'll be an Awakening anime.

Plot-driven story with a load cast of characters is a recipe for disaster

Not too mention the pairing etc

But I would dig it if they made OVA for support conversations

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...I thought this was the point, really. He's Varys, except terrible. So terrible that he doesn't actually accomplish anything.

Perhaps. Still, it boils my beans. If you are gonna make a Varys expy, at least have him do something awesome.

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Plot-driven story with a load cast of characters is a recipe for disaster

Not too mention the pairing etc

But I would dig it if they made OVA for support conversations

Olivia gets 20 seconds of screen time. xD

That's what they did for the Valkyria Chronicles anime. Oh my gosh that love triangle was so stupid.

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I think spotpass paralouges should not be considered when weighing the overall story of the game and should only be treated for a way to get some extra characters.

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For most of the SpotPass characters, their return really cheapens their plotline death. 8U As much as I love Emm and Gangrel, they really should have stayed dead. At least Yen'fay is from another dimension, and Priam is the supposed descendant of Ike.

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spotpass character summary:

Gangrel-should've stayed dead bud

Walhart-I didn't really think he died in the first place, whatever

Emmeryn-stay dead pls

Yen'fay-alternate timeline shit, fuck yeah

Aversa-provides some decent backstory, I'm ok with this

Priam-not in the main plot, obviously fine

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I just think they shouldn't be considering when weighing anything. It's like the bonus characters in Sacred Stones' creature campaign. Characters from the story you can now use. Only this time they give them a little characterization and come up with reasons why they're back. (Which I don't think should be considered)

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I can't stand Miriel.

Having a character use big words and be socially awkward is the most ridiculous and stupid way to make a "smart" character. The only character I dislike more is Tharja.

Half the time I forget Stahl and Kjelle even exist.

That's all I can think of right now.

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I can't stand Miriel.

Having a character use big words and be socially awkward is the most ridiculous and stupid way to make a "smart" character. The only character I dislike more is Tharja.

Half the time I forget Stahl and Kjelle even exist.

That's all I can think of right now.

Hacksorus vs Sangyul, fight!

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I can't stand Miriel.

Having a character use big words and be socially awkward is the most ridiculous and stupid way to make a "smart" character. The only character I dislike more is Tharja.

Half the time I forget Stahl and Kjelle even exist.

That's all I can think of right now.

Miriel hate is pretty common. She's not well liked as a character. As a unit, not so much-- due to Sorc access.

And Stahl and Kjelle are pretty forgettable.

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Kellam would be forgettable if it weren't for 2 things: Fathering Nah for DAT DEF, and the whole "Kellam who?" thing itself.

ironically, Kellam's voice actor doesn't seem to have had any previous roles

so meta

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ironically, Kellam's voice actor doesn't seem to have had any previous roles

so meta

What's even funnier is that Kellam's voice actor also voices Gerome. So he voices a guy desperate for attention and a guy who just wants to be left alone.

It cracks me up. :awesome:

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I guess I have a few:

-I don't like Thajra at all, and anyone who does like her as a character is a horrible person

-I didn't think the Valm arc felt out of place or forced at all.

-I don't mind a certain important character being brought back in Spotpass as much as some people do.

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I guess I have a few:

-I don't like Thajra at all, and anyone who does like her as a character is a horrible person

-I didn't think the Valm arc felt out of place or forced at all.

-I don't mind a certain important character being brought back in Spotpass as much as some people do.

I like her as a character.

Come at me.

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I say the Valm arc could have been one of the following:

-A whole game to itself, where the Lord is either Virion, Say'ri, or both of them as a reference to Gaiden.

-As the first arc of the game, With Plegia being covered afterwards.

For the second way, I'm wondering if it would be best to axe Gangrel.

Edited by The Void
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I say the Valm arc could have been one of the following:

-A whole game to itself, where the Lord is either Virion, Say'ri, or both of them as a reference to Gaiden.

-As the first arc of the game, With Plegia being covered afterwards.

That would actually be really cool.

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-Gregor is best character.

-Valm arc was not out of place--but it did need to be longer

-Lucina sucks, Chrom sucks, Avatar sucks, (as characters). Why can't IS make likable lords?

-Emerina is awesome (not sure if this is an unpopular opinion), but only before her paralogue

-Gangrel is awesome

-Gerome is the best child character

-Vaike fulfills his role as a macho-man archetype, and is funny because of it

-Supports in this game, by-and-large, are hardly interesting

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- Vaike is a waste of a slot (or at least he is with the bad growths he always gets in my playthroughs - maybe I'm cursed).

- Lissa and Maribelle are intolerable.

- Chrom x Female MU conversations are not nearly as bad as they're given credit for. Actually, their S support is probably one of the least forced marriages, other than the child characters who don't propose on the spot.

- Gaius is the only one for Cordelia.

- Healers in this game are the worst in the series.

- The children should have been the main characters.

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