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Thoughts on Lethality?


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So, I generally keep Lethality until I get "pass." I see it as a weak skill manily because it rarely triggers and characters that usually have it have a high crit rate anyway (equip em' with a Killing Edge and you have like a 40-50% crit chance).

What's everyone's thoughts on this? Does anyone use Lethality and something else for a good combo? I noticed someone said Lethality + Luna is a good mix.

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Lethality is a really bad skill. It's only real draw is pissing off people on Streetpass.

Once it reaches usable levels, it is literally out-classed by the other skills. And you can't even use it on Apotheosis, the one map that it could be useful, because almost all the enemies have Dragonskin. In every other map, you're better off with skills like Luna or Sol for their higher activations rates and if you have problems killing enemies without Lethality, then there's something wrong with your tactics.

Overall, it's too gimmicky and really not worth a skill slot.

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I consider Lethality a wasted skill slot because the activation rate just sucks too much, and there are a billion and one more reliable methods than Lethality.

SIde note -

I just got an idea: Who wants to take the lead on a "Rate That Skill" day? I think we will have some interesting conversations with that one!

There are some skills that we'd have to skip because of the shitstorms discussing them is bound to cause.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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I agree with everything you said. It almost never triggers. Just got it on Cynthia while grinding and for some reason, it triggers like 4-6 times a map. She has 58 skill when paired with Gerome. Which is almost like a 15% chance. For the first time ever, I kept Lethality instead of Pass. Although, I may switch it up if the map is tough enough.

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I consider Lethality a wasted skill slot because the activation rate just sucks too much.

There are some skills that we'd have to skip because of the shitstorms discussing them is bound to cause.

I think we get shitstorms on the RTU thread already =D

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It's alright. Lethality works like extra crit, basically, and it can prevent a counter-attack even if you were going to ORKO anyway. Useful in Lunatic+, too, since Lethality gives zero effs about your Aegis+ or Pavise+ where sometimes even crits aren't enough.

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It's alright. Lethality works like extra crit, basically, and it can prevent a counter-attack even if you were going to ORKO anyway. Useful in Lunatic+, too, since Lethality gives zero effs about your Aegis+ or Pavise+ where sometimes even crits aren't enough.

And then you get Miracle-Countered... (I dunno, but I think that in such a case, the OHKO gets reflected back to you instead; I might be wrong, in which case it's only the damage dealt)

Edited by Levant Fortner
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I consider Lethality a wasted skill slot because the activation rate just sucks too much, and there are a billion and one more reliable methods than Lethality.

There are some skills that we'd have to skip because of the shitstorms discussing them is bound to cause.

Let it happen. People can discuss the skills and argue them out. I was actually already considering doing it, having three categories for rating skills:

Main game no grinding (how valuable is this skill to completing the game, with no grinding?)

LTC (how valuable is this skill in LTC? As is normal in ratings, consider the skill if it's actually obtained, not giving an instant-0 because 'nobody goes Falcoknight in LTC')

Postgame (how valuable is this skill during postgame DLC? Challenge pack, Apotheosis and maybe R&R matter here.)

Also maybe a personal rating, for when you want to rate a skill more highly because you really like it.

As for Lethality itself, I think the others have summarised my thoughts. It's not one I look at and go 'ugh, Lethality, whatever', since it does occasionally help, mainly, when I play it ironically serves somewhat as a defence, in that I might kill the enemy before taking a counter. But it's not reliable, and there's other skills I'd be more tempted to put in their place.

(Edit: Added quote)

Edited by Tables
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Most people agree, myself included, that Lethality is a bad skill because its activation rate is too low and other combat skills will almost always get the job done just as well, but more frequently.

There are some people that love it for its flashiness, however. And it does have its place on StreetPass teams.

Also, Volke29: try not to double post.

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And then you get Miracle-Countered... (I dunno, but I think that in such a case, the OHKO gets reflected back to you instead; I might be wrong, in which case it's only the damage dealt)

because postgame streetpass encounters are definitely what we use to judge skills on (also it doesn't actually reflect a OHKO if you have more HP than the enemy)

Lethality is bad, but there are much more important reasons then something that is completely trivialized with 2-range and pretty much never shows up

Edited by shadykid
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And then you get Miracle-Countered... (I dunno, but I think that in such a case, the OHKO gets reflected back to you instead; I might be wrong, in which case it's only the damage dealt)

Miracle is not really super-common, and you don't have to worry about Counter unless you are fighting at 1-range.
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because postgame streetpass encounters are definitely what we use to judge skills on (also it doesn't actually reflect a OHKO if you have more HP than the enemy)

Lethality is bad, but there are much more important reasons then something that is completely trivialized with 2-range

So in the aforementioned Miracle-Counter case, it's just the damage dealt that gets reflected? Of course, I never use Lethality anyway for the mentioned reasons, so yeah...

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Let it happen. People can discuss the skills and argue them out. I was actually already considering doing it, having three categories for rating skills:

Main game no grinding (how valuable is this skill to completing the game, with no grinding?)

LTC (how valuable is this skill in LTC? As is normal in ratings, consider the skill if it's actually obtained, not giving an instant-0 because 'nobody goes Falcoknight in LTC')

Postgame (how valuable is this skill during postgame DLC? Challenge pack, Apotheosis and maybe R&R matter here.)

Also maybe a personal rating, for when you want to rate a skill more highly because you really like it.

Me -

I don't have a problem with your rating. I was actually just thinking about "bias" regarding the skill set. At first I laughed it off, "how can you have bias on a skill? They don't have personanalites." But then I thought about it more and like someone said, people like the flashiness of some skills. There also might be others that like a skill because one of their favorite units triggers it a lot. I don't neccesarlity agree with having bias, but I can see it being a factor with some skills and some people. Just a thought.

Side note, if you want to take the lead on this that'd be awesome! I'd do it myself, but I'm not on the forum daily to post.

@Sublime - for sure. =)

*edit - got my comment in the quote lol

Edited by Volke29
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My entire combat doctrine is based on killing the enemy before they swing. I've got 6 hits to do that in, so my first priority is that the support unit does 20 Damage/hit (which is -not- hard). After that, everything is cheese-- the lead can literally do no damage and the enemy will still die.

Since then, a Proc is only a convenience that might make up for a failed Dual Strike, actual Damage output is everything.

Proc Skill Priority based on that:

Lethality (Not in Apo) > Aether >= Astra > Luna >= Ignis > Vengeance > Sol

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I'd also assume that if you're actually playing Lunatic+ like in Int's case, you'd check before you hit an enemy and deal with them accordingly

L+ is not Hard Mode or even most of Lunatic where you just ram into things and be done with

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Lethality's not a useful skill in any sense of the word, but it is a fun one.

"I didn't wanna do thiiis!"

*kills a man*


And Rightful King Longbow Lethality Inigo with Galeforce and Pass is a thing of beauty.

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Side note, if you want to take the lead on this that'd be awesome! I'd do it myself, but I'm not on the forum daily to post.

Would people (other than Volke of course) actually be interested in something like that as I described? Because I'm online most days and collating votes isn't too hard, so I could... but no point if there isn't interest.

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"I didn't wanna do thiiis!"

*kills a man*


And Rightful King Longbow Lethality Inigo with Galeforce and Pass is a thing of beauty.

That's kinda funny indeed

And I consider it pretty damn sad when I need THAT much setup for Lethality to have even one iota of appeal.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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